General enemy AI Improvements and fixes Enemies will behave differently based on difficulty selection Improved general balance of difficulty levels. Loot found will now differ depending on the difficulty Weapon stats will differ between difficulties General weapon stats have been slightly modified Skill tree variables have been slightly modified Rail plasma weapons (Snipers) now consume 5 ammo rounds per shot, instead of 1 TC16 plasma weapons (Semi-Auto rifles) now consume 2 ammo rounds per shot, instead of 1
FOV (Field of view) slider added to video options FidelityFX (AMD) option added to video options (Contrast-Adaptive Sharpening and upscaling) Immersion Upgrades - HUD modification options added. You can now enable/disable individual HUD elements to make the game more immersive Improved support for Ultrawide resolutions Level lighting & post-processing improvements Chromatic aberration toggle added to video options Other small graphics improvements and tweaks
Player movement/locomotion has been slightly improved
Save backup system added to help prevent data being lost Numerous crash fixes Other small bug fixes and improvements
>Player movement/locomotion has been slightly improved I imagine they've added some light head bob and tried to fix the weird "rubber gun barrel" effect when walking normally.
Just remember that these improvements haven't been added to the console versions yet. So don't go buying the PS4 version and then expecting the overhauled AI and stuff.
Sebastian Nguyen
Was this game the most blatantly-shilled game of all time on Yas Forums?
Angel Bennett
Are there any mods that improve the experience too? Like detailed damage on the terminators(blowing limbs off) for example
Jack Jackson
The exploration and looting reminded me of dead island. I wonder what the new ai does.
Carson Harris
Bump cause I would like to know more about this gayme but I don't trust journos, only my fellow Yas Forumsirgins
No, it's just one of the most shocking examples of a small indie developer absolutely BTFOing the entire movie industry and every single AAA developer involved in shilling Dark Fate.
>all these fucking difficulty adjustments Yeah, that was the main problem with this game, too fucking easy! Any game can be made into a 10/10 as long as it's balls to the walls hard! Meanwhile....
>still no censorship removal >still no closure with Baron >ending sucks ass >still no vibration for gamepads on PC (you know, that thing that has been a staple for gamepads for at least two decades) You are all fags for whining so much about MUH DIFFICULTY, TOO EASY
>Rail plasma weapons (Snipers) now consume 5 ammo rounds per shot, instead of 1 This is a good change because holy shit the sniper rifle was OP. >Loot found will now differ depending on the difficulty Hopefully this means that on Hard and Extreme you get way less plasma ammo and such.
Landon Bailey
>Yeah, that was the main problem with this game, too fucking easy! It was literally the #1 problem with the game. >>still no censorship removal Not a big deal. Besides, if you increase the FOV slider you'll likely see some nipples. >ending sucks ass The ending is great, though. >still no vibration for gamepads on PC (you know, that thing that has been a staple for gamepads for at least two decades) PC developer prioritizes M+KB and also doesn't waste battery life on idiotic force feedback effects.
Juan Davis
Why are you so concerned with being a nigger?
Aaron Lewis
easy on the hard N
Cooper Sanders
I haven't played this game and probably won't but I like(d) the Terminator franchise so have a bump.
Well, they added the FOV slider. So that should "uncensor" the sex scenes. Because that's how they censored them. All the boobs are already in the game.
It's basically a little Polish developer making their own version of Todd Howard's Terminator: Future Shock, but with stronger Fallout elements.
Carter Young
What do you wish to know exactly? It's an AA first person with a slight Metro/Bioshock vibe. It's fun, but clearly low budget.
Elijah Lewis
Just bought this game because of this thread. Thanks everyone
Jordan Price
I like how the Infiltrator is a T-850. Nice nod to Terminator 3.
Daniel Brown
I mean, their first game was fucking Rambo. Speak about learning from their mistakes.
Cooper Clark
Let me know whenbthey fix the shitty design of all non T-800 enemies.
Cameron Hill
The designs are great, though. Stuff like the silverfish are taken directly from film concept art.
Eli Walker
shut the fuck up, pidar
Liam Lee
>Shilling this shit Die
Aaron Thomas
Might actually buy this game Civvie made it seem decent
Isaac Torres
They are taken directly from the concept artworks for T1 and T2.
Lucas Long
It's easy to pirate. But the updates haven't gotten scene releases. I assume the game will get another round of repacks once the dust from this patch has settled.
