Yeah, I'm thinking he's in
Yeah, I'm thinking he's in
Trump is anti-video game yet Yas Forums like shim. Why?
>Trump endorses pedophiles
Wasn't California called weeks ago?
Not hard to win a state when there's only a dozen healthy people left.
he's more entertaining than the others
>Bernie endorsed by trannies
so what? he still has less delegates and is all ready bending the knee to Joementia just like he did to Killary in 2016.
hope you bernie bros enjoyed donating all that money to Biden's campaign you fucking simps
So, how many delegates does each candidate have if you remove the super delegates?
>so much needed momentum going into Sunday's debate
you mean where he will say how Joe is his friend and how Joe can beat trump? where he'll call trump a racist, a sexist, and a pathological liar, when his good friend Joe has longer history of racism, sexism and lies than even fucking trump. and he is responsible for far more racist policy than trump
Larry David's pretty funny
he lost washington tho, it's over. this debate won't change anything. senile biden will go up against trump and lose
This is not videogames.
Bernout getting assfucked by Trump would be more fun to witness though
i honestly dont understand how fucking libshits can be this election cycle. Trump won because the average American was sick of dick sucking Mexico, so these faggots get on tv and tell everyone theyre going to give "free healthcare" to illegals
Yeah I'm thinking you're a faggot
>>Trump endorses pedophiles
Based if true.
as someone from a far off land i dont understand american politics at all so can someone explain this too me? bernie seems to be a "for the little guy" type of guy were as the rest seem to be a "make the rich richer"
how does he not just win hands down?
you're in the middle of a fucking pandemic and you think it's a bad idea to give free healthcare to illegals. what a big brain you are.
here's another one for your massive brain to chew on. Bernie's policies would have had a much bigger impact on keeping illegal immigrants from coming here than trumps stupid fucking wall. trump doesn't want to keep out illegals. he and his billionaire friends made their fortunes off the backs of illegals.
you think Bernie is going to do all the shit he wants to do to increase wages for workers and he's just gonna let businesses get away with paying illegals less under the table?
because Yas Forums also hates video games
Hes a literal communist
Because if you were older than 12 years old, you would realize a career politician simply saying "I will give you free shit" is entirely a platitude
>you're in the middle of a fucking pandemic and you think it's a bad idea to give free healthcare to illegals. what a big brain you are.
>I am going to tax Americans on order to pay for Illegal's healthcare during a health crisis, and this incentive will keep illegals from coming here
Holy shit you little kids are the dumbest fucks on the planet
>as someone from a far off land i dont understand american politics at all
so you have the same level of understanding as the average amerishart poster
this is the kinda retard surface level way of thinking that lets comunism exist
>b-b-ut bern said he gabe a free cookie! how can u be against free cokie !!
bernie is a fucking retard and so are you.
He runs on a platform of wealth redistribution and "lets give everybody free shit lmao" while Trump runs on platform of creating wealth. Think for a LITTLE BIT about which one has a future and which one destroys a country's economy.
the Democratic party is a corporation and they have no obligation to chose their candidate democratically at all. They even argued this in court. But they still have a vested interested in duping people into thinking their vote matters so they fucking rig it everywhich way they can.
Bernie had an 8 point lead in nearly every exit poll. I'm talking about the raw exit polls (hey guess what they do now, they change the actual exit poll results to match the results spit out by the voting machines, isn't that neat? totally invalidates the entire point of an exit poll, but who cares! can't have people losing faith in this sham democracy)
most fucking democracies consider a 2 point discrepency in the exit polls to indicate fraud and is grounds for another election.
>giving illegals free healthcare that tax payers have to fund is in their best interest
just fuck me already
It doesn't matter because the US, like nearly every other country, is enslaved to their own central bank. Whether its neocon cucks like Trump or socialist retards, liberals etc.
