Swam inbound!
Swam inbound!
This game was a lot more fun than I was expecting
>get my friend to play on the free weekend
>we have a grand ol time killing bugs and mining shit with some rando's
>you should buy it while its still on sale, it probably wont be on sale again until after its full release
>Ya I'll do that
>never does that
Fun, but the game needs more enemies and mission types. After my second scout promotion I'm starting to find it a bit bland.
And the fall damage lag needs to be fixed, the hover feature breaks if the player running the server lags.
Something.... big is coming your way
Better prepare yourself
>promoted all my dorfs
>0 desire to keep playing
Stay close to the Fuel Cells!
I hate this shit because it takes so long to mine out and it feels like a waste if we don't get it all.
Satchels help, but yeah can take 5ever
I really fukken love how varied the biomes are. Granted, the first few mostly just have slightly different layouts and had me worried about replayability of the game, but then you get to shit like the Glacial Strata or Magma Core. Nothing really kicks your team's ass into gear like when that first cave-in starts and suddenly everyone needs to work together just to have ground to stand on.
Why does he look unnatural
>Get new weapon overclock
>It's for the Stubby
The only feeling that comes close is a newbie blowing a crasius Det in an open room.
>get Fourth Relic skin for Gunners revolver
>never ever get a single overclock for it
>weapon balance update soon
will the BRT,Plasma and breach finally not be shit?
Sell me this game in a reply
They really have to decide what they want to do with the Breach Cutter. As is its a barely serviceable crowd control tool on flat terrain while being an unremarkable choice against armored enemies. I feel like they gotta double down on one of those. Either make it wholly superior to the grenade launcher for crowds if the terrain is right, or make armored enemies obsolete when its loaded and ready.
>Breech unchanged because devs think it's still a fine sidegrade
>BRT gets +2 damage but +50% recoil to compensate
>EPC gets +25% projectile speed
>Stubby gets +30% fire rate and +10 clip size, but -100 ammo
>Every other weapon nerfed down to their level
Gee thanks GSG, you sure do know how to balance a game
lmaoing at your inability to delete swaths of bugs without having to reload 3 times and killing your teammates
I sure fucking dont and im having fun
You can just drop in on other people's games. Most of the people hosting Haz 5 know what they're doing and can carry you if you're shit.
DRG is charitable enough to give you a friend when you're digging solo.
Aight, I'm going to try it out.
Watched couple vids about it couple months back and got the feeling that at least one friend is needed to enjoy that shit
If I rememer right, he has some ki d of muscular enthropy or whatever.
yes, solo is boring but the community is good so random teammates is fine
Design a new biome.
>t. totaly not a GSG employee
Breach and plasma used to be good until they got nerfed for no reason.
The Devs have a very annoying habit of nerfing recently
Why can't we find Bosco during mining missions rather than BET-C.
the surface
t. iron will shitter
What the fuck is wrong with you shitters?
Breach is one of the better heavy weapons in the game, it fucks up swarms and bursts down Dreadnaughts when their armor is down.
it's shit because the alternative is always better
Engi > Gunner/Scout > > > Driller
autism forces me to mine all minerals I see even if I don't need them
right now why would I ever use the Breach when I can hit weak points reliably with the the grenade launcher while also not being constrained by the terrain and in fact benefit from enemies being on roofs and walls rather then hampered by it? Right now I would only ever use the Breach because I dont feel like aiming around armored enemies, the grenade launcher is just overall much more Versatile and useful in all roles.
>needing to hit weak points with GL
you just nuke em what do you mean
>it's another retarded driller keep hunting random minerals instead of helping the team episode
>scout keeps getting downed it dub places
>never lights
Why are most scout players so fucking bad. Driller players seem to be the most bro tier
I think you misspelled "scout."
Aqua Pockets.
Caverns full of water, possibly melted from Glacial Strata by the heat from Magma Core.
Introduces swimming mechanics water physics that are a nightmare to program!
Maybe a gryphid hive cluster area, also thought of a tarfield one. Idk they pretty much covered the basics
Iron will needed to be nerfed. It was boring.
Nerfing the weapons constantly is just annoying, and just funnels people into even more cookie cutter builds.
what weapons have they nerfed recently?
There's nothing wrong with Breach, you're probably just using it wrong.
The SMG however, THAT'S a worthless weapon
t. engineer main
Petroleum Whatever
It's a cave dotted with pools of oil. You and enemies can get covered in oil. Oiled enemies take increased fire damage.
there is nothing wrong with breach apart from being inferior to grenade launcher in every single way that's relevant
Is there a way to guarantee those huge red exploders leave gold behind?
Which sides are actually good? Just feel like I rock default with everybody if im not fucking around
Some people have problems saying no. How would you have felt if he replied “Don’t get me wrong dude, the game is fun but it attracts autistic sperg types. Nothing against you but I just don’t think I want to invest any time or money into this game.”
>molly has a canister that you can throw into a pool of oil to collect it, and then dispense into molly
this sounds like it has potential
the pools could also be set on fire (especially by accident) so despite enemies taking more damage from fire you risk destroying resources by using fire
just needs to not be mordor 2.0, we already have a fire zone
>Glacial Strata
>Rich Atmosphere
>Giant lake of smooth ice
>Sweet tooth
>“Don’t get me wrong dude, the game is fun but it attracts autistic sperg types. Nothing against you but I just don’t think I want to invest any time or money into this game.”
Or one could behave like a normal human being by saying:
"I'm having fun but I can't see myself playing this more than this one weekend."
Is this game worth playing yet? Barebones character progression, barely any enemy types or guns or mission types just kind of had me bored after 2 days of playing.
Can you not read? Plasma pistol and breach cutter. The M1000 and cryo cannon got it before they did, which is why driller is so painfully boring.
Scout would be too, but the powder shotgun overclock is a saving grace for him
scout marksman rifle is better than the auto rifle
some people also like scouts machine pistols instead of the shotgun, I think they suck
gunner autocannon with carpet bomber is better than minigun ONLY IN HAZ 5 WITH 4 PLAYERS
the burst pistol is so much worse than the revolver it isn't even funny
both engineer sides are trash
cryo gun for driller is shit, both sidearms are good
Dude just use the c4 and overcharge plasma
Unless you are not the drier then I'm sorry, driller and scunt seem to be retard magnets
I like this game a lot. It reminds me of edf, which I also like a lot.
You know any games like these two?
Burst gun really is pathetic.
You can overclock the revolver to be a sniper hand cannon, or keep it as a general trash deleter/AOE swarm remover, while the burst gun gets nothing but gimmicky bullshit OCs while being generally shit without them
They said that would come after 1.0
>dude you deal way less damage BUT you do this dumb shit
I hate how seemingly half the overclocks in the game are like this