What games will you be playing in your corona quarantine?

What games will you be playing in your corona quarantine?

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I'm thinking Anthem with my mates, is it better now?

This virus isn't even a big deal. Basic hygiene is enough to stop it and for most people it's no worse than the flu. Watch as life goes right back to normal in April.

Playing Dark Souls 3 as a Pyromancer. It's fun.

general back log clearing

This post won’t age well

I live in a corona zone and I've been feeling like shit lately. My boss wants me to come into work too when I have like 4 boomer coworkers.

These niggas dont learn.

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Ratchet and clank 2 Going Commando.
Crash nsanity trilogy

coronavirus isnt real

Dunno, OP

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what the fuck are people doing with so much toilet paper? and paper towels? how does this help you stay alive in a coronavirus universe? stop buying all the toilet paper and towels you fucking retards

Don't jinx it you fag


Some r6s to get the new season rank.
Then probably some atom rpg and bf5.

games for this feeling?

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Learn what? That you're all expendably replaceable so who cares if you're sick? Think they learned that too well.

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I am playing nioh 2 and katanakami
I am still working but i am a part time mechanical insulator that works entirely by myself, so i have plenty of money and time.
When it gets too bad to go out, ill have more time for vidya and other hobbies

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Minecraft with buddies I haven't talked to in a while
Fallout 2

I want to finally get down and play Kingdom Come. I've been putting it off for a while now. I'm seeing my doctor today, because I don't feel well. Hopefully he'll tell me to stay home

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>boomers are genuinely retarfed
More at 11

The same type of people genuinely panicking are the same who were panicking during Y2K

>tfw have 3 gigs of porn in case the internet goes down
porn will become a luxury in the post apocalypse, so i'm going to put my collection in a thumbstick and sell it

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Based 'I am' duck posting mechanical insulator

>not going into work while infected on purpose to kill boomers
the age of the zoomer begins now

>State is in a "shutdown"
>Everyone still goes to work except some entertainment venues and schools
That'll stop the virus
I'll continue playing the PMD remake whenever I have the time before work

I wont because I'm not a fucking 300 year old decrepit aids having old ass bitch just go outside and cough on people

>tfw have 2TB of animu on an external HDD
>waiting for the apocalypse so I can sell it to weebs at inflated prices and become rich as fuck

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This. Fuck boomers.

you can be charged for manslaughter now

>quarantining for a simple cold while hundreds of thousands die of influenza in your country every month

Honestly I WANT corona so my body builds up an immunity to it.

>only 3 gigs

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I'm already in corona quarantine and am playing some Diablo 2. The worst of the symptoms are pretty much already gone. If corona didn't explode into a meme, I would have barely even noticed it.

Only places full of poor, filthy and lazy people get quarantined.

>3 gigs
Is this a collection of 160x120 gif files?

What some games about pandemics?

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infect them dude it will be fuinny

>3 gigs of porn
Did you only get internet access today?

Why? There are only a dozen porn vids worth watching


Zoomers are just going apeshit over the chinky cough

>Country announces quarantine
>GF insists on going out partying tonight
>wants to rent a house on the seaside due to price drop
>gets angry when suggest staying at home

Well fuck me then okay

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Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Terraria, Hollow Knight, Astral Chain
Honestly I'm set

>university still hasn't closed
fuck off you bunch of boomers, just let me stay home and play my video games

>we're going to have literal anime pirates in our lifetime

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Yakuza 3/4/5. corona will probably last a few months, so I might have enough time to platinum this games

Lmao stop being scared of the flu you spineless cuck I hope your gf goes and gets railed by a line of chads

>builds up an immunity
>to covid-19 of all things
d-do you read the news, user?

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No. Going through a massive overhaul currently.


HL Alyx

It's literally just flu you dumb zoomer bitch

How are they going to watch it with no electricity?

>platinuming 5
Yeah you will definitely need a few months

Haha what if the Chad line got confused and just made a big fuck train inside each other with the front guy inside user's GF?

Play GTA and pick out the people you don't like

I'm on my first play through of Breath of Fire III
I like it a lot so far, and will continue to hit the backlog after
Sans maybe Doom, none of these big spring releases interest me
I have no patience for AC anymore, didn't play Nioh 1 and FF7R isn't a full game so fuck it

>implying you'll obtain your quarantine
>implying i'll get my videogame quarantine

Shadow the hedgehog

>he does'nt know

Already spend 2 weeks self isolated because I had corona. All I did was fap and catch up on animes.

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Go back in your bunker with your jars of fried chicken, Cletus


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>because I had corona
How did you even contract it

I need my 2 weeks vacation i have shit to play.

So is coronavirus an actual issue or are people being retarded again.

People being retarded

Ski trip in italy before shit hit the fan there. Probably during the day trip to milan I don't know exactly where but I'm guessing the bus

mixture of both
>people that have it don't take it seriously and infect more people
>people who don't take it seriously get infected and regret it instantly
dont like a retard and french kiss a chinaman, wash your hands more frequently and you'll be fine

You need to get those numbers up

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currently trying to finally beat GTAV story mode. god damn there's too much fucking stuff to 100%
saving my switch backlog for when i'm hospitalized

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all megaman battlenetwork saga pal

>schools, work shutting down all over the world
just a flu bro

Anno 1800 and FFXIV currently, after that who knows. Possibly Command and Conquer or Doom

Tranny schizos who get their news from Facebook think it's a big deal bc it might kill them bc they all have aids from being degens

yes and no

its the first pandemic in a weaponized social media, SARS and H1N1 all came before the social media frenzy, even if the internet was big then, now it's biblical and amplified

Zoomers watching too many of their YouTubers hyping up the "pandemic" and rushing out to buy up all the shit.
It's just zoomers bring retarded cunts as usual

It's just a flu, calm down.

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>hire females and then act surprised when institutions overreact

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by candlelight

It's an actual issue, don't be reckless and catch it because it's not going to be pleasant even if chances are you'll most likely survive.

It's very infectious

I didn't know reviewbrah was transitioning

That's some nice porn, mind if I copy it?