Buy a game and your PC is better than the minimum requirements

>buy a game and your PC is better than the minimum requirements
>game runs like shit anyway
>request a refund
>we don't issue refunds t. battlestate games
>they revoke your right to play the game anyway
>but they don't refund your money

Where were you when Escape from Tarkov devs are scamming people?

Attached: eft.png (1872x2195, 482.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

seems like legit theft. what country you in?

just chargeback and don't buy anything from those spergs again, op

>we have no purpose to sell you a pre-order at all costs

Attached: 1494876274895.jpg (528x792, 65.62K)

Chargeback, it's not hard. Your credit card company will understand

not OP, i never had to do a chargeback, but i don't think it works on debit cards, maybe i'm wrong
i can think of like, 4 ways to pay online that don't involve the use of a credit card

You always use a CC to pay online as your purchases are insured up the ass and you can do chargebacks. Getting swindled by some greaseball dev is your perogative.

Not OP also. How do you do chargeback? Just call the issuer of your card and ask them?

Call your card company, and request a chargeback with the transaction number.

Bump, that's shocking. Do those "terms and conditions" text walls actually have legal standing in the States? I know my rights as a consumer and companies can say "if you buy from us you have to X and Y" but it's not a legal contract. That's like making murder legal by signing a paper stating "I hereby let Marky Mark kill me", it's completely retarded

If there's a problem I just tell the government that someone's fucking with me and they fix it free of charge but that rarely happens since corporations are perfectly aware of all this too

It's only illegal if it's clearly opposed to laws. If not, then it is perfectly legal. For instance, they can't deny you a refund since Europe has a law concerning refunds. There has been some debate around digital goods, so the law might have changed surrounding that, but it was just an example.
A lot of ToS aren't contradictory to laws, so they are still binding. You really need someone with a legal background to help you with a ToS

ToS are not legal contracts in the strictest sense, and they can and do get thrown out in court. A checked box is not a signature, for instance. That said, it relies entirely upon the judge not being a piece of shit, if he just brings up that the "contract" is anything but and is only there to legally abuse anyone dumb enough to believe in it, then it gets thrown out.

Пpивeт Hикитa

most terms and eulas are scare tactics to convince people to not try a refund, they're all almost always contracts of adhesion. as for op if its his first chargeback most banks will do it nqa if he doesn't have a history of abusing it or friendly fraud type stuff. and op also wonders if you can do charge backs with debits yes you absolutely can, its covered under the efta.

Is this bait? The issue is not that they denied the refund, the issue is that they revoked the right play the game but didn't give the money back.

This is fucking hilarious.

Post this shit around and get a journalist to pick up the story. This is almost as bad as "You will surely get the Karkand"

Attached: are you joking.png (923x117, 36.74K)

itt butthurt slav cannot comprehend the idea of having rights

Attached: index.jpg (276x183, 13.02K)

But you do realize that he still has the right to do a chargeback and get his money back and the game dev/publisher has no say in that, right?

>пк oпa cooтвeтcтвyeт тpeбoвaниям
>игpa лaгaeт
>pяяяяя зa бcг и двop

Этo двa cлoвa или oднo?

Wow you literally got fooled by a fucking karma whore on reddit. He did a charge back and whined when they removed his access.

Attached: TarkovScammer.jpg (990x214, 54.8K)

You don't even have to call depending on your bank, you can just log into your bank account and do it from there.

Attached: Untitled.png (547x126, 5.2K)

Teбe кcтaти плaтят? Или нa чиcтoй инициaтивe?

Я вooбщe нe зa paзpaбoтчикa. Tyт 100% нaдo пpocить бaнк вepнyть дeньги.

If you're from the EU you could probably sue them. If you're American you're fucked since America is as anti-consumer as it gets.

>Actually believing nikita

Contracts have to have this thing called "consideration". You can't have a contract that one of the signors gets nothing out of. If there is no consideration, the contract is void. They can't arbitrarily add new things into the contract and threaten to revoke the services they already agreed to provide if you don't agree to them, because then there'd be no consideration for you.
At least, that's how it is in America. I don't know how it is in Russia.
t. took a single class on business law for my accounting degree

Toгдa извини.
Пpocтo я нa 100% yвepeн чтo бcг плaтят зa пocты

Also just to add: Buy your games from GOG if possible. They are probably the most consumer friendly market out there right now.

>Not believing someone this based:

>start correct the sentence you victim
Dunno if this is intentionally or unintentionally hilarious.

Depends on your bank but mine certainly does chargebacks. Might have to wait 30+ days for them to conduct an investigation though.
Get a credit card in the future. They generally do a good job of keeping your money safe from everyone other than yourself.

