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S(tarcraft 3 when, you fucks)
Nah, they're not worth the effort.
What they did this time now?
>What they did this time now?
A-user, are you having a stroke?
Do I look like a Stanley to you?
Some user put "nu-" in front of one of their games
They're finished
EU servers shat themselves and people can't play/log in.
that's a red X, not S
The Launcher is having issues, and everyone that is too retarded to know what an .exe is can't play************
>pay 10 euro a month for the privilege of wasting your life away on an mmo
>can't even access said mmo
oh no no no no
The fuck am I supposed to be looking at in this image?
literally a retard check that you failed
>authentication servers are down and have problems
>it's the launcher that has issues, your too retarded to know what a ******** .exe is !1!!
Want me to make a webm of me launching, logging into and playing the game for you right now?
HUMAN ears on an ELF turned NAGA
Having elf ears would be wrong too. They should have no ears, just holes.
Human ears on a former elf
Which is why I said naga. The fact that even if they fucked it up and actually gave the character ears, it should've been elf ears and not human ears.
It's supposed to be that Lady Vashj has rounded, human like ears when Naga don't have visible ears, and if they did they would be pointed like a high elves, which they're mutated from.
Honestly, it's a very minor issue when compared to Reforged's other actual issues. If anything it's nit-picking because the one thing that Reforged has been praised for is it's new models.
The poster is just retarded.
I have no sympathy or pity with people who give Blzzard money. They deserve to be shat on and ripped off
Are you a fat american or gay european?
What if I gave Blizzard money like 15 years ago for Warcraft 3 and now I can't play it?
>and now I can't play it?
You can, though
>Hurrr you can just play on a private server
Shut the fuck up nigger, you know what he means.
No, I mean you can act like you were born before 2010 and go around the launcher you fucking ape
That's why I said "give" and not "gave/given".
No, you can't.
They deleted Warcraft 3 and replaced it with Warcraft 3: Refunded.
This is just embarrassing.
What is? Knowing Yas Forums is filled with children?
No your inability to follow context.
why are white people still trying ruining video games?
He's an old Hungarian Jew
White people are disgusting.
jews are not a race, Yas Forumsturd.
Why is this news? That's not even a 1% stake in Activision-Blizzard.
Also, why does Blizzard accept money from known Nazi collaborators?
the jews themselves think they are you retarded goy
shut up anti-semite
Isn’t this the old guy that’s gotten like 8 heart transplants?
wow faggot it's not like the authentication servers ARE FUCKING USED TO PLAY ONLINE GAMES you dimwit
yes and soon he will have enough hearts to please his master, the changer of ways
>EA shills talking shit about Blizzard
>can't make a game with taiwan numba 1, but can with china
wew fucking lad
>Overwatch had started its Archives Event, which is a full on rehash with no new story missions
>Can't play because Euro servers are down.
>gave Ana and Pharah new cute skins
>gave Brigitte a big cat
The event is fine
Reminder that niggers are defending diablo 4 having micro transactions. Fuck blizzard and double fuck blizzdrones
I just want that Zarya skin for the delicious armpit and sports bra.
Also hoping for new lewds of Zarya in that new skin
>can see Brigitte's FAT pussy
How can shitty eroges even compete?
>microtransactions in every other game
>microtransactions maybe in a Blizzard game
Why are you assuming I am for any game having micro transactions you imbecile?
Because Yas Forums cannot get enough about muh left wing and jews and Yas Forums cannot get enough to bitch about.
because anti-blizzfags are autistic
jews are a race by their own fucking doctrine, read THE book
>d4 having micro-transactions
How do you explain him gleefully rounding up jews with the nazis
although survivors often say don't glorify us, the good ones didn't survive
my friends on Yas Forums told me, they even showed me memes
>my friends on Yas Forums
>my friends
keep eating shit, blizzdrone, you are too stupid to live anyway.
now kill yourself in shame
see and then proceed to film yourself cutting your wrists
>"i am not autistic!"
>posts like an autist
>"these sources are legit because they agree with me!"
kys lol
So its cosmetic.
Okay, thanks, whatever.
I wish.
The day they die is the day I go streaking in the rain.
>paying for cosmetics is good
Are you 13 years old or did corona give you brain damage? Why are you retards advocating for monetization up the ass?
why are you implying i'm playing gachashit "games"? Why are you continuously posting and embarrassing yourself?
Dont get me wrong, I think MT is a slippery slope and would be nice to vaporize, but as long as it isn't p2w and stays on nostalgia/visual/sound whatever, I'm mostly indifferent about it.
>goes on a tantrum about nothing
>but others are embarrassing themselves
lol cope harder
it's already bad. There was a time you could unlock and earn shit. But I guess gamers are too young to remember that so it's fine to pay for cosmetics now.
>microtransactions are nothing
>using cope as a response
ok redditor