is it worth getting?
Is it worth getting?
Every classic ultimate monster hunter game since MHFU has always been worth getting
MHGU in particular is unique enough to warrant a playthrough despite Iceborne
>still playing a PS2 game
Many consider World to be a reboot because of the changes.
But really the only meaningful things World did were remove gathering time and loading zones.
Gathering time in world is cool, I want to fight shit not slap a beehive for 10 seconds.
But the loading zones removal is so... pointless. The zones are just arenas with tunnels between them regardless. The games were better with loading zones.
>the games where better when i had to stop several times for a few seconds while it loads
I prefer the open areas because they make the map feel more connected, but I miss loading zones because they give a better sense of distance. The Jurassic frontier areas feels like you're tracking a monster for dozens of miles or more, while the coral highlands feels like a tiny crater full of endemic creatures crammed in it. It works but the maps look more like a big playground now.
>actually its more fun because I get to run through a hallway instead
Alright man
considering MHW as the biggest turning point in the series. Monster Hunter was pretty incremental up to that point
Yes, best mh since 4u
fuck off to shitty world threads zoomzoom
That's the irony. A new and improved open world, now more cramped and claustrophobic than ever! As much as they defend it, deep down worldsperms know it's true.
Is Gunlance easy to master in GU
Adept is pretty basic and valor has some nuance to it, but the other styles aren't all that functional.
It's fun and reasonably priced with an acceptable amount of online rooms at this point in time. Plus it actually has decent crossover gear with a transmog system in place if you manage to get to the endgame.
Speaking of, would anyone be interested in farming the Metroid event?
EU eshop has GU for 50% off
Yes, join us
Gen was a turning point in itself. Plenty of people don't consider it a real "mainline" game since everything felt off and it wasn't really 4th gen
I've been having a great time with it since I got it on the sale. Just got into high rank. It definitely doesn't feel as cohesive as the past few entries I assume due to being a sort of "best of" for the series, but been it's well worth the first 100 hours I have in it so far.
I've been playing only guild GL and have been having a great time, though I've played GL almost exclusively for years. The heat gauge isn't as intrusive as I've heard some people say. Almost an afterthought, really.
>guild style
>no hunter arts
simple as
>still flaming in monhun threads
>In [current year]
user, don't you have literally anything better to do than be miserable on the internet?
>Almost an afterthought, really.
yeah true it only affects pokes doesn't it
This game is so much fun.
If there are any newcomers who needs help I’d be glad to lend a hand.
>prefer GU
>friend prefers world
>says worlds more complex/harder, makes you fight, pay attention
>call that bullshit out
>get mocked
>load lBG
>para, para, stun, stun, stun, wallbang, wallbang, sleep->wallbang
>ask him if its still fun hitting a flopping retarded punchingbag
>but its complex right
>we end up doing g-rank shit for hours instead
i like world, lot of good QoL shit, but its got that "first attempt at new" stank to it that just, lingers. world 2 or gen 6 or wahtever the fuck they call it should be great tho.
also safi is garbage.
Question: if I usually play with only one other person who primarily plays bowguns, would it be a good idea to get -10 sense for taunt? He tends to faint often and field horn only lasts so long when the monster turns its attention to him and overwhelms him.
Yeah I'd say so, but if you're coming from World be wary of the slow start, the Classic MH have always had slow starts
World is my first game and the cc loop that starts as soon as you get good is kinda boring. Hope they make it better in the next one.
Yes, play it for your king.
>make a GOOD piscine wyvern
>completely ruin it in World
My eternal seething
If it's half off sure. If it's not then it'll be half off at some point.
Yes. It has so much content that it's honestly insane. It's a celebration of the series up until that point. I'm a world sperm and been loving it more than world
every single quest that involves a piscine wyvern is such a pain in the fucking ass
seriously why have they never bothered to fix those fucking disgusting hip checks? even the small cunts have them.
Lavasi is good, it's Plesi and Ceph that are trash.
>Green Plesioth
You're better off equipping a ranged weapon and dealing with them that way.
I used to run taunt on my CB set all the time, I believe the guardian sets make it easy.
On the other hand it's only like a slight increase in probability and your friend should just learn to dodge good.
How many times do we have to go over this? That game doesn't exist. It's world and world ONLY from now on. If you buy that sacrilegious game, were going to blacklist you from mhw threads
Pre World Lavasioth is a good boi
World is my first game and the cc loop that starts as soon as you get good is kinda boring. Hope they make it better in the next one.
Even pirating old monhun will result in a blacklisting. Youve been warned. You won't be able to play with any of us.
I wasn't interested playing with autists in the first place
Yep that's a blacklist
So will Capcom release a MHX-3? There are plenty of monsters they could still add with little effort.
PS2 was when games peaked in quality
What if I pirate the World. Do I get banned.
The only times piscine hipchecks were busted was 1st and 2nd gen (FU being the last one)
Now it has just turned into a shitty meme that is not at all relevant to recent games, the hipchecks were fixed
If you still complaining about them post 3U, you're frankly a terrible player
t. hasn't played GU
better then MonHun World.
>frontier monsters ever
dude this aint dbz
gaming has evolved very little since the ps2 gen, it was the sweet spot of diminishing gains
What said, but i also used aerial a lot, very fun but really only usefull for normal gunlances
How you can play classic MH in GU
>equip guild style
>don't equip any arts
How you can play classic MH in World
>don't use mantles
>don't use slinger
>don't use clutch claw
>don't use scout flies
>don't use camp teleportation
>don't take advantage of clutch claw stagger windows
>stand still when using consumables
>stand still when firing a Bowgun
what's a good style for CB?
you spend more time running through the areas connecting major zones in World than you would spend in a loading screen, based retard
You have to buy it and the DLC. Also consider buying some sticker packs. Capcom deserves it
>don't use slinger
>don't use scoutflies
Somehow flashbombs, sonicbombs, and paintball aren't allowed anymore if you want to play classic.
It's not worth to even think about using it. It's easily the worst weapon in the game with no redeeming qualities. Every other weapon-style combo is better.
I bought it and it gave me a shitton of free items, it honestly feels kinda cheaty
Should I just discard them? I don't want to make the early game even easier
Plesioth is only a pain in FU due to horrid, outright bad hitboxes (not even challenging, just bad bad) and wonky and janky mechanics.
It's pretty easy to get stunlocked to death between a normal monster and the smaller ones in FU.
Tedium and annoyance =/= challenge.
GU and World are better for all the right reasons.
Trust me, you'll need them. I'd claim those packs a second time if I could.
It's to catch up for people that didn't play Gen on the 3DS. Stuff like Slickaxes will be great for HR & G, and the honey alone will keep you filled with Mega Potions.
it isn't cheaty at all, it is honestly saving you a ton of grindy work. you'll burn through most of the stuff as soon as you get to high/G rank anyway