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They use cloud servers so literally nothing changes. they just have to work from home now lol.

>Due to coronavirus, villages in Calradia have banned recruitment of villagers for the foreseeable future.

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>due to coronavirus, china has been nuked
one can only hope. seriously fuck chinks.

I'll fuck a chinamen if this gets delayed.

Coronavirus was the real harvesting all along

>We know that this decision may raise some concerns in regards to what that means for the release of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, however, we want to make it clear that we have thoroughly planned for this eventuality and are confident that we will still meet our goal of releasing the game on 31/03/20.

>confident that we will still meet our goal of releasing the game on 31/03/20.

> they just have to work from home now lol.
I would feel confident if they said that's what they're doing


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Suuuure, totally not because they are lazy fucks.

Who would have thought it would be the devs dying before bannerlord releases?

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What month is the 31st?

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wasn't iran saying that it they had evidence covid 19 is a bio weapon

Yeah, they also have evidence that allah protects them from getting sick

turkey doesn't even have that many cases does it?

fair point

turkey should intentionally infect all of the refugees they are releasing into europe for bonus points



Make sure you wash your hands

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>what month

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Month of Retard, you should start celebrating.

they're working from home you dumb niggerfaggot

Do americans really...

>we have thoroughly planned for this eventuality
they have butter and toilet paper stockpiled, make sure you do to anons.

>We have taken the decision to close our offices and work remotely for the foreseeable future

>the plague dlc had a twist ending tying it into the final part of the World War expansion pack trilogy
Absolute kino!

>we want to make it clear that we have thoroughly planned for this eventuality
They planned for the corona virus when they announced the release date?

why not? the final release date was only announced february 19, way after corona started spreading

>tfw bannerlord anticipated prepared and responded to corona virus than your own government

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So Bannerlord is going to release as an unfinished buggy piece of shit and not get fixed in the forseeable future?

We all already knew that.

>corona virus in COUNTRY!
eh I'm fine
>corona virus in CITY!
I should be okay
>corona virus in UNIVERSITY!
I'm fucked.

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Corona virus can infect insects now?

It started in China, it’s been doing that since day one

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Iranians believe that nuclear power comes from genies


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>despite coronavirus, Harlaus will still hold a feast

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Saying "March 1st" is faster than "the 1st of March" the US model matches the pronunciation. Even in Japanese when you are talking about dates it is "Month day." Everyone else is wrong, America is correct

Any advice on how to mimic flu symptoms in front of a professional ?

Stop being ignorant.

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This but unrionically. Sperging out at asians in the subway won't magically protect you from a virus.

>Sperging out at asians in the subway won't magically protect you from a virus
Yes it does

that sounds gay

year/month/day > day/month/year > month/day/year

being racist against chinks will help, not against normal asians

Just because you don't show it doesn't mean they don't know it.

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Dyslexia's a bitch, ain't it?

coronavirus didn't originate in bats, though. its specific method of infection has been found to not match the way bat originated coronaviruses cause infection

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I really want to fuck that bunny

why is uk so fucking gay

they also said rubbing essential oils on your anus prevented you from getting coronavirus so...

Japs also say the year before everything else and not every country speaks english?

That’s America

dumb amerimutt

it originated in pangolin
It spread from a bat to a pangolin in a wet market (chinese market where 'exotic' meats and animal products are sold for chingchong bing bong medicine). There's no real regulation on them so they were probably stacked in cages on top of each other and the bat shit all over the pangolin, then Yang snorted the Pangolins scales to make his pp hard or balance his chakras or something and here we are


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>Travel alternative:
>stay home.
I can't believe I've been travelling this whole time.

Corona taxonomy (aka PER DEFINITION) is a virus found in bats, you stupid fucking tool. The only way this could be a bioweapon is if they purposely ate batshit until it mutated.

Wasn't it linked to pangolin? Wildlife trade for chink traditional medicine is the same thing that resulted in the SARS outbreak - another coronavirus type.

Hello rebbit

31mod12 = 7mod12


>literally 1 case in Turkey
>shut down immediately

earth is a spaceship

nigga what it was on the news