This pistol doesn't have a thermal clip
This pistol doesn't have a thermal clip
ME2 was the death of Mass Effect, anyone who says different is wrong.
dont @ me
>The technology of infinite ammo has been surpassed by ammo
For what? Multiplayer balance? Introducing heavy weapons and needing balance?
Mass Effect 2s biggest sin though was killing Shepard in the opening cutscene and making you play as a Clone... so they have an excuse to edit his appearance?
To appease Call of Duty audience. And beta-testers who were too stupid to understand the hybrid-system.
The Council can kiss my ass!
Mass Effect's writing was like a time bomb right from the start. ME1 planted it, a godlike, eldrich enemy. By 2 we noticed the ticking. In 3 it exploded into a clusterfuck of a butchered story. Mass Effect 2 was a great game, even though it had many flaws, the problem was that the series was a trilogy. If it was 4 or 5 episodes instead of 3, the story could have been salvaged.
>kills shepard in first 5 minutes of the game
>revives him 30 seconds later
anyone who took the game/triology serious at that point was a retard. it was downhill from the first fucking minute.
ME3 was a pleasant surprise because all enthusiasm for the series died after starting ME2.
>so they have an excuse to edit his appearance
Which doesn't even make sense since old copanions still recognize you
8 years later, i'm still mad.
As you should
ME2 is the peak of mass effect and bioware in general, cope ME1 babby.
ME3 is worse than swtor
>ME3 is worse than swtor
Swtor is better than a lot of bioware games
i've played it more than I'd care to admit
I'm a huge fan of Mass Effect 1 and prefer it to any of its sequels, but thermal clips is one change I support. It did wonders for the gunplay in ME2. I do think that the thermal system in ME1 was creative and unique, but it didn't serve gameplay very well. Most people just modded it away as soon as they could anyway which meant guns that all fired infinitely. It was very boring.
Thermals Clips was a good thing. I think most people who rant about it are just hopping on a bandwagon. People bitched about this obvious retcon without considering whether or not it improved gameplay, and then most people just parrot this mentality.
Anyone who takes any Mass Effect past 1 seriously should not be allowed to post on this board
*spanks that ass*
mm love me some white girls
Anyone who takes Mass Effect 1 seriously but not the sequels should just delete their Yas Forums account
t. waifu simp
t. reaper simp
this doesnt even make sense
>running out of ammo against the bulletsponge bosses
yeah that was sure fucking fun
>without considering whether or not it improved gameplay
What the fuck do you think the complaints were even about?
ME2 is the worst ME
>gameplay is literally gears of war
>only 1 main mission, rest is secondary missions and 90% of those are "solve my daddy problems"
>scanning planets
>only 1 main mission
Just like 1? the whole game comes down to 'stop Saren'
sure it does, simp
*drags cigarette*
>female Shepard
it got rid of the tons of weapons and armor you could have which made getting loot so much more boring
Never happened to me.
Mostly it's lorefags bitching. I'm a big lorefag myself, but I'll accept a retcon if it improves gameplay. I have never heard any good argument articulating why somebody hates thermal clips in terms of what they did to the gameplay.
Where's the improvement?
all mass effect games are gear of war except better
gears is unplayable brown and bloom trash with generic steroid monsters
>I'm a big lorefag myself, but I'll accept a retcon if it improves gameplay.
topkek, you have braindamage
>good argument articulating why somebody hates thermal clips
you have to collect thermal "clips" which destroys the flow of gameplay since you have to run around to collect these instead of just carrying on. it adds something to worry about without improving the flow of gameplay
they got rid of this problem in ME3 by giving your way more ammo capacity and putting thermal clips everywhere in the main path of the missions with ammo boxes that stock up your clips to full
now shut up and be a retard somewhere else
*series of explosions*
>>gameplay is literally gears of war
So just like ME1, but second have more enemies and working gameplay?
>"solve my daddy problems"
Garrus, Samara, Legion, Grunt, Mordin, Zaeed, Kasumi, Thane and Jack quests are different
it's faster
I never ran out of ammo in me2 and I always played on insanity
The way guns can be designed. Some have a lot of shots in each magazine and lots of reloads. Some have only a few. It helps with game balance.
>topkek, you have braindamage
Put up or shut up. Prove it, I mean. Where is my brain damage and how did it manifest?
>you have to collect thermal "clips" which destroys the flow of gameplay
No you don't. It takes one second to run over a thermal clip as you move across the map. I almost never think about it. Consider this, which distrupts gameplay more? Running over a thermal clip or sitting there doing nothing while your gun is overheated, waiting for it to cool off? Answer me this: what is the point of the thermal system if by mid-game you can pretty much mod it out of existence? There is no point in having it if it doesn't persist through the whole game. There is not much reason to keep it if it doesn't facilitate good gameplay.
Look, if you like it a lot, if you find it more fun than what ME2 did, then it's not my right to tell you otherwise. We're just talking opinions here. However I think a majority of people feel as I do as evidenced by the fact ME2 and ME3 sold quite well and continued this system. That doesn't mean we are right and you are wrong, but it means that the best solution to please the most people was to do away with the thermal system.
>it's faster
At depleting ammunition, sure.
>I never ran out of ammo in me2 and I always played on insanity
thats a subjective statement depending solely on your playstyle and thus is not an argument at all
you can play the game without firing a single shot, doesnt mean the problem ceases to exist
>The way guns can be designed. Some have a lot of shots in each magazine and lots of reloads.
So you mean to say some guns could overheat faster and some could cooldown faster?
>making you play as a clone
They say at the very beginning that
>I am pretty sure you are not a clone, they wanted to bring you back just as you were.
