What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?

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Making sure the can is put in the trash bin.

Yet he throws away the can?

reminder that if you listened to him you failed the game and you will always be a cuck

Based, Red pilled. FPBP

he has bad aim

hes the mastermind

he wants YOU to pick up the can you retards!

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he hates litterbugs

I'm thinking we need a VR spinoff for this guy. Game starts with this scene. Player has to use their VR baton to knock down the can. There's multiple outcomes for the scene depending on whether Gordon thinks your power stance is intimidating enough or not.

hes not even gonna give you enough time to knock it down retard

>he shows up in alyx as a citizen training to be a cop
>you have the option of bullying him in every level by throwing cans at him

I threw the can at him, but he moves slowly so you can run past him and kite him through the line ropes by the counter, eventually, he gives up and goes back to his post.

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What happened to this guy after the beginning of the game? Is he one of the dozens of metro police that Gordon guns down?

>hes not even gonna give you enough time to knock it down
That's up to the player, not Gordon.

most likely died during episode one with the raid on the train stations.

You guys know the part where you get ambushed and then rescued by Alyx? Last time I played I stacked up boxes so I could climb back up after the stairs crumble and there are actually civil protection units up at the top of the stairs after you climb back up.

no he stands there to this day

The world might be shit but you still need to recycle

citadel explosion most likely fucked him over

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According to Marc Laidlaw, he survived and escaped City 17. He's now owns a headcrab farm in White Forest.

Some CP units defected to the rebels, the rest has died.

Sometime I dream about cheese!

What is Half Life Alyx's "Pick up that can" moment gonna be? In HL2 the can was a physics show off so what can they do in VR to make a cute moment like this again? We actually know very little about the game's opening level thinking about it now.

What we know about the opening level
- Arriving train at the start (unconfirmed if it's the start but most likely, a train ride is confirmed at some point however)
- That bit in the trailer where Alyx has her hands up facing 3 CPs is in the first level as she doesn't have the gravity gloves.
- Russel's lab is at the end of the level just before the gameplay we've seen.

He wanted to help Gordon by teaching him about new physics engine.

Nothing. We're all too jaded and instead of a cool worldbuilding moment we'll see it as Valve wanting to show off their tech

You'll have to inspect the high resolution can for labels so you know which disposal chute is the correct one

>CP units
god i wish that were me

He knew Gordon by his reputation and wanted to see his amazing can-throwing skills

Hes a HECU survivor whos still pissed about black mesa

You have to put a live headcrab in a blender to help a vort chef


>CP squad stops alyx
>*czzk*well well well what do we have here*czzk*
>*czzk*paul go fetch that unsorted trash bag we just spotted, over*czzk*
>*czzk*yes sir, over*czzk*

>he puts in a good word for you to overwatch and gets you some good boy points with the combine if you throw it away

He joined the CP trying to escape on the same train as the rebels at the end of episode 1

He tried to rape a female citizen and got stopped by her boyfriend so he called in all his CP friends to murder him which leads to that scene in the train yard after you get your crowbar

I don’t care. When is the Artifact relaunch?

come on HL1 fags. Come up with some reason why this part where you pick up the can is bad

Imagine spending your free time screaming into the wind at imaginary opponents instead of just enjoying things you supposedly like so much

no game theory retort for why this forced and false choice flies in the face of Half Life's themes and design philosophy? Why it's little more than a semi-interactive cutscene that shows you HL2's contrived physics engine, without actually letting you organically discover the, supposedly, oppressive utilitarian government state without the designers holding your eyes open shouting through screen "SEE SEE! OPPRESSION. PHYSICS ENGINE!. DO YOU SEE!?" Maybe this moment would have been off to the side in Half Life 1, but Half Life 2 is so insecure with its self that it's desperate enough to tell you, not show.

He gave you an opportunity to earn some free credits, and you assaulted him.


he wants to introduce you to the physics interactions in the game

Cleaning the world

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>all this seething
Bro you're not even replying to anyone you just spontaneously got mad as fuck and you just keep getting madder

based mr clean

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More like defacated haha

Climate Change really is the biggest threat that we a a species are facing. Constant littering, carbon emissions, and poor management of our natural resources (chiefly by Republican politicians) has become irreversibly dangerous to our planet, and most experts agree we have but 11 years left before our planet become uninhabitable.

Of course, the centralized, stronger federal government in Half Life 2 is going to take a more proactive stance on climate change, so so this is a nice way of utilizing ludo-narrative dissonance and environmental storytelling to teach us where we are in a timeline of America.

The earth-consciousnesses and championing of oppressed classes is why HL2 is the best game ever made.

>pick up can
>shake it and open it pointing at the CP

I bet you thought this post was funny.

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Rent free.

ok boomer
Rent-free is preferred to the housing crisis amd student loan debt you put us in

Also, quit changing the subject from video games

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Thanks daddy.

a 3D game engine developed by Valve. It debuted as the successor to GoldSrc with Counter-Strike: Source in June 2004, followed shortly by Half-Life 2 in November, and has been in active development since. Source does not have a concise version numbering scheme; instead, it is designed in constant incremental updates. The successor, Source 2, was officially announced in March 2015, with the first game to use it being Dota 2, which was ported over from Source later that year.

name 1 game from 2004 that looks as realistic as this

Half-Life 2

damn straight
