Please come back, we give you essences

>please come back, we give you essences



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Shadowlands better them be trying their hardest to emulate TBC while crying blood because you simply can't have two WoD tier expacs back to back. This one has to be another Legion which was meh tier but good enough anyway to keep people subbed.
Vanilla taught them that people want an older version of the game, which is probably the only reason it was a good development. 40 man raids jesus christ.

Why would they emulate the worst expansion
>Blood Elves
>Began the unrepentant Druid dick-sucking and blatantly breaking the rules of the game to accomodate them
>Flying mounts
>Half the zones are boring Blasted Lands recolors
>Blood Elves
>Resilience gear added
>Resilience gear doesn't even do its job properly thanks to Warglaive meta
>Thori'dal is the worst, most lackluster legendary ever created at least before LEGENDARIES FOR ALL, no lore, no quest, just hangs out in Kil'jaeden's pocket, Warglaives do this too but they're Warglaives so it at least got people hyped for reasons besides OMG THE TEXT IS ORANGE
>Blood Elves
>Homogenized Shamans and Paladins
>Turned hybrid tax into hybrid privilege
>Every raid outside of Karazhan is utterly forgettable
>Started the 'levelling clown suit' meme while everyone thinks it was Classic most classes then had relatively uniform themes to their relevant drops, BC quest items are purposely made to clash terribly
>75% of the pre-raid loot models are just reused assets from Vanilla
>Blood Elves

Please come back we included onions!

Expansions ranked solely on class gameplay and raid/dungeon experience

Note that legion would be lower when factoring in retarded shit like ap and legendary grinds

shut up you retarded nigger

Cata had the best class gameplay bar none, and the first half of the expansion's endgame was great with actually difficult heroics and a brutal raid tier of Throne of the Four Winds and Blackwing Descent. Then they fucked it all up.

>Cata had the best class gameplay bar none

Unironically based.

Literally WotLK kits with modern mechanics like Recuperate and Hunter moving while shooting, but not casualized to shit like how MoP made them, they are objectively worse.

>Legion: Hey Blizzard can we have a way to purchase specific Legendaries we want
>Blizzard: Haha, no
>Patch 7.3.irrelevant: actually here you go you can do that now

>BFA: Hey Blizzard can we have a way to share Essences to alts
>Blizzard: Haha, no
>Patch 7.3.irrelevant: actually here you go you can do that now

Anybody expecting anything out of Shadowlands but the same lies and bullshit is delusional.

>>please come back, we give you essences

This is a good thing ya literal fucking retard.

>you don't like BFA huh??? link cutting edge for every raid tier and gladiator for every season

>Vanilla taught them that people want an older version of the game
Jesus fucking christ please no
8.3 did this by going back to fucking dailies instead of world quests
why would you go back to dailies for the love of god, they were replaced by world quests for a fucking reason
I don't want to fly around the zone like a retard collecting quests before I can actually start doing shit then fly around like a retard again to turn them all in

cata is garbage tier

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cata survival hunter was the peak though

Ion is literally autistic and think people like classic because of mindless rep grinding. It was even worse in Warlords.

imagine actually thinking this

8.2 and 8.3 dailies seem specifically designed to be tedious and boring.

Holy fuck, I have had at least a dozen acquaintances who played BfA say something along those lines to me whenever I told them how shitty the expansion was. What is it that drives them to do that? I even told them that I had played since the beginning of vanilla and they had the gall to say that didn't matter at all, it only mattered if I actually cleared BfA or not.

Catas first raid tier was fun from the amount of content alone but most bosses were too easy.

Nice opinion, who told you to think it?

Your next line will be whining about the shitty plot and old world revamps even though they have nothing to do with class gameplay or the specific endgame I mentioned

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those fuckin shameless money hungry kikes
>""""""""""account wide"""""""""""" essences

>not casualized to shit in cata
nigger this was the expansion they removed actually microing and doing shit with your pet, get the fuck out of here

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>What is it that drives them to do that?
Classic sunk cost


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>who told you to think it
Are you retarded? Wow had 12 million players in wrath. Most of those people kept playing into Cata and quit because it was a terrible expansion

What is aspect twisting and what are you even talking about, what extra micro did Hunters need in WotLK that you couldn't do in Cata

Ive only played the first 2 raid tiers of BFA, got hall of fame in both and everyone in my guild agrees this expansion sucks ass
And it got only worse with each raid tier with things like mandatory nazjatar peal gear and no brain corruption damage

this was planned from the very beginning, and anyone that didn't see it coming clearly hasn't played this game for very long.

they always slowly give in to extend the life of a patch. they did it with siege, they did it with warlords, they even did it with legion.

It was flying mounts that killed it for me, over everything. People just being allowed to disengage and ignore world pvp on pvp realms. Ruined the game.

blizzard could easily remedy this by banning flight from war mode, but too many cowards that are only interested in gank-running would refuse to play it.

