An indie games showcase Direct is slated for next week

An indie games showcase Direct is slated for next week

A general Direct is happening in March 26th:

Rumors so far by trustful insiders:

>Super Mario 3D World Deluxe port (confirmed by Sabi and Drake)
>Pikmin 3 Deluxe (with new content outsourced to a third party, teased by IGN and others)
>Splatoon Spin-off (Zippo)
>Metroid 2.5D (Vergeben, Sabi, Zippo confirmed it's happening)
>Paper Mario 6 ("return to the series roots", Zippo and Sabi confirmed it's happening)
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 (unlikely, probably not coming this year)
>Bayonetta 3 (News are coming soon)
>Deadly Premonition 2
>New game from the Mario Kart team (Supposedly it's Mario Kart 9 and it's gonna be Nintendo's big title for the holidays)
>Bravely Default 2
>The World Ends with You 2 (teased by the guy who leaked Cloud for Smash)
>Warioware game (Vergeben)
>Mario Maker 2 DLC or updates
>Luigi's Mansion 3 DLC
>Panzer Dragoon Remake
>Yakuza 0 (leaked by Amazon Mexico)

Third party ports or collections rated in South Korea or other rating boards:

>Grand Theft Auto Trilogy Collection
>Bioshock Collection
>Xcom Collection
>Mega Neptunia Dimension VII
>Mortal Kombat Kollection Online
>Catherine Full Body

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>believing what LARPers say

based retard

Why do people keep believing this guy, he only "leaked" one thing right years ago and since then "leaked" dozens of things wrong

>Paper Mario 6 ("return to the series roots"
I legitimately want to punch you stubborn faggots.

He's the most reliable insider

Why? It has been rumored for a while that it's happening

I want a new TWEWY

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>>Pikmin 3 Deluxe (with new content outsourced to a third party, teased by IGN and others)
>but no pikmin 4
Fuck off

Imagine waitng for Pikmin 4 all these years only to get a microwaved port with extra content done by 3rd parties, something Nintendo themselves couldn't even be bothered to do. And worst still this would have cost them nothing to produce yet they probably are using it to gauge interest in Pikmin 4, despite this port being doomed to sell well anyways.

The absolute state, region and country of Pikmin.

lmao no
*IF* this was actually gonna happen, it's getting delayed well-into April

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Full ass list and not a single mention of No More Heroes III

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Could work if they tease that Pikmin 4 is being worked on and that it's a release to wait/introduce new players to the series before it drops in 2021

I really hope this is a game/single player campaign where you play as a salmonid trying to save their youth from the inkling menace

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I personally think it'd more outrageous that they weren't porting Pikmin 1 and 2 alongside 3 than not showcasing 4 yet.

Nintendo's never had a drought this bad. There is NOTHING confirmed for the rest of the year aside from Animal Crossing.

Rumor is that No More Heroes 1 and 2 Remasters are on the way

a Direct has to happen by March 31st. Nintendo can't walk into their upcoming investors meeting with ZERO upcoming release windows/dates. (even games like Bayonetta 3 and Xenoblade Definitive are still: "2020")

their investors don't care about this "dreaded drought of no genereal-Directs," but they care about Nintendo having fucking something on the horizon.

>It's definitely not a Link's Awakening remake
>right about anything ever

He was right though?
It was a demake, not a remake.

this was Nintendo warning us about the impending death of humanity, and the rise of Inklings & Octolings.
....can't wait! :)

Investor meeting cancelled due to corona

AC, Doom, Pirate Warriors 4, Wonderful 101,Axiom Verge 2, Bravely 2, Deadly Premonition 2, Ninjala, NMH3, Rune Factory 5, etc ?

>Nintendo can't walk into their upcoming investors meeting
you're right. they'll crawl into the meeting on their hands and knees because we're all gonna die.

notice how absolutely none of those are 1st-Party Nintendo games.

Aside from Animal Crossing, those are all still TBA or just 2020. No solid release dates. There's also no confirmation on whether Doom will actually get a Switch port, as Id/Beth have said nothing at all.

Nintendo doesn't care. They aim for one big (at least timed) exclusive release a month, regardless if it's first party or not. If you take away the non exclusive, that still leave enough to fill most of the year spacing them that way.

Yeah that's a bit too much for me, there's no way Nintendo is actually doing all this stuff.

