What went wrong?

What went wrong?
I looked forward to this trash for years.

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kojimbo got cocky and taught he was a genius

Kojima is and always has been a hack.

His ideas aren't being mitigated by other executive staff members like it was during MGS1-3

What happened with Konami fucked Kojima's mind and convinced him that he had to prove himself again, and that he would do so by making a revolutionary new game. Unfortunately for Kojima he doesn't actually play videogames and doesn't really know what is going on in the medium these days so he thought a walking simulator with some "strand" elements would revolutionize the medium.

A lot went right imo. It's pretentious as fuck but the fucker released an actual video game on time and it's a complete product from start to finish.
You might hate it, but a movie game it is not. It's got cutscenes at the start, middle, and very end, but 90% of the time it lets you do your own thing with complex enough mechanics and systems for its traversal-type gameplay.

Nothing did. It was great. :)

Literally everything. The concept idea of the deliveryman it was a bad idea.
The gameplay sucks and the plot is basically nonsense.

I never played it but it seems that instead of offering a challenging mechanic that is doable with enough practice and requires skill (ie. Dark Souls boss battles, difficult pvp, difficult pve), the only challenge was your own literal patience and dealing with hardcore monotony and boredom.

There was no video game, essentially

its because you dont play videogames you watch others do it.

Exactly this.
The most boring game ever made

>I never played it but

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Everything. A garbage Delivery Simulator game with trash gameplay and ridiculous bad plot

It needed to be about two anime girls, with a more fantasy world, less story, less Hollywood celebs, more unique locations, banter, and about travelling instead of fucking fedex.
Then how about the same thing but not anime.

i liked it
good fuckin game. story doesnt take itself too seriously and is obviously a bit silly on purpose but it still has a really nice central theme. i also like the gameplay a lot, but i have a stomach for it because ive played a lot of yume nikki + its fan games and similar stuff like lsd and random itch walking sims. the multiplayer really adds a lot and is probably one of the best examples of theme being implemented in gameplay along with spec ops the line. stopping myself here because Yas Forums is not the place for video game discussion or any meaningful content as the inconsistent and slow moderation and the shallow braindead userbase consistently prove nowadays.
i think people in 10 years are gonna see the game was cool as fuck
only kojima game i have purchased and the only one outside of mgs1 ive played

I fucking hate every single monotonous and tedious delivery missions of the game.
Easily the worst Kojima game ever

according to rumors - disagreement with sony. Supposed to be a lot more like a horror game. Sound likes true due to a lot of unused locations.

A fucking trash game and the biggest Flop of the generation

Recommend me some Strandlikes, bros.

Definitely not this garbage game

>requires skill
>Dark Souls boss battles

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>I looked forward to this trash for years.
Now you better ask yourself why. Because part of the problem lies with you.

Horrible game


i didn't like watching a face talk to me about inane shit for 20 mins straight.

>What went wrong?
Kojima Diva status and smelling its own farts.

I found it 'comfy' but I stopped after about 10 hours. I always planned to jump back into it at some point, but eventually I realized I was 100% bored of the experience and couldn't force myself to wade through it anymore

I mean thats your fault for being a consoomer, writing was on the wall for years

>what went wrong

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Kojima needed to make a long and drawn out movie so he could have an excuse to hang out with his pretend hollywood friends

You never should've been looking forward to it to begin with. day 1 was a trailer with no gameplay and just some bizarre imagery focused on the guy from the walking dead.
Nothing about that should've sold you on the game, so the fact that you got excited even though there was something like 5 years of trailers with 0 gameplay shown speaks poorly of you.

I went from hating it to thinking it was not bad to loving it while playing it.
It's not for everyone for sure but man I'm glad the game is what it is and I'm glad no one listens to you specifically OP. You are a fag

Pretty good Vidya but I haven't picked e back up since I finished the story

What unused locations?, every shit in the trailers is in the game.
Stop spreading that bullshit from the other thread

The worst open world game ever played

I would have loved it more if the game didn't have roads and vehicles. I still really liked it, but the game was at its best when your trekking on foot, navigating the terrain. When the bike and roads come into play, the game becomes a commute.