>He runs on a platform of wealth redistribution
trump wants to bailout the arilines because of their loss of business due to the corona virus. he told them they are alright. he wants to give them money anywya
I don't get it
>subsidizing an industry is just like giving lazy niggers more incentives to be lazy
yeah dummy. so you don't get the next fucking mega virus stupid
>while Trump runs on platform of creating wealth
i too love israel, and seeing billions of dollars sent to aid them
>trump wants to bailout the arilines because of their loss of business due to the corona virus.
Isn't this with the interests of US citizens?
never said he was perfect. But yeah, lets give it to the literal Jew communist Bernie instead, that's much better Gevalt.
Bernie unironically complains about how rich people always want more more more while owning three houses and like 6-7 cars.
>giving incentives for 3rd world niggers to come to my country for "free healthcare" will keep me from getting sick
I bet you're also one of those stupid assholes who thinks giving homeless people free houses wont result in them turning neighborhoods into shit filled drug dens
yeah user you are right lets open the borders and pay for everyone's kids you cuck brain
Why do Yas Forums posters come onto other boards and post their politics shit? I just want to play video games.
Better than paying hundreds of thousands to corporations because insurance companies and healthcare want to rape your wallet as much as possible
>I just want to play video games.
>is on Yas Forums
yeah because all homeless people are drug addicts never mind that the majority of them have fucking jobs
I don't think so
okay fucking 19 year old retard who parrots something he read off leddit
>yeah because all homeless people are drug addicts
>US isn't sociali-
>There's no money social healthca-
>How would you pay for universal basic inco-
no stupid. you fucking fine and jail the people hiring them. then there will be no work for those people. then they stop coming. you dumb motherfucker
you don't pay for it nearly as much as the super rich would
I knew it, you're a fucking delusional redditor piece of shit whos never lived anywhere outside of their gated community. You pussies could get your head kicked in by a pack of niggers and you will still defend them vehemently with something like, "well society made them kick my head in."
So why aren't you playing video games?
Glow some more.
keep telling yourself that, teenager.
>Give free things to illegals
Oh hey look at that my taxes just went up.
how is that working out with the cocaine from Colombia you dumb retard lmao
>dude shut up millennial you need to grow up and let the Jewish elite control you every way but directly
Fuck off neocon tard
This. I literally can't take Bernie seriously because he is basically Larry David.
you think businesses of this scale see fines as anything more than a minor deterrent?
the majority of you white boomer trump voters are on fucking prescription medication.
trump is a fucking speed addict.
I just want the closest thing to a non-partisan elect. If Bernie's not in, it's Trump. Red vs. Blue is all kike shit.
>hurrr durr private insurance is bad!
You're fucking retarded and a child, which is evident to any adult with an actual job
between him and biden though, who would you rather deal with
based, modern video games suck
Zommers don't vote.
how do they see prison time you stupid faggot who can't read an entire sentence?
him being a junkie explains a lot, actually
the one who isnt a communist
Trust me, you do not make near enough money to worry about defending soulless multinational conglomerates
Please stop letting jew media rot your brain, my child.
not white or a boomer but ok.
muerte al socialismo uwu
Trickle down economics don't work.
i saw it, i just ignored it. you can't put any of those guys in jail for very long
either legalize all narcotics, or fucking stop and frisk wall street, the faggots who buy all the coke
Trust me, it is clear you work stocking shelves for a living and have never had the joys of AAA blue cross blue shield. I hope you get on Medicare, and then die after a misdiagnosis from your government selected sanji gupta PCD
Those lazy niggers will buy boomboxes and fried chicken, the industry soars.
The old faggot boomer CEOs will hide their gibes in an off-shore swiss bank account, nobody else benefits.
Bernie and the other dems are going to die from corona virus after they touch all those filthy shitskins.
Why are you faggots so assblasted. Guy just wanted to get informed and possibly wanted to change his view on the subject.
