Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex, Tony Hawk Proskater remastered are in development

This is a leak from The Gaming Revolution. A leaker who's leaked a bunch of Activision stuff in the past and turned out right including Call of Duty Warzone, Black Ops 3 zombies maps and Modern Warfare info before it released. So he's a bit credible when it comes to leaks. I'm sure some of you know him from all of the infamous Warzone leaks and stuff.

Here's what he revealed that's in development at Activision.

- Tony Hawk Proskater Remastered

- Call of Duty 2020 (code-named PROJECT: ZEUS)

- MW2 Remastered

- A F2P COD game from SHGames (2021 ETA)

- A PvP Crash game

- Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex Remastered

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>Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex Remastered
literally who asked for this? it's the crash game everyone agrees it's shit

They'll fuck up mw2 for sure or add loot boxes or pink zebra camos

>dude trust this totally legit source on social media haha

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It's shit because of the loading screens and disappointing death animations. So as long as this is fixed...

THPS HD already happened and it was shit

Also tons and tons of minigames stages, literally the only good bossfight was the water elemental one and the last one

Its shit because it plays like a parody of Crash Warped, had really ugly graphics at the time and introduced Crunch.

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tony hawk pro skater remastered will be shit
they won't license all that good music again

If a potential WoC remaster sells well it raises the chances of a Twinsanity remaster happening.

>introduced Crunch.
But Crunch is based

>But Crunch is based
Fuck no.

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Concept was fine, execution was godawful and misdirected.
If they actually understood how to design stages to be fun or tell a crash story without spending 10 minutes on a fucking intro, it would have been just fine. They aped tons of shit from warped and pushed vehicles way too much. The introduction of Crunch was way too lazily approached and they demoted series staples to being obstacles instead of having them each using one of the elemental masks before Cortex shows his hand with Crunch using Uka's powers.
WoC would only work if they took those things back to the drawing board and reimagined the game as it was envisioned rather than remaking it as it is.

Some of these sound painfully generic, like calling a game PROJECT: ZEUS? No wonder that company is creatively bankrupt. Also, I thought MW2 Remastered was gonna be released last year.

The unexpected ones are the PvP Crash game and WoC Remastered. Good news is that with the remaster they can iron out some rough edges of that game and make it good.

wrath of cortex isnt very good
infact without nostalgia its really bad

no no no no no
its dogshit even without that

Boring. Call me when they remaster Crash Tag Team Racing.

How fucking gone do you have to be to consider any post ND Crash game nostalgic though?

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remember everytime something crash related get remastered it raises the chance of getting a proper twinsanity
have faith user

I got it Christmas day 2001 with my ps2
19 years ago, my first next gen game, and i loved crash

So yeah i can have nostalgia for it even thought its crap

WoC needs a LOT of work if it's going to be marketable. We're talking totally new game, not just 1 for 1 remake.

twinsanity isnt good though
fucking zoomers started praising it hard a few years back
but it sucks

>wrath of cortex
Why? I liked that game as a kid but it seems kind of pointless

The PS2 Platinum version of the game literally halved the loading times; I have both regular and platinum at home and have checked it personally. Some say the later PS2 models load up even the OG version a little bit faster, but that doesn't fix shit like the boring and huge underwater levels as well as that autoplay Crunch minecart level.

If Activision is up to remake older Crash stuff, why don't start with the GBA ones? These were amazing!

I want to get into Crash because I love CTR, but fuck i just can’t. I think it is because is too hard for my zoomer brain. I appreciate the presentation these games have tho

Despite its bad rep now, The Wrath of Cortex sold really well when it came out, some Activision heads probably looked at the original sales numbers and thought it was a good idea.

>GBA ones?
everyone got bad taste in this thread
all the post naughty dog tuff is crap

Crash was never all that good. It was some weird half step between 2D and 3D platformer that wasn't as good as the best in either subgenre

Wrath of cortex was ok but it needs more than a remake, it needs to be cleaned up by being remade from scratch. Some of the gameplay styles are complete ass and some of the level design needs some more polish to make it feel just a little more finished (enemy placement that fails to cover up a proper area of the screen so you can literally just walk around them). Spyro 3 got a major overhaul with it's multiple gameplay styles, maybe wrath of cortex will too?

ctr pc when

3 is easy

1 is the only one that was hard, you probably played it first and dropped, just skip to 2 or 3

N.sane 1 is a lot easier due to the nicer box gem requirements and more streamlined controls (not 'better' per say but it's consistent across the other 2 games on the collection)

