>I play FemShepard because...... the superior voice acting! Yeah, that's it
Alright - but why do you play female characters in Dark Souls or Pokemon, games without female voice acting?
>I play FemShepard because...... the superior voice acting! Yeah, that's it
Alright - but why do you play female characters in Dark Souls or Pokemon, games without female voice acting?
I like looking at cute girls and the idea of a capable woman appeals to me.
I pick female characters to be something I'm not in real life. Just like how I play video games to be an action hero, god, military commander, mayor, and whatever else that I'm not in video games.
Armored women get me hard
I like getting hard
Only play female characters when that character's moveset is the one that I find most interesting. That's it.
Escapism is for faggots
Because I can
Sometimes, I just feel it.
I always choose female characters whenever there is a choice its more interesting to play as female.
So I assume you don't play video games or consume any fiction based media?
Mark Meer sounded much better than Jennifer as Shepard, bro.
i dont play as female characters because id rather play as the ideal chad i want to be in real life
Playing as a women is the first step of becoming a tranny, same as watching anime.
Not in the first game, or the second really, but by the third he was so fucking good.
Only male customizable character I played.
>Capable woman
I like cute girls. If they are a blank slate, a female character written like a generic man is way more interesting than a generic man. If you want me to play a male character, he needs to be something like Dante.
I always choose female in 3rd person camera games cause of dat azz
Hale is better in ME1 period and better renegade in ME2 and ME3.
That's the point. It's something that pretty much never happens in real life, so games are one of the very few places where I can experience that.
agp justification threads are so fucking gay
Sometimes I choose to play a female character because I feel it fits the setting better. For example, in Mass Effect Andromeda, your character is a weak beta pussy no matter what sex you select, so playing as a female was an obvious choice. In 99% of cases though, I play a male character.
Because you can't do anything about it, and the amount it triggers you is pretty fucking funny.
Because I see women protagonists ruined in everything i fucking see, so I make one to kick ass the way I want them to
I feel like the writing in Mass Effect is so dumb I'd rather treat it as a parody with a female Shepard than try to be serious
I never customize my character when given the option and I care even less whether it's male or female. It's up to the developer to create a fully realized character, I'm not doing any of the work or making their choices.
This too, Sheploo is a giga chad and any "man" who would choose to play as FemShep over this beautiful male specimen is prob a closet tranny and should be euthanized.
Of course people are going to play Leon first with how insanely popular RE4 is.
I play females only if they are cute. If I cant play cute girl I will play male instead
I usually choose male characters, but I played as female Aiba in Digimon Cybersleuth because I liked her design more than the male one.
Being treated like the male version anyway in cutscenes and having shit like the fistfight with Arata was pretty funny so that was an unexpected bonus.
>>Of course people are going to play Leon first with how insanely popular RE4 is.
>Street Fighter II - 14.05M
>Monster Hunter World - 13.1M
>Resident Evil 5 - 11.2M
>Street Fighter IV - 9M
>Resident Evil 6 - 9M
>Monster Hunter 4 - 8.3M
>Monster Hunter Generations - 7.4M
>Resident Evil 4 - 7.3M
>Resident Evil 7 - 6.6M
>Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - 6.2M
Oops, guess you guys are retards and don't know what people want
Here's something that'll blow your shitheaded mind: RE2 on the PS1 outsold RE4 on the PS2 and Gamecube. RE4 didn't save shit.
Meer showed more growth as an actor in ME. Overall i preferred his performance overall across the 3 games. Kassandra was a litte better than Alexios but both were pretty good. When there's male/female i like to try both and see what's up.
>Proves him right by posting that Leon's game outsold Claire's games
Are you retarded?
Kassandra was a fucking awful Deimos.
Is Claire in RE5?
What does RE5 have to do with anything?
In Demon Souls I rolled a girl cause of exclusive armour
If the west is going to make female casts that appeal to a general audience, step one is to throw feminism into the garbage where it belongs. Feminists are misanthropes, and they hate women as they actually exist here in reality just as much as they hate men. Cut the "traditional" out of the "traditional gender roles":
-The first thing to remember is that women spend a significant portion of their lives helpless in pregnancy, and as a result, their survival strategy is completely different from men's. Charm is tied to sex appeal. Women are looking for signs that a man is willing and able to provide during the pregnancy period (muscles, authority, a stoic attitude, etc.), whereas feminine sex appeal comes from signs that the baby factory is healthy (hips, boobs, etc.) and she's fit to take care of the kid (a soothing demeanor). This is why the "imagine if we did this with men" argument is completely stupid, BTW. Nobody wants to see feminine charm on a man.
-Women are conflict averse, and have all of the ups (they're natural homemakers) and downs (they tend to get worse deals because they won't fight for their money) that come along with that
-Women are more neurotic than men (have a stronger tendency to experience negative emotions)
Japanese female casts are better received than western ones because they keep one foot in female nature and keep the other foot half-in. This isn't some Japanese social construct, either. In spite of a full decade of SJW cultural dominance pumping out a flood of masculine women, if you look at the female characters who've risen or stuck around as beloved icons even in recent years, they're all overflowing with """traditional""" feminine charm. What people want out of women is deeply ingrained on a biological level.
I usually play the game with female protogonist because I'm also a girl. But if the design looks worse then I don't mind playing as male. Pic related.
Games like fire emblem can played twice or more using the different genders but I had to admit I only used Male MC on all four routes.
I was getting deja vu so I looked up the images.
How is it living with such crippling autism?
Seriously, trannies, there's no defense to playing a female in Dark Souls. Even the female character body looks like shit.
Cope, tranny
I legit did play FemShep for her voice acting. MaleShep sounded way too monotone. I've done playthroughs with both, however.
I like the death scream of the young female in DS3 the most.
There is literally zero reason to not do it
I like that feel of commanding them.
>M A S T U R B A T I O N
How do you masturbate to those tiny Pokemon pixels?
I have both gender characters. What are you going to say now?
I played as male and female shep. Did the same in DAo. I mean, why the fuck no?
I pick female because i want to play the hardest difficulty. Earning only 2/3 of questrewards
I play vidya mostly to just minmax I do not care about roleplay at all.
Even then most of the time your not really disqualifyied from certain events just because you are female so more often than not your enjoyment does not shift at all.
If the game has good graphics then ill be female so I can have in game coom breaks.
Yeah I know I'm in a bait thread. What's your point?
Tfw turned out to be a tranny
I honestly thought Kassandra was more popular.
boast bussy please :)
>Alright - but why do you play female characters in Dark Souls
Because I like to make characters and not myself. I like to create stories about them and who they are, what their goals are and try acting out their objective in the context of the game. Sometimes it's a girl, sometimes it's a man, sometimes it's a very androgynous male, sometimes it's a kid if I can make the design work.