You supporting censorship?

You supporting censorship?

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Nobody sane does

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only when it benefits my agenda

Which is?

the right one

as long as they are censoring things i don't like

only for pedo weeb shit

Dilate, pedo-tranny.

I support games I like. stick your politics where the sun don't shine, faggot.

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Love to see you try to say something like that to me IRL. The only good normalfag or Yas Forumstard is one that is no longer stealing oxygen.

Censor the things I don't like and give me the things I do like. But also I will bitch about the censored things I don't actually care about.

It's makes no sense if it's only censored in America. Isn't America supposed to be the land of the free?

No, but I've bought the JP version on release so I don't care about the westcuck one.


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>literally one dialogue everyone and their mother agreed was cringy that is never mentioned again

Only if it makes weebfags like you seethe

Normal people don't care what smelly NEETs online have to say about censorship.

maybe if the game added anything substantial over the base i would

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Nope. I'm not an EOP and already played through the Japanese version. Protip: save your 60 buckarinos, it's not worth it.

Yes. Persona 5 is shit and deserve the censorship.

Same, but I actually liked the game. The fact that Scramble is hella more voiced than Royal is weird though.

These two fags are a funny gag, this isn't worth a shitstorm.

>I'm gonna buy this weeb game to btfo the weebs

Not being able to see anime tits isn't a deal breaker for me so I don't see why not.

I liked it too because Kasumi's cute, but would I buy a censored version (because come on, you just know they didn't stop at those two homos, who knows what else they've censored) for 60 bucks? Hell no.

So is Atlus going to finally make its second game this gen after this?

nintendo games so is not censorship, is localization

Yeah, she's the only one to actually have the guts to confess to the protag. The rest just say something coy and wait for him to make a move.

And actually, the nip version is more expensive than 60$, and even it isn't worth it. Sega didn't even have the decency to wait for a new console generation until rereleasing their game with extra content.

If PS5 has backwards compatability and I get one then I guess so. Only emulated base P5 and I don't really care that much about a gag to be honest.

Oh no, did they make a skirt 1cm shorter again?

The removed a joke because it offended homosexuals

I'm a faggot and it didn't offend me.

Technically, the bitches made a power play by trying to pity homosexuals in general, and some trannies and homos (real or retarded teens) decided that that's in their best interest. The usual.

Well it was fucking retarded to be fair

I could have ignored this one but not with catherine full body and tms also censored still.
So I'll just replay the original P5 I think.

absolutely based

agreed and a remake was the perfect time to change it, but they only changed it in localization and I'm more for accurate translations than remakes being exactly like the originals.

No, but I'm supporting Atlus because I enjoy the Persona series and I really want SMTV holy shit WHERE THE FUCK IS IT ATLUS WHERE IS MY FUCKING GAME

No, i also dont support fan fiction. The royal was not directed by the original director. It's a worthless censored piece of fan ficiton.


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>I'm buying persona games because I want atlus to make non-persona games
That's worked great for the past decade eh

Did you miss the bit where I said I also enjoy Persona games
I love the demon designs and general gameplay of almost all things SMT.

Are you blind?

Yeah but you also begged for SMTV as if buying P5R was going to help it in any way

I care more about how they fucked Akechi, and how it has less added content than Golden did.

At this point I'll beg for SMTV at any given opportunity.
Where is it? Can I go to the dimension in which SMTV and Bayo 3 both actually fucking exist

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go to r/anime normal fag

It's technically more. It just feels this way because Golden had a fuckton of new events their the year, and Royal just has a tacked on adventure at the end, extra date for waifus, and sprinkled phone convos into social links.

Nope, but I dont support fapbait either.

Yes, because usually the opposite of what Yas Forums says is true.

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If you like persona but enjoy and want more of Atlus' other games, you need to be pirating them. Persona is too big of a cash cow for them to bother with anything else.

I'm only buying it if Haru has significantly more screen time.

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Punching nazis

Catherine got a rerelease, Kamitani still does things, SMTIV wasn't that long ago. Atlus isn't done yet.

user, I...

Heh, no. Wherever did you get that idea?

??? I'm sorry user.

the true thinking man does not care that his waifu doesn't get enough exposure, because it will most likely just make her worse as time goes on.
Haru is pure because the writers left her alone.

I fail to come up with examples where that ever happened.

It has been 8 years since a non-persona SMT spinoff, which was DeSu2. Rereleases cost pennies much like the only other games Atlus keeps making, which is Etrian Odyssey. As long as Persona keeps making easy money for them, they will never make DeSu3, Raidou 3, and they certainly won't make an all new SMT spinoff.

Look what i found in the bushes.

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Yeah, Atlus published a ton of stuff in the PS2 era. That's probably not happening again with higher production costs.