You are a Human Systems Alliance admiral

>You are a Human Systems Alliance admiral
>the Quarian Migrant Fleet is asking permission to set up a colony on a Alliance world that is unoccupied in your fleet sector

What are your demands as the admiral and would you allow it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


All-female engineer task group only allowed to work in bikinis

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Request from Systems Alliance some resources to work on immunoboosters and housing. Everyone benefits from Quarians settling down. Of course, just in case, I put some patrols around the planet to control fleet's movements and ask about decommissioning liveships, due to having dreadnought potential. Other than that, I don't see a reason to watch them too much.

I asked her permission to dock big black cruiser in her pussy

>i don't see a reason to watch them too much
haha that's right i think they're very trustworthy. you should let us into your secure reactor areas

Please do NOT make lewd posts about Tali.

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>the Quarian Migrant Fleet is a-

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But I want to lewd Tali. Lovingly.

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Disgusting. Although also relevant to my interests.

Hell yes
Tali loves handholding

>relevant to my interests.

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Maleshep or femshep?

MShep. FemShep when you feel like you've done everything else.


Holy Christ, this, although lewd, is extremely wholesome.

Actually only one ship in 40k could probably rivalry any AI ships from other settings

MaleShep can romance Tali. The choice is clear.

And his voice sounds better.

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Tax their shit. 10% on everything. Forever.

You do know could never pay those, right?

What about the borg? They can adapt to anything in seconds if i remember correctly

He always sounded a bit too nasally for a badass.

>He always sounded a bit too nasally
He perfectly voived expirienced soldier
>for a badass.
Oh hello Randy

"Badasses" can get allergies or other infections, you know

Yep, then i use that as an excuse to invade them and TAKE the money owed. Possibly enslave them if they can't afford it.


I will then proceed to lock up the entire population. The children will be indoctrinated, the men will be kept in prison, and the women will be raped and experimented on until they are mindless slaves capable of baring human children.

I will then have all the QT purple quarian/humans I could ever want.

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I opened up this thread just to see if anyone pointed out how fucking retarded it would be for a Quarian to have a tattoo.
These things can almost die just from touching things and you expect one to survive getting an ink stabbed into its skin?

I wouldn't allow it, I would blow those filthy xenos out of the sky.

Now that's how you fit name for the ship

what kind of cum is it?

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Send message to Alliance HQ
Alert on all vessels
Deadnoughts and cruisers prepare to engage and maintain fire contact with capital ships
Destroyers to target civilian vessels

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>taking on the largest fleet in the galaxy

Tali would never have such disgusting tattoos.

I want to fuck Tali

Mask on.

First demand: A center for cultural exchange is set up in a well trafficked area in the downtown area of every major city. It will encourage humans to stop in and mingle with quarians, thus these districts will called "red light" districts.
Second demand: These centers for cultural exchange are only staffed by young quarians on their pilgrimage to fully experience the culture of humans
Third Demands: As humans are a social justice minded and progressive people, we feel that quarian females have been discriminated against in these pilgrimage journeys. Therefore, 95% of all cultural exchange pilgrims will be females.
Fourth and final demand: The colony world will offer the same kind of exchange program. Seeing as how we have a staggering minority of what we call "white males" in the future and they face discrimination here on our planets, the cultural exchange centers on the colony world will staffed exclusively by white males.
Final Caveat: the colony cultural exchange center personnel should be paired with female quarians to better assist our studies of quarian culture and help better serve our liasons in our "red light" districts.

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as if you'd ever fuck an alien any other way

>implying numbers are relevant
Ever heard about Pearl harbor?

40k doesn't have anything whatsoever on the Culture (who aren't even the most powerful kids on the block in that setting, and everything but militaristic).



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>see thumbnail
>looks like her back is deformed and bruised
>open thread
>even worse it's a tattoo

she does if her and Jack get to the party

Only females are allowed to set up on the world.
Reproduction may only happen with human males.
They can fuck off if they want to, but the Human Systems will stay human, one way or the other.

It's a race of engineers. Also, all are 100% ready for void combat at all times. They also steal technology from every race to make their flotilla. It's easily the strongest fleet in the entire series. Only the Geth come close by means of benefiting from both Quarian tech and Reaper tech. Plus that whole single-consciousness thing.

It's actually 2% milk

strong bones in quarians tthen

>Also, all are 100% ready for void combat at all times.
Factually no

Go and find the Reapers and help them destroy this gayfaggot universe ruined by EA


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Considering Voyager shows that there is an entire sector of space controlled by the Borg, then yeah. I would say the Borg win. Even if 1,000 Borg cubes are blown up in a second there are so many that are constantly adapting and evolving, and Emperor forbid if the Borg are actually able to assimilate anything from the 40k universe, because they actually would understand how to build it and make more.

Male Shep, I honestly find it kind of weird that there are guys who play as a woman and then want to romance the men in the game. I guess I can understand some coomer playing as femshep and romancing Liara for lesbian stuff but I'd just feel weird if I was trying to fuck Garrus.

Shout "BIG BLACK COCKS" into the intercom then order all guns fire on the aliens

All aliens must die.

>It's easily the strongest fleet in the entire series

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>I'd just feel weird if I was trying to fuck Garrus
Your loss. Garrus-femshep is unironically the most kino romance option in the game. At least on paper.

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Well, I am a man and I am not gay. I actually don't care if someone is and I am not implying you're gay for liking the romance, however I feel weird if I am trying to roleplay as something sort of similar to myself (Which is generally what I do) but now I am fucking some bird alien man. Garrus is definitely one of my favorite ME characters though, total bro.

I am not gay either. That's why I'd rather play as a female when taking his dick.