>aaaaah why did I choose to pirate all these games when I knew it was stealing?
Aaaaah why did I choose to pirate all these games when I knew it was stealing?
>Jesus multiplies fish
>Gets mad when I multiply games
Fuck you, Jesus. Quit being such a dick.
I'm immune to your judgement: I downvote bad people all day on redchanit.
kek Jesus literally followed the same logic.
>you're not stealing when you're making a copy for yourself
Wait a minute, there are no subsets of Zoroastrianism!
>harms publishers
wtf I love piracy now
>What is Manichaeism
the bible has never made a ruling on copying an idea
Thank goodness piracy isn't a crime!
why do they call it pirating if it's stealing
Manichaeism was influenced by Zoroastrianism but is not a religious denomination.
Let's be real here, is it even possible to live a life without sin? Yeah you can easily avoid the big ones like stealing and murder, but lying is something that everyone does, and is pretty hard to avoid in modern society
I steal what from who?
Is the goal of life is to lead a sinless life there would not be people born with all the odds stacked against them.
Fish aren't intellectual property.
Good thing the Bible doesn't say anything about intellectual property.
He also modded water into wine against the developer's wishes.
Yeah, they're physical, catching each fish takes some work. That makes copying them a lot worse crime than copying something that can be multiplied infinitely for free.
Filesharing is not piracy, nor is it stealing.
Christ this is so easy...
Pirating games is theft just like stealing a toy from a toy store is theft.
I'm not telling you whether or not to do it, but if you do, don't act like you're some sort of "Robin Hood" or "high moral" character for doing it.
Why does Yas Forums obsess over pirating?
Whats with the need to justify it?
Yes, piracy is a crime, it is illegal.
Yes, piracy is stealing, it is immoral.
No, nobody gives a shit.
Go to any other board on this site, they all encourage it.
Why is vidya piracy any different?
It's not theft, but a different sort of crime.
>Yes, piracy is stealing
It's quite literally not stealing.
>don't act like you're some sort of "Robin Hood" or "high moral" character for doing it.
But you are doing a good thing for not blindly buying garbage games.
Then why would he get mad when user multiplies games?
>don't act like you're some sort of "Robin Hood"
But I rob from the rich to give to fellow anons who want to watch/play/fap to something
Point and case, thanks for proving my point.
You acquired priced goods without paying for them through unlawful means. Its stealing you fucking chimp chump.
Idgaf if you do it, but own up to it and save what little face you have left.
Never said it wasn't wrong, faggot. But it isn't stealing.
You need to be 18 to post here
mfw I've bought most games I pirated from my childhood
I didn't bought those I didn't like though.
I'd unironically prefer teenagers to retards that worship the idea of getting bullied by a fucking girl.
brb pirating crysis 500 times so EA goes bankrupt
>'steal' toy from store
>it's still there
Its a form of stealing.
If your room temperature brain can’t comprehend the notion that stealing means more than literal physical theft, that’s your own problem.
Pirating a game is wrong, but not because it is theft. It is wrong because you are using powers that are only available to Jesus Christ and are thus assuming godhood, which is obvious heresy.
>select file
>damned to eternal hellfire
Lol morality cucks grasping for straws now
Hell isn't real, even in the Bible. It's some medieval shit
lmao fucking nintendies
Damn, I never thought about it like that...
If piracy is theft, then not buying a game is theft. Do game devs really believe that people are stealing from them if they don't buy their game?
Spicy take
If everyone just copied their fish, fishermen would be out of a job.
Why would they need a job, they can get infinite fish
You wouldn’t download a fish.
In capitalism, the more of the thing exists, the less it costs.
Infinite fish = 0 value.
Fishermen have jobs to get money so they can buy vital things like medical care, varied food, as well as pay taxes and get entertained.
Fishermen are able to do so because fish has value, and they exchange fish for 'money' - universal value trading tool.
If fish stops being valuable, the fisherman cannot exchange it for money/other goods under capitalist system, and thus has no reason to do his job - he's out of a job.
Understand, retard?
P.S.: Video games arent fish, I endorse piracy, pirate right now.
They can use fish to solve all those needs though
>Varied food
There's at least two types of fish
If fish has a value of 0 then your income tax is now 0
>Medical Care
Fish doctors
>the sun is putting candlemakers out of work
If everyone could have a sun in their bedroom then yeah it would
I hate this industry, why would I dumb any money on it unless I find a perfect game
This is my favorite vita game
>don't mind me, I'm just pirating this ham
Burn EA
I feel like I'm going for other reasons, but sure why not?
well, yeah, that's why it's only allowed to shine during the day now