A Pikmin trilogy ala Prime would make more sense. Why bother porting the one shitty game no one bought and will give them the wrong impression of the franchise. Its just Nintendo being lazy jew niggers as usual. I feel sorry for anyone who bought a Wii U. Soon the only exclusive that piece of shit console will have left will be fucking Nintendo Land and Game & Wario.

I meant Doom 64, not Eternal. Although Eternal will release for sure, but maybe not this year.

>They aim for one big (at least timed) exclusive release a month
pretty much all the games you've posted are super niche (tw101 and deadly premonition 2 really?) are you retarded


you listed off those titles like any of them are worth giving a shit about

Yeah, that was a lot better when their big release of the months were wiiU ports like New Super Mario am I right?
A game is niche until it has enough marketing put into it to not be niche anymore.

>trustful insiders

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Should've think about that before buying a Switch then. I don't care for any beside MAYBE NMH3, I'm just saying that they have game scheduled to last the whole year.

Please no, the Switch already mangled the corpse of the first game.

>specifically stated there would be Minecraft content in Ultimate
Yeah, very reliable

last year at the same period we knew that fire emblem, astral chain, luigi's mansion 3, link's awakening and pokemon would be released in the coming months, you don't know what you're talking about

And the year before that we knew that Smash and nothing else was coming.

Your point?

my point is that 2018 was a shit year and 2020 seems to be the same, glad you agree

Did I ever say otherwise? You need to work on your reading skill.

NMHIII most likely won't be there. It just had a prime advertising spot at TGA and will be a late 2020 game if it doesn't slip to Q1 2021, which is very likely.
There's no rumors. Suda51 and Marvelous have been in talks to bring them to Switch and potentially PS4. However, as of the October 2019 TMN, Suda polled the audience asking if they want ports or actual remasters, which is indicative of no serious work being done at the time.
He also dropped the mii costumes for the Byleth Direct before they appeared. He most likely has a low level NoE employee as a source who gets info just before release ie not really useful to us.

>still no Rare Replay

He did the same before, laughing about Isaac being an assist trophy a few hours before the direct. So I agree, he probably have someone who has access to direct maybe 2 to 4 hours prior to release, which means he's pretty much useless.


Fake and gay. Rockstar shuns Nintendo ever since the development hell of Body Harvest

That also pisses me off. I want Pikmin 1 and 2 on the switch as well.

kinda off-topic, but I just got Mario Maker 2 and I'm kinda disappointed with it. How am I supposed to enjoy this? I hate making levels but the community stuff is amazing. Is that it?

Yeah, he definitely had some more access to base Ultimate and Hero since it was an early DLC. He mentioned Erdrick and Luminary, which were the original two negotiated as per Sakurai in the the interview with Hori. However, now that the production team has scaled down significantly for DLC, Vergeben has clearly lost any other sources besides the media people who get it a few hours in advance. That's how he was able to correctly backpedal the night before the Smash Direct.

Doom eternal’s first trailer already stated that it was coming to the switch.

>confirmed by Sabi
Why do you tards believe Sabi?
His track record is terrible and he's always piggybacked off of other people or given extremely vague information

>There's also no confirmation on whether Doom will actually get a Switch port, as Id/Beth have said nothing at all.
It was literally included in their last press release.

For making levels, I think it's best to make levels YOU'd want to play, and not think to yourself 'if I don't make a kaizo level, I'm a noob and my level is awful' (not saying you're thinking this, but this is what a lot of first time builders are thinking subconsciously). Because the game actually needs more OG and fun levels than it does Kaizo levels, the game is over run with kaizo levels compared to normal themed levels that are fun and of moderate difficulty.

i don't, the tranny cuck is gone either way

Remember when larpers on Yas Forums were saying that there is 2 directs in february?

Only one guy said it and he quickly said it wasn't happening cause his source wasn't accurate

I just want a great new Star Fox man.

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Starfox has been shit for a while

>confirmed by Sabi
>he still trusts Trani

Can we please purge this cancer

Nintendo sent ninjas to shut him down and he has never been wrong

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that's why he said he wants a great game

You're gonna get nothing but 64 retreads until Miyamoto dies.

That's not saying much.

>yfw Nintendo really doesn't have anything in the works and their big gamble is the Master Chief Collection being ported to Switch.

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>No crosscode
>No Luna nights

Fuck you

Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition is up on the eShop

Release might be imminent

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When are you going to admit the “leakers” don’t know shit


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>Nindies direct

FNAF: Help Wanted
Bendy and the Dark Revival
Deltarune news

Oh, and a friggin date for the Cuphead DLC