Well, everything goes wrong.
Since the gameplay sucks, the plot sucks, and even the enemy's Ai sucks

>What went wrong?
It's basically a video game about being Hideo Kojima and it doesn't feel good to be Hideo Kojima, which is why it's not very fun.

Should have let you play as a female with giant tiddies. Would have been a 10/10.

fuck you I like rebuilding the road and trucking

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Definitely a trash game.
The worst Kojima game

>I looked forward to this trash for years.

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I liked it and thought it would be trash the moment it was announced. Hypefags deserve disappointment.

Deliveryman Simulator
A trash game

I liked the game. But then again, this is coming from someone who frequently posts on /ic/. I could even find fun watching paint dry.

>the worst Kojima game ever made

Easily a FLOP

Glorified walking sim

People expected there to be something to all the hype, just like with MGSV, whatever theories and speculations you had were vastly more interesting than what was given.

It suffered from its own hype, like No Mans Sky. If it was just some little project that wasnt toted as the fucking next step in videogames then it wouldnt have gotten such harsh criticism. Kojima loves the smell of his own farts to the point where I can almost understand why he was dropped from Konami. If he was a western dev he would get called pretentious and a blowhard, but because hes foreign hes treated like he knows what hes doing.

It delivered on everything that was promised unlike No Mans Sky and I was very hyped for it since the first trailer

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Literally a piece of garbage game

Based post. It proved Kojimmy can deliver on time. I remember when everyone here thought it was going to be vaporware and he was going to get fired by Sony lmao. Game is great, wish more people would give it an honest shot.

What's his endgame?

This is the worst game I've ever played in this generation.
Horrible delivery simulator game

It's a little bit too easy and chapters 2-4 are too sparse in terms of story content, you feel a bit lost until you finally make it to Mama's bunker.

Exemplary design and incredibly engaging gameplay otherwise, it was like concentrated videogame crack for me, just an endless assault of micro-decisions demanding my full attention and a perpetual snowball of new puzzles, tools and mechanics in reward for providing it. I also really like how you can stack delivery orders and this in turn effectively acts as an organic difficulty modifier and the way all the different stations and outposts are placed and connected connected means that taking orders in this fashion forces you off the beaten path and into the face of new challenges, it's essentially a time trial racing game with a random track generator and the asynchronous co-op ads an additional dynamic layer to that too. It's honestly my personal GOTY 2019, I really love its design.

It also retroactively ruined every other open world game for me by making me realise how much their open worlds are wasted on them, it has that playground/obstacle course level design philosophy which was common in first gen 3D platformers and has since become something of a lost art, almost none of the world in DS is just there for scenery.

Definitely a FLOP GAME
Since, after all, it is just a garbage deliveryman simulator

>The biggest 2019 Flop

Sony will never get their return on investment from dumping so much cash (funding, lending 70 GuerillaGames staff, and time exclusivity). Assuming the game barely makes it to 1 million lifetime sales they still wouldn't be making money, Hollywood actors and their associated high maintenance costs aren't cheap.

It didn't help Hideo Kojima himself was living it up like he was King Louis the 16th of Twitter. Andrew House who negotiated the deal with Hideo no longer works at Sony and Ken Imaizumi (KojimaProductions cofounder) left Hideo. For all the talk of open world and gotta be lile Rockstar Games all Hideo can say today is he wants to work on movies and smaller scale games...lol. That'll feed his employees, sure, Sony and 3rd parties aren't giving him free cash so he should be stressing what gis company should be doing next. That Gears of War CliffyB guy founded his own company and went under, Inafune of Capcom founded his own company and went under. Inafune was absorbed by Level5 (probably an old work friend who took pity) and is doing mobile tier shit. Hope KojimaProductions goes under in the next 5 years. Narcissistic prick releasing a walking simulator and pretends Demons Souls didn't already do the online social aspects much earlier than his totally ""new"" stranding genre.

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The worst open world game ever played

Thread should have ended here. Everybody must have missed it.

A pile of Shit game