Angel Adams
You can clearly tell they obsessed over the art assets the film company gave them. The time machine is an exact replica of the one seen in the concept art, with the spinning gyro things and the strange symbols.
Anthony Harris
Great. I can buy it now. They will release patch on consoles soon too. Good job. Anybody have footage or played it after patch?
James Cruz
this game seems interesting, is t actuall good? I heard it feels like Fallout, but in what sense? Gameplay or story?
Sebastian Diaz
>still no censorship removal >still no closure with Baron >ending sucks ass >still no vibration for gamepads on PC (you know, that thing that has been a staple for gamepads for at least two decades)
But nobody except you care about it. Why do you play it on PC on controler anyway?
Aiden Lewis
Shared DNA. Todd Howard's first game was a Terminator FPS called Terminator: Future Shock. He recycled a lot of ideas when making Fallout 3. The game itself is a hub-based FPS where you enter a larg-ish are and complete the main objective plus side missions, then return to base and advance the story. It has a Fallout-style dialogue system with The Walking Dead-style "X appreciated that" character choices.
Julian Watson
It's a tad like Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, but, you know, not an unfinished piece of shit.
Nathan Foster
This game is currently on sale, but I'd never buy it because it looks like complete shit.
Lincoln Bell
is the plot good (that is, decent) and the choices meaningful? By decent plot i mean having good characters and world consistency
>is the plot good (that is, decent) It's basically the canon prequel to Terminator 1 as far as a lot of fans are concerned. >and the choices meaningful? The game revolves around an endless time loop where your character must persuade a group of survivors to abandon their shelter before Skynet steamrolls them. In order to get the good ending, you have to gain their trust by completing missions for them, and then sometimes flat-out lie to their faces about little things like the fate of loved ones in order to make them leave at any cost. No.
Parker Campbell
Sadly no, but it has n older model of that, the Spider one.
Jason Thomas
It kinda has small scale versions. Can't recall what it calls them.
Matthew Garcia
It's a prequel and sequel to T1 as well as T2. It literally fully closes the T1/T2 story.
Hudson Morris
>Rail plasma weapons (Snipers) now consume 5 ammo rounds per shot, instead of 1 >TC16 plasma weapons (Semi-Auto rifles) now consume 2 ammo rounds per shot, instead of 1
The sniper rifle was insanely OP. And the plasma weapons had a problem where the higher end models were way too powerful and you had too much ammo. Hopefully this rebalance forces players to actually use different guns instead of headshotting everything with the rifle.
Zachary Brown
Looks like you can roll back to 1.028a if you want thanks to beta branches. I guess there might be some people who dislike changes and just want the game as it was before.
Nathan Brown
Did anybody play it? It is hard enough?
Asher Davis
It generally takes a day for reports and videos to start trickling out. I'm still downloading the update on my shitty internet.
Jose Gutierrez
How, the game was a 6/10.
Carter White
Much closer to an 8/10. If this patch actually fixes the progression and difficulty, a 9/10 easily.
Dylan Mitchell
>more concerned about MUH STORY and tits then fucking GAMEplay in a video GAME You are what's wrong with vidya these days.
Mason Walker
He's a retard anyway because the story is one of the best aspects with how perfectly it gives closure to the story from T1 and T2.
Jason Phillips
7/10. 8/10 after patch for Terminator fans. It is obviously not 9 or 10. But it is not 6/10 crap. It is not EA or Ubisoft so it was easy target for bad reviews.
Connor Johnson
>still no censorship removal Fuck off OneAngryNigger
Wyatt Allen
Never thought I'd see retarded shills defend frivolous shit like not being able to see titties. At least ask the devs to pay you something if you're going to blindly defend the game.
Josiah Taylor
Nice, I loved this stupid game. Simple, but fun.
Parker Brown
To be fair, the sex scenes were very clearly originally composed with a wider FOV, since there's some gentle hand holding with Jennifer and stuff like that which is offscreen with the default FOV. The PC version officially has adjustable FOV now, so... We'll see.
Sebastian James
Does anyone have a vid of the fucking scenes with the fov zoomed out so you can see the tits? i've read the guide on how to after i finished but i can't be assed to reinstall just for tits, even if the girl's a qt
Juan Ortiz
Search on them on Pornhub. They are very easy to find there.
Owen Flores
>gentle hand holding missionary for Jennifer >violent ass pounding for Commander Baron