How did a 10 year old Japanese girl with autism become the sole survivor of the human race?

How did a 10 year old Japanese girl with autism become the sole survivor of the human race?
Was it like superman where she got rocketed off the planet just in time?

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She drew a time chasm and got sent to 20XX.

you had me at 10 year old girl

>10 years old

why would she not be japanese?
It's a japanese series, they'd obviously make her japanese as well. She's short, has a big potato head, pitch black hair, dark eyes, etc.

Kirby realized her potential and spared her when he wiped everyone else out.

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including your post?

the universe has a lolita complex

If you played Dreamland 3 you would know there are other humans around.

I thought he was a boy

The retconned Dreamland 3 Ado may have been male.

Other humans are non-canon. Samus and the other cameos aren't canon.

Not if you look at the credits art. Ado was very clearly a girl

Says who?

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Says sakurai

>Name is a variation of the French name “Adeline”
>Is an an artist and wear a stereotypical beret
>Mostly hides behind her stronger allies during fights
She’s a frog, user

>She's Japanese because I said so.

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She must have down syndrome then

She’s like 8 inches tall.
She’s literally smaller than my dick.

She's clearly Popstarian.

Reminder that every blonde hair blue eyed character you see in anime is ethnically japanese.

She drew her way out

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These are some patrician fucking picks.

When he returns to HAL, we'll talk.

What does that have to do with you telling everyone she's Japanese, fag?

Fuck are you talking about? This is a Kirby. It's not even like a thinly veiled ecchi thread or anything.

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a Kirby thread*
But my gif was a Kirby too.
Have another for my fuckup

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It means why would a Japanese creator make a non japanese character?

Just enjoy the thread!

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>I don't know user, why don't you ask the fucking devs themselves instead making up headcanons?

Okay will do.

i want to hug_ ado!

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What if she's French-Japanese like Lupin the Third?

Yeah, no Japanese creator in history has ever made a non-Japanese character before

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She's not confirmed human.
She's not that much taller than Kirby who by human standards is fucking tiny (see: the machines and animals preserved in Shiver Star factory)

There are also other human-like characters like Queen Ripple who's just a giant fairy. Adeleine could be literally anything

italians are honorary japanese, just like how japanese are honorary aryans


>Samus is not canon
>even if you need to collect literally every single Heart Star in the game in order to fight Zero
>Samus happens to give you one of them if you kill all Metroids on her level
It is canon

>the guy who made adeleine has been missing since 2000
Now what, fucko?

>she's not confirmed human
Yes she fucking is.

Why isn't samus killing the metroids herself?

That's true, kirby is 8 inches, so if they're to scale, then Adeleine is about a foot tall.

Only rational response in this thread.
Little girl with paint powers draws herself into another reality.

>character with a french name and clothes. Also a painter, yet another french trope.
You are all fucking retarded

Because Kirby wanted to help her.

It's cultural appropriation.

Kirby is a good friend

Kirby's height is highly inconssistent throughout the games. We can't scale other characters based on him. Specially if you consider that Samus appears I Dream Land 3, and she has a canon height as well.

autistics are the most powerful race in the world

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The mysterious painter that drew Drawcia and Paintra also saved Adeleine by drawing a portal to Popstar. King Dedede saw this stranger appear from nowhere and decided to give her the cloud castle from Dreamland 3 as a new home.

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It makes a lot of sense actually, considering how Paintra is found in Floralia, which are multiple islands on Pop Star's sky.

This. Autistic artists have a very high power level.

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Also, Drawcia arrived into Dream Land, by descending from the sky

>yfw that mysterious painter is actually Paint Roller

I never thought about that before, is there an actual source of him saying that? Not that I don't believe it, but it'd be interesting to read.

>paint roller fights kirby
>kirby beats him up
>paint roller knows he can't beat him so he draws drawcia, paintra and whoever else is in their family tree to try and stop him that way
>drawcia draws paint roller as a boss so that the real one doesn't get hurt
i'm liking where this is going

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>Paint Roller is Adeleine's teacher
Still wouldn't explain why he would be in Earth or why Adeleine's drawings are a bit more complex compared to Paint Roller's boss fight.

The shimomura kirby games on a whole are not considered canon by sakurai

I was just making things up while connecting the dots from the games itself, but I really hope HAL would do an art themed main game again.

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Why is there REEEing in this thread over op calling adeleine japanese, but nobody batted an eye over calling her autistic?