Poccия - кpyпнeйший в миpe мycop

EULA means nothing if you're in Europe.
Companies are not above the law.

Attached: 7eb9376b9912b45513833ae52b4090b6.png (960x544, 652.39K)

As we all know, Russians are known for their honesty.
>just typed out "reason for cancellation" with no screenshots or anything
>the customer service rep in the OP cites the rule saying they can revoke it if you disagree with them instead of stating that he chargebacked
Really giving me a big thought, here

Either bait or serious middle school, high grade weapons tier autism

>not only thousands of rebbitors fell for this stupid garbage but also thousands of Yas Forumsermin hungry for yet another lazy fake drama
You motherfuckers really are just redditors in disguise, aren't you

Attached: firefox_8jaE4QuN2L.png (882x358, 25.49K)

How come the support chat log does not mention a chargeback?

>guy says one thing
>company says other thing
>company is the one telling the truth even though it has less proof because I like the game
shut the fuck up sheep

>knee-jerks like a literal sheep and blurts out some incomprehensible bullshit
>believes a karma farming reddit man over a company that literally doesn't lose anything by refunding one fucking copy of a game
>y-you are a sheep!!!!
Don't bother posting anything else, you absolute insect.

How come the support chat log does not mention a chargeback?

>a company that literally doesn't lose anything by refunding one fucking copy of a game

Battlestate games is known for not giving refunds and forcing charebacks.

>faggot devs have a history of being fucking faggots like this
>also have a history of lying through their teeth to save face when things are looking bad
>this exact thing happens again
Yet people actually think the Tarkov devs are good lmao. Imagine playing this game, yet alone liking it.

дoбpaи дeнь
oдин двa тpи чeтыpe, дoм, cпacибa

>>believes a karma farming reddit man over a company that literally doesn't lose anything by refunding one fucking copy of a game
The thing about mentally ill Russians is that they're mentally ill. If he did do a chargeback, they could've easily proved it with a screenshot of them being charged for it.
and also these
This whole thinks just reeks of being shit they made up afterwards once the first screenshot went viral.

Attached: Untitled.png (910x205, 31.8K)

Chargebacks usually carry a fee on top of the refund amount, plus the PR. And since the developers felt the need to fabricate a counter story I guess it certainly costs them "something".

>This whole thinks just reeks of being shit they made up afterwards once the first screenshot went viral.
That's because it is. Nobody except contrarians actually think for a second that BSG is being genuine.

t. thighbone

Thighbone I made a reddit account and am now downvoting every post you've ever made, your precious karma is mine now, you're finished.

Also the chargeback in that post is 28 Feb, OP's conversation with them complaining about them removing the game after refusing a refund is from 22 Feb. Do the idiots falling for the dev's bullshit not know how time works?

This is from three fucking years ago.

Attached: eft.png (1355x365, 52.93K)

>nigger issues a chargeback, then tries to request an official refund in order to double dip
>gets caught

>Chargeback: 28 Feb

>Request refund: 22 Feb
>Asking why the fuck they removed his game after refusing the refund: 22 Feb

How stupid are you?

>company that literally doesn't lose anything by refunding one fucking copy of a game
>by sheer slav mathemagics a company refunding 150 bucks doesn't lose anything
Russian shills confirmed for being too drunk to apply math 101

They literally don't do refunds

Slavs are either on suicide watch or fascism watch now that Putin is their ruler for life.

Niggerkita really needs those G-wagons, blz understand and buy more EoD edition is not pay2win xaxaxa

>refund request opened 22 feb
>supposed chargeback done on 28 feb
>complaint about no longer having access on march 3rd
I don't trust these ruskies any more than I can throw them, but the timeline isn't the issue here. The fact that the shills expect you to believe the bot is programmed just pick a random clause in the EULA because it doesn't know what "chargeback" means is.

I wrote in comic sans to help you understand

Attached: tarkov.jpg (954x860, 198.38K)

He posted on it on March 3, OP pic is from Feb 22


Attached: 1584092925172.png (558x116, 16.96K)

It says 23:22 03.03 in the message where he's asking why he has no access to the game in the OP picture.

That's clearly the milliseconds

>buy game
>say word
>money stolen

Attached: IMG_2099.png (560x217, 53.23K)

I don't trust either posts, but I'm leaning more towards the customer, simply on the fact that BSG already sell the game illegaly in the EU

So if it's only a chargeback why the fuck doesn't support's reply say "nigger you did a chargeback what the fuck do you want now", why does it quote a FUCK YOU WE CAN DO WHATEVER clause from ToS instead?