>Nice opinion, who told you to think it?
unlike you i dont get my opinions from 4channel but from actually playing the garbage expansion when it was current

Yes, for the reasons I outlined in the spoiler, not the ones I outlined in my first post. Murozond was lazy as shit, Uldum was utterly ruined by a faggot-ass Indiana Jones storyline that spanned its entirety, but the class gameplay was at its absolute peak and I say this as a Vanilla player who played everything up to Legion

Hahaha okay, you're soooo unique trashing on Cataclysm with literally nothing to back up your shit, it's that damn Yas Forums hivemind Cata defense force that's so prevalent knocking you on your ass.

>Still crying about MUH WORLD PVP
Get over it flying mounts were gonna happen at some point or another in the game. Never understood this retarded mentality over it.

Hate him all you want, but this user spits truth. Classic+ >>> Vanilla.

>Still have to suffer PvP and do ranked just to get my BiS essences

No thanks

>cata is good because rogues got recuperate
lol ok

Only took them 18 months to make a bandaid fix for this awful system. Sorry but most of the players have quit already, same shit with Legion but at least in Legion they were a bit faster so they managed to recover.

Blizzard couldn't even release Classic without iredeemably fucking it up, and you expect those idiots to make Classic+?

All they have to do is:
>Release a new raid, which they can do
>Add new items that are at the same power level as Naxx, which they can do
>Add a new zone, which they can do
>And top it off with a questline that lets you purify corrupted ashbringer if you're a paladin

That's it. That's all they have to do.

>n-next expansion will be it guys
when will you learn

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Yeah, you got these extra things like masteries and meaningful level 10 skills ON TOP of nearly identical to WotLK talent trees, whereas every expansion after Cata pruned your shit. That is a net positive, and an objective improvement.

>nearly identical to WotLK talent trees
except for the fact you had to spec into 1 tree first to unlock the others

>Make an amazing change right at the end of an expansion


>vanilla was great
>bc was decent
>wrath was pretty good
>cata was disappointing but not as bad as people say it is
>MoP was excellent if you ignore pandas
>warlords was absolute shit
>legion was pretty good down the stretch
>BFA a tier above warlords but that's nothing to be proud of
shadowlands hasn't impressed me so far, but we'll see once beta arrives.

it would've been fine if it came with 8.3 (same with the new vision corruption change) but it's 2 months late at this point

Remember when 110-120 leveling took your skills, made you weaker and replaced it with nothing? And you stilll stayed subscribed for this clown fiesta?

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Yeah, that was the near part, only like one spec ever skipped over a 31-pointer though

>>vanilla was great
>>bc was decent
wtf? TBC is objectively better than classic. It's basically vanilla but perfected and with a shit ton more content for every type of player.

It's fucking incredible that this retarded opinion became a widespread meme just because "muh lore"

Should have been in 8.2.5 really.

is all you gonna get from people that say vanilla>tbc

How are dailies even bad? It's more tolerable than mindlessly grinding mobs for hours and hours. Reputation absolutely sucks dick in classic and was one of many things improved in TBC

bc turned the game into an arcade experience. vanilla was at a fork, and decided to go the route of theme park instead of continuing as a sandbox adventure game.

wrath did a better job of being bc.


the fact that he mentions blood elves 4 times says that i shouldnt take his shit seriously

Vanilla wow is a casual theme park MMO. TBC is the same but every aspect of it is improved. You're a fucking memespouting retard butthurt about kaelthas and illidan

Shut your dick-trap Elffag you ruined the Horde's playerbase irrevocably.

nice projection

I liked the raids aethstetically, honestly.
Dont remember our prog but we killed Mythic Zul, then Mythic Rastakhan, then Mythic Orgo before I hung up my robe because I never played outside of spending time with my guild who were mostly chill boomers.
Most of the fights were pretty cool but Im so fucking tired of AP and anything resembling it. Im tired that unless you grind like a mindless ape youre falling behind.
Actually had someone get mad at me because I openly said Im not getting Naz pearl gear because it's a fucking chore AND rng on top of that chore so fuck it. That's not a game. Thats a fucking job. Im not going to pay to do chores to then roll dice. Fuck BFA had atrocious grinds because you half the time you didnt fucking gain anything.

>TBC is the same

>these comments saying thank you blizzard

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how can one be so wrong. cata is what started the great exodus

too late. I have quit this broken game and became a 14tranny.

Unscrew your head from your ass and read the fucking thread

they dont even know what they are thanking for

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Fuck me 14 is so fucking boring. I tried for 2 months got to 30 and quit, which sucks cause alot of my friends say some cool shit happens later storywise, but I just cant stand the low-level timesinking.
Maybe Ill give it a try when they redo ARR. Maybe it wont be so bad.

>TBC is the same but every aspect of it is improved

>shit like arena and dumbed down pvp system forced players into instances and killed off wpvp
>flight that trivialized content
>making both factions equal by removing faction exclusive classes
>attunments that felt forced and without actual thought
>blood elves
>neutral city
>boring zones
>christie golden writing
>forgettable end game dungeons
>25m raid reduction that made raids feel less epic
>heroic mode
>druid changes
>tier tokens(started at the end of vanilla)
>easy legendary
>forgettable 5mans
tbc is wrath lite