>the industry soars from niggers spending money on stupid shit that they got from other people's taxes
Objectively a fuckin retard
what else do you call someone who praises the soviet union and parrots marxists ideology?
bernie is an unabashed socialist and most americans don't understand what the word means. a big chunk of american voters don't care either way, they just vote for whoever they think uses the word nigger in private and rationalize backwards from there
Americans are literally brainwashed by the red scare bullshit to think any socialist policies (You know, the thing that the democratic party's supposed to support as a whole instead of being "republicans but blue") are filthy commie shit that must be purged.
Bernie's literally the only actual democrat in the DNC and people hate him for reminding the world what actual democrats are suppoused to be like, so falseflag shills and retards parrot the "DUDE HE'S A COMMIE" meme.
seethe tranny. the commie wont win.
none of the policies that would qualify him as a "communist" negatively affect you
I say fine and jail them, and you say "you can't fine and jail them enough"
well then fine and jail them more faggot
the stupid fucking jew unironically wants to give healthcare and benefits to non-citizens. All of you fucking morons should be round up and beaten with a rubber hose
>one is a spineless wimp who literally lets random people climb up onto his stage during rallies and steal his mic without a fight
>the other one is a senile old fart who threatened to fight an airplane employee over some stupid nonsense
It doesn't really matter, Trump is going to run circles around whichever one actually wins the nomination.
Lol Hernie is for abolishing ICE and putting a freeze on all deportations, dumb bitch.
Next you will say Corbyn is not a communist.
the united states lost trillions while trump was in office
>he at least tried to refuse her for a second
guess her skin wasnt dark enough, huh?
fucking cunt cant die soon enough
>dude just accept tax hikes and federal benefits going to illegals, it wont affect you
because I lived in a socialist shithole called Venezuela for 15 years and I cant stand brainlets who let this shit ideology spread.
He supports healthcare for illegals, decriminalizing border crossing, expanding social services which include covering said illegals.
In other words he is saying stuff that is infeasible. This is ontop of supporting impeachment, Russiagate (when it was popular) and more polarizing things.
Does he still get angry if someone asks him how he plans on paying for all of his "FREE STUFF FOR EVERYONE" policies?
if you got to a country with a national health service, they fucking treat your mutt american ass for free you stupid nigger. and their system works a lot better than ours. better results. cheaper
hang yourself small brain
>its not real communism
>real communism hasnt been tried
its all so tiresome
Nope, but Israel will. BASED NIGGERS AM I RIGHT
Literally yes you stupid fuck, niggers give the money to less niggardly business owners, business owners invest the profit into slightly smarter shit, the people they bought it from invest their profit, and so on.
>feeble old kike can't even overpower a woman
Proven fact that 1 dollar spent on wellfare generates almost 3 dollars in economic activity. Way better than dumping it into a billionaire finance hole where nothing comes of it.
post your source so I can laugh at you
perhaps once during an emergency, but for primary care you need to be a citizen to set up appointments and such on order to be seen by a doctor. You mother fucking cock sucking idiot
did they do a study on 1 dollar of welfare for a basketball american?
Same way the government pays for a dead cat bounce that lasts less than an hour you fucking retard.
guess you could say he got berned
I'd vote for Ampharosposter
oh ICE? you mean the fucking faggots that didn't exist 20 years ago? the faggot waste of tax dollar organization that violates the constitution?
any other post 911 hysteria organization you want to keep retard? you cool with the homeland security faggots collecting all your data too homo?
Based spic roasties dabbing on senile commie mutts lmao
>Trump is anti-video game yet Yas Forums like shim. Why?
You are aware we all hate video games, right?
And also exploiting minorities for less than minimum, so businesses have no reason to poach them, so they have no reason to be in America.
Lmao you are objectively stupid ass fuck. This is like that "its always sunny" episode where they create "patty dollars" and hand them out to homeless people to spend in their bar, thinking they are getting ahead this way
>taking 1 dollar from a tax payer and giving it to a nigger without a job generates 3 dollars
Yet Trump is scared of going up against Sanders
what do you think a non-citizen is? as long as they're paying into the system they should get the same treatment as everyone who does. if you're preventing them from being able to pay in, that sounds like another bad policy on your part.