I thought this aswell
It sold very well and thats why they are remaking it, even though it sucks and would not sell well today

by that logic, you'd say the N-Sane Trilogy is bad
which is a remake of most of the Naughty Dog stuff
hence everything in the series is bad
and you got bad taste as well


Having recently played this, i can safely say this is a game that fundamentally needs to be changed. If they use the concepts from 4 like crunch and add something new to it, it could be fun.
If it's the same levels they'll be repeating history because Woc sucks dick

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god no
Crash 2 is the worst one of the trilogy

the remakes arent very good
they are ugly and have odd collision and not the original physics for each game

25 level
and about 14 of them are dog shit awful things like underwater, ball rolling, flying, minekart
a couple more levels are regual levels but then become vehicle/snowboarding

There's only around 10 proper platforming levels and most of them are really bad forgetful level design in a factory setting

I agree with you just on the the reworked collision (specifically the Crash position's hitbox), as they changed it for the PSX's dot-sized collision to a cylinder-shaped one, meaning if you're landing on a platform and your position is not at the dead center of your position hitbox, you'll slide away off the platform you're landing at and into the nearest pit.

Gotta say it, though, I found this annoying just on N-sane Crash 1, where you were asked more precise jumps more often than with the other games. It's fine to have it on 2 and 3 to me, but definitely makes 1's temple and bridge levels way harder that they'd need to be

2 is arguably the best
How is 2 worse than 1?
and 3 has so many unlikeable gimmicks

My only problem with Nsane 1 is the momentum on the turtles in Road to Nowhere. The bouncing wasn't so realistic in the original, so you didn't need to build up speed to clear the gaps.

It was rushed, and it sure felt like it. It was just boring to play. At least the music was nice.

WoC would have be excellent DLC for N.sane Trilogy, there is no fucking way in hell it would have taken over 3 year to develop.
Also doesn't explain the new mask following Coco in that new Playstation ad.

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fucking how

>Crash 2 the worst of the original trilogy
Imagine having a viewpoint this bad. No that title goes to 3.

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PVP Crash is Bash

>Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex
Why would you remake garbage?
At least with twinsanity you can add the cut content and polish the glitches and bugs to make something even better.

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because like twinsanity, it was also rushed out the door and could of been much better if travelers tales was given more time

>Tony Hawk Proskater Remastered
But they don't own the rights?

>woc was originally going to have a 3d scope like twinsanity did but cerny and universal didnt get along and travelers tales had to shit out a game in under a year after they got sent to the drawing board
>it happened again with twinsanity too
They couldn't catch a break

'Member a few months back when there were rumors the next Crash game'd be called Crash Bandicoot Worlds?
Worlds was the name of the original, ambitious, planet-hopping game concept Mark Cerny pitched that got dropped due to corporate-politicking bullshit and haphazardly reshaped into WoC under-duress. Same story as Twinsanity basically, only farrr less covered (possibly due to said politics).
It's possible they're "remaking" it like that; i.e. making an original game anyway. The only things I'm aware of sticking around by WoC were 1) a volcanic island level and 2) the villain having power over the classical elements.
no u

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How did a ps2 game manage to look worse than the original psone game?

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I wouldn't say "based" but he 'aight.
He became inoffensive, at worst. Except to hardcore WoC fans, of course.

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The game design introduced in CB2 with warp rooms and five levels followed by a boss was already getting stale in CB3, which is a masterpiece compared to WOTC.
Not to mention that they doubled down on the biggest CB3 complaint and added even more vehicle gimmicks.

Rushed tae fukk
IIRC the producer of the PS1 games envisioned this meticulously planned epic to ensure Crash's next-gen debut would be fully live up to its potential but someone fell out with someone else in his chain-of-production so it all got canned & restarted from scratch with less than a year 'til release.

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nah, it's just a worse Warped game overall.
Honestly twinsanity with all the content added back would be a better fit for a remake.
But i'd like a new crash platform over all of that


>nah, it's just a worse Warped game overall.
So it's Crash 2?

Why is it always a nigger?

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i just want him in smash

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The models look worse for sure. Everything else though was a step up.

>But i'd like a new crash platform over all of that
OG concept WoC and OG concept Twinsanity were essentially totally different games to the finished products.
"Remaking" them in that sense WOULD be new.


2001 was almost 20 years ago

This game was kino, stfu.

The ball rolling levels are pretty fun

Fucking called it, it'll be twenty years old next and is older than a third of the posters on this site.
Even better considering it CAN be improved on.