Games are expensive as fuck

>Games are expensive as fuck
>No real industry in South America
>We can't produce games
>Building a PC is expensive as fuck due to tariffs
>Can't travel to Europe or U.S
>Internet is shit

Is there a worse place to be a gamer?

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> Can't produce games
Just make shitty Unity games that run on toasters, you don't have problems, you're just looking for an excuse to be lazy.

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Consider it a blessing, do something productive instead.

What went wrong with South America?

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i live in chile and i have a switch with a lot of games and a pc gamer. just don't be poor

The left/peronist goverments are inept and incompetent
The right/anti-peronist goverments are highly corrupt
A huge majority of the population are simpletons when it comes to politics, easily swayed by simple arguments and promises
Rich landlords still have a massive influence on the political/economical scene in Argentina, won't allow industry to grow up for it would go against the interests of the agricultural industry

We are fucking doomed from the start


>cant go into us
Come mexico then idiot, we have the doors wide open and our economy is in a better spot

>The left/peronist goverments are inept and incompetent
>The right/anti-peronist goverments are highly corrupt
this is arguably the exact opposite of what it is in the US. Weird.

Nigga, Argentina exists in the third world, in southamerica no less.
To the northeners, we live in the upside downland.

>Is there a worse place to be a gamer?
Yas Forums

why do you keep making this copypasted thread?

2-3 eh, bunch of cool games like Kingdom Rush and that MoO remake
5-not anymore thank you corona chan
6-maybe for you burger, I don't have data caps and I can pirate everything I want and my ISP doesn't give a shit

10/10 made me reply

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Do you motherfuckers dont know how to shop from overseas or buy digital?

I live in central america and that's why I do.
Also PCs aren't expensive unless you are a poor fuck.

not really, both are equally inept and corrupt here. Our shadow government makes sure of that.

>Biggest game market in Latin America
>Games are affordable
>Have over 150 games on PS4, 200 on Steam and 50 on Switch
>Building a PC is cheap
>This is my backlog

I just hope AMLO don't fuck the economy

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australia is pretty shit
>ridiculous shipping+import duty on PC parts
>government censors games
>get fucked in currency exchange even in digital markets


>Games are expensive as fuck
All games are free. There are zero consequences for piracy here.
>Building a PC is expensive as fuck due to tariffs
Most AAA games that require high-end hardware are casual garbage
>Internet is shit
Online multiplayer is cancer.

So nobody can actually change anything.

don't listen to that user, he's bullshitting, it's pretty much the opposite of what he says

I see

No if you are a pirate

People in power will always want to remain in power. And the thing about having power is that it means they can do pretty much anything needed to remain in power. It's quite the conundrum, isn't it? No real way to solve it.

You are absolutely wrong. One is not the opposite of the other. Argentina HAS to get rid of peronism because peronists actually are corrupt and inept. But Macri wasn't that different.

One of you beaners kill gohan VA
So no we are poor but not a narco hell hole like center america

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We need more games set in Latin America

Crime happens everywhere

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Didn't they make Ziggurat? That's pretty fun.

well thats is the best part of living in Argentina, the censored in videos games dont exist.

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oh no no no no that mexico´s photo are fake, the movie say its all full of desert and chickens on the street

Yea Australia and Germany are worse than Argentina in terms of video game shabang.

>All games are free. There are zero consequences for piracy here.


And building your own pc it´s not as expensive as you gringos believe, a 1800 usd pc would cost some bucks extra for importing the pieces but thats all.

Agree peronist kill the country from the very beggining
Argentinia is the most gatekeeping economy in the region
Cant compete whit outsider industry?
Make a shitton of burocratic hell to denied new inversions in the country
The country need money?
Have deb for almost 50 years(know 100)
At this point the only way to get out of the hole is selling actual land to chinks or jews and change the currency to dollar again

Not like the rate of mexico

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Ok latinobros, it's time

>Games that are you playing and looking forward to during the corona outbreak
>Favorite game and system

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>Switch costs $650 USD in Argentina

WeW lad

argies literally drive to Chile to buy electronics

Still, Mexico is the most visited and important country in LATAM

Crime is due to drug trade with U.S mostly, I'd rather live in Mexico than Argentina, Colombia, etc.

Dorf fortress/morrowind
Laberinth of refrain to grind during corona-chan madness

mexishits always make these threads just to post that fucking copypasta. bunch of insufferable mestizos

They're way too aggressive with import substitution policies and it ends up just fucking over their populace. The idea is that you tariff the shit out of foreign goods in the hope that they'll open a local factory or a local business will fill the void. They need to just swap to an export focused economy but they'd actually need industrial goods for that to be viable. It's surprising that it hasn't happened since Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Finland have all done this entirely based on their semiconductor industries while the entirety of South America has gone nowhere.

Yea beaner call me when your father brings money from the states to the family
Because usa have the charge for all poornes from mexico
Your country solutions to poornes was leave the responsabilty to gringolandia
And look what it happends to california

>>Games are expensive as fuck
Only nintenbro

>>No real industry in South America
>>We can't produce games
>>Building a PC is expensive as fuck due to tariffs

>>Can't travel to Europe or U.S

>>Internet is shit
>t. paying 30$ usd a month for 300mbps fiber optic w/no cap

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California is the richest state in U.S tho

>on top of their currency hitting the shitter more and more each day, Argentina began taxing exported goods and USD purchases
>no amazon, no paypal
>leftist commie in power now
big yikes, fucking Brazil is an even better country now.

A hundred years of the United States treating them like puppet states. It's hard to form anything resembling a successful country when every 10 years your economy has been intentionally destabilized and your rebel leaders have been funded and armed by the US

Compra consolas para hombres, hueco culiao. Imagina salir con esa wea a la calle jajaja las repelente de minas

>left joycon is fucking failing
>can't play anything because when you go to the left the imput get locked to left for at least five seconds
Welp, time to buy another one or just get a shitty chinese copy

ay el zurdo acomodado

>BotW (friend borrowed me his wii u) & pic related
>Journey, Terraria, Worms Armageddon - PS3

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Sucks to suck living in a shithole country

>COD Warzone and Megaman Zero collection
>Dunno, but PC

No thanks to tacoland

This, stop raping women and doing drugs pedro

no la uso en la calle y además onions gay, así q me importa un choro de tu vieja que la weá repela minas

I bought an electric contact cleaner and everytime I get this issue I just spray under the flaps on all sides and let it sit for 30 minutes, and it goes back to just fine
though I just begun having a problem with both side rails being VERY shitty and barely recognizing the joycons so I might need to shell out some bucks to fix that

>Raping women
Onions hombre eso no me afecta

I prefer to have games censored, rather than a criminal left-handed government that love to kiss feminists' ass, criminals and degenerate faggots rather than defend the working citizen

>Games are expensive as fuck
>No real industry in Slavland
>We can't produce games
>Building a PC is expensive as fuck due to EU
>Can't travel to Europe or U.S
>Internet is shit

Is there a worse place to be a gamer?

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>tfw Puerto Rican
>get bullied by latinos for being USA's little bitch
>I get to play vidya while they kill each other for a passport and a broken switch

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>I bought an electric contact cleaner
Which one? Maybe I should try this method before trying to buy anything else.

I just found the one they told me on reddit(I think it was WD-40), went to a hardware shop and bought it

>... in terms of video game shabang.

Haha chill Benja I was talking about video games not polotics. You should practice more reading.

But I'm sorry if my comment triggered you because your girlfriend got fucked by a leftist pepperoni white boy in front of you.