>the problem ceases to exist
What problem?
>For what? Multiplayer balance? Introducing heavy weapons and needing balance?
ME1 gunplay was kind of boring. So they raped the lore to make it more intresting.
>Mass Effect 2s biggest sin though was killing Shepard in the opening cutscene and making you play as a Clone... so they have an excuse to edit his appearance?
This. It was pointless drama for no payoff.
>However I think a majority of people feel as I do as evidenced by the fact ME2 and ME3 sold quite well and continued this system.
yeah Im sure it had to do with the thermal clip system
you are deluded my man, or severely underage
the problem of breaking the flow of gameplay
am I talking to a goldfish?
>so they have an excuse to edit his appearance?
And reset powers and introduce new ones with a justification. And work with the enemy.
Then what matters is how many people had this problem. I never had this problem. I have never really heard anyone else complain about this either. If this happened to you then so be it, but that's YOUR problem. The game cannot be made to cater to ever individual person. Averages need to be considered here.
For me, the thermal clips worked fine in gameplay and facilitated better gun design, which further facilitated better gameplay. I liked this more than what ME1 did, which had rather bland guns that all felt the same despite the technically huge variety. I feel that the ultimate proof that the ME1 thermal system was a failure was the fact that by mid/late game mods existed that could be slapped onto high end guns which completely did away with the thermal system. If you can accomplish that in the game then what is the point of the thermal system or even the ME1 gun abilities that cut down heat regeneration in return for speed/accuracy for a short time? It just wasn't well designed.
Now that doesn't mean that what ME2 did was the ONLY way to fix this problem. However it is the fix the developers went with and in my experience it produced a positive result.
>This. It was pointless drama for no payoff.
anyone who disagrees is wrong
Go to bed trAshley
>t. Star Trek fan
Thermal clips are retarded as implemented and explained in lore.
There is no arguing that. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking moron. There was supposed to be a HYBRID system where you used Thermal clips in addition to having infinite ammo for when you wanted to really pour firepower over a short period of time without needing to wait for a cooldown.
That is the system that was supposed to exist and it makes perfect sense as an addition. However it was scrapped because they never got a chance to complete the system so they just stuck with the thermal clips as ammo thing.
They then made a bullshit handwave in lore to explain why every military in the Universe sudden decided fuck logistics and supply lines lets go back to using AMMO!
you are out of your mind but clearly set in your delusion
I sure hope one day you wake up and come to the realization of what a bullshit you posted here once
have a nice day
yikes, I bet you also played the citadel dlc
me2 > power gap > power gap > power gap > me3
cope, EDI simp
I can spot you a mile away
Edi is dead just like all the robots
once again, you are wrong
200iq post
also /thread
cope, ashley simp
it all clicks into place hahahah. The alliance was a mistake. ME2 > ME3
I probably spent more time and had more fun playing Mass Effect 3 Mutiplayer than I did with the entire series playing through the games multiple times even if I thought 3 itself was shit.
concession accepted
>So you mean to say some guns could overheat faster and some could cooldown faster?
No, that's not quite how it worked. In ME1 every shotgun fired at the same base rate. Every pistol at the same base rate. You could fire all of them at the same speed, but not all of them for as long. AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME.
I can't stress this enough and it never seems to stick. By mid to late game the thermal issue is GONE in ME1. You'll have guns and mods that make it so you can fire guns indefinitely.
Now compare guns in ME1 to ME2.
In ME2 the Predator pistol has a large magazine and lots of reloads. It is accurate and can be fired very quickly, but it does low damage.
The Carnifex has a small magazine and few reloads. It fires fast and accurately, but does high damage. The much more limited ammo means it is less forgiving; you can't afford to miss much.
The Phalanx however has a large magazine and moderate ammo pool for reloads. It is powerful and accurate, but it is also very slow. It is a precision weapon not suitable for close range. Great for picking off enemies and long to medium range.
Now describe ME1's guns to me. Pick a set. Off the top of your head describe the guns FUNCTION and performance. Not so easy. Every gun in ME1 is the same, but their damage and accuracy increase in small increments. Some can be fired LONGER or SHORTER before overheating, but they all fire at the same RATE. The same SPEED. Furthermore, you can mod them to fire indefinitely. When every gun functions the same the guns are pointless and the thermal system even more so.
>So they raped the lore to make it more intresting.
It's a pretty minor addition to lore. Even makes sense, at least partly.
>you are deluded my man, or severely underage
If you say so, buddy.
>the problem of breaking the flow of gameplay
As I said. What breaks the flow of gameplay more: sitting there for ten seconds while your gun cools off, or running over a thermal clip as you move towards the next area? I can't speak to your personal experience but in mine I never ran out of ammo in ME2. Or it was very rare anyway. Grabbing thermal clips after a gun fight, after the combat is over, takes a couple of seconds and I do it sometimes. It is far less flow breaking than the early stages of ME1 where I fire a couple shots and then have to wait for heat to dissipate. That's how it was for me, understand? I'm not discounting that your experience was different, but I think you are probably an outlier and frankly, talking to you, it is clear are passionate and invested in this. I don't think you are open minded or willing to consider anything I or anyone else has to say on the topic. So, why even participate?
>What breaks the flow of gameplay more: sitting there for ten seconds while your gun cools off,
What about waiting for powers to cooldown? Or health/shields to regenerate?
>you are out of your mind but clearly set in your delusion
I am not out of my mind, but I suspect YOU are. I am communicating to you openly and clearly, doing my best to EXPLAIN my position and why I arrived at it. You however are only interested in slinging insults and making declarative statements. The only person here who looks like an irrational fool is you. Believe whatever you want about this discussion, it doesn't matter.