Now that the END of DAYS is here. It is time to CONFESS YOUR VIDEO GAME SINS!

Now that the END of DAYS is here. It is time to CONFESS YOUR VIDEO GAME SINS!

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Other urls found in this thread:

I haven't finished a single game in last 3 years.

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>end of days

It's the boomercide, nothing to be concerned about. Overall the world is going to improve.

why do a lot of people have a thin upper lip and a thicker bottom lip? it's not just FAS or whatever, i think it's just common... my lips are even in thickness. does ur upper lip just get thinner as you get older?

my sins:
i enjoy playing like a troll and making the game worse for other people. not griefing just using an annoying item or whatever. it stems from pride i feel... i like to play with my food too much when i know im better than my opponent. *tips*

i only play indieshits and porn games
come on lady, im too busy for 20+ hour games, just suck me off will ya

In my first replay of kotor2 in over ten year, I couldn't be assed with the shitty combat. So I used a save editor to max my stats and it fucked the game completely. I got the most unsatisfying ending, with only the redheaded dyke joining me in the fight against Kreia. Really left a sour taste in my mouth, and I don't think I'll ever play it again.

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Nuns and priestess make my dick hard as FUCK!
Oh and I still play bideogames.

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I'm getting there. I was preventing other people from playing Death Stranding and Atelier Ryza due to not returning them to GameFly for like a month, but it didn't matter, both games were horrible anyways.


>Most of Yas Forums is either unemployed or living with their families
Let's think about this for a second. Before realizing how retarded you are. Most of our government is old white guys. If the virus kills them off, our government falls apart.

No current games really interest me enough to purchase or go through the effort so I spend a few hours a day browsing Yas Forums and just turn on dmc5 to keep trying for S ranks.
Thinking of emulating something. Most fun I've had recently was playing Paper Mario 2 with the HD texture pack.

Why do women pretend to worship god?

I haven't played any of the Stalker games, but i'd like to

I enjoyed Paper Mario Sticker Star

Females on average are more religious than males.

How what? I maxed every conversation tree with all my crewmembers, but this still happened. No romance options either, fuck.

>our government falls apart
oh damn, the one fatal flaw of our government is there's no line of succession incase a bunch of them die....what a critical overlooked flaw

>>Most of Yas Forums is either unemployed or living with their families
Projecting much?

cant play above average in shooters anymore because of the shitty p2p or cheap ass dedicated servers games use now

even when im clearly aiming at an enemy head i get no damage yet take 3x damage when im fired at
there's always a full second of delay between what i see compared to the what kill cams show
so thx to technology im actually worse at games and now makes me actually mad that i want to kill the devs of games now

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>less than 2% of fatalities.
nah, this shit is just going to become seasonal stuff.

While they engage in ritualism, they aren't actually religious.
They follow the acts of satan but pretend to follow the word of god.

I abused running in Sekiro during my first playthrough

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Are there any good quality porn films with decent nuns getting fucked.

I hate Christians and I'm starting to hate niggers despite knowing they're still human even if lesser and that a lot of them are still good people.

>>less than 2% of fatalities.
It's been 3 months and it's only now actively spreading. It grows exponentially. It's at 2% fatality in the first 3% of it's expected life.

The world economy has long since stopped turning.

Oh fuck. Here we go.

I've logged 2,372 days of /played time in World of Warcraft. 90% of it was spent roleplaying.
I've spent over $12,000 in purchases in Second Life.
I sucked my best friend's cock when I lost a wager at a Counter-Strike tourney at our local LAN.
I bought Watch_Dogs for full-price at release. My computer couldn't even run the piece of shit at the time. I never bothered to refund it. I still haven't played it to this day.
I still regularly fap to WoW porn even though I stopped playing it years ago.
I can't enjoy a game fully unless I am able to mod the game so that anime girls are in it. And I am able to mutilate said anime girls in horrific and gory ways.

I lived a good life, but I strayed away from God for way too long. I'm ready to go back home.

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How do you abuse running?

this is the unironic truth. my gf was raised in a super zealous Christian household, and still considers herself Christian, but is secretly a perverted sexual deviant that lets me do all kinds of unholy shit to her. i'm getting hard just thinking about it.

That shit's cool.

I play games only to break them as a reverse engineer. I've not beaten a game in over a year and I play hundreds of games at work.

I would go more to the church if nun were...well this sexy

Keep living that fantasy.

Most christians are actually satanists, because satan knows that the best way to discredit an institution(in our case the church) is to infiltrate it with his lackeys.

You are beyond salvation.

I enjoy playing League of Legends.

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No no no user, OP is refering to america moving troups in to europe to "help" with the quarantines. Once this blows over, WW3 starts.

I never finished Myst.
I can't play Shadow of the Colosus because I have a fear of giant things.
That said, the Ursula boss fight in Kingdom Hearts freaks me the fuck out to the point I have to stand on the other end of the room just to do it, while wincing to not see her that well.
I have played nearly 960 hours of OverWatch. I like the characters and the story (there are comics and those animated movies on youtube).
Dante's Inferno was cool.
I liked Castlevania Lords of Shadow.
I have never beaten Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1 2 , 3 or Bloodbourne despite owning them all.
I loved Transformers War/Fall for Cybertron.
Sonic Unleashed is my favorite 3D Sonic game.
Resident Evil 5 is my favorite Resident Evil game.
I never finished RE 1, 2, or 3 because I hate tank controls.
I think Costume Quest 1 and 2 is cute.
I never liked Metal Gear Solid despite owning all the games. I hate stealth games.
I liked Epic Mickey
DMC Devil May Cry wasn't a bad game if it wasn't called Devil May Cry.
I liked the last Thief game.
I have skylanders/amiibos despite never playing skylanders nor have not owned a nintendo product since the gamecube.
There's more but ive embaressed myself enough.

I unironically play Raid Shadow Legends and have put money into it

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>I've logged 2,372 days of /played time in World of Warcraft. 90% of it was spent roleplaying.
This is me, except with FFXIV and without the roleplaying
>I've spent over $12,000 in purchases in Second Life.
Jesus... But then again I suppose others have spent more on worse things
>I sucked my best friend's cock when I lost a wager at a Counter-Strike tourney at our local LAN.
>I bought Watch_Dogs for full-price at release. My computer couldn't even run the piece of shit at the time. I never bothered to refund it. I still haven't played it to this day.
I was so hyped for that fucking game. Preordered the super deluxe $100 edition or w/e, played it, realized it was a gigantic turd, and have never bought another Ubisoft game since.
>I still regularly fap to WoW porn even though I stopped playing it years ago.
me too
>I can't enjoy a game fully unless I am able to mod the game so that anime girls are in it. And I am able to mutilate said anime girls in horrific and gory ways.
this is not only cringe, but also sociopathic

Wrong. Satanists are the good guys. Satan means adversary in hebrew and truth eternal in sanskrit because Satan is the Truth and the adversary of liars and degenerates like Jews, Christians and Muslims.

>Betting blowjobs
Gay, bisexual, or just other brain problems?

I had to save scum in order to beat revenge of shinobi.

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satan is a jewish creation, it's silly to use him as the good guy.

>acts of Satan
Satan is the good of nature and christians are degenerates.
That's because christianity is degenerate. They praise celibacy but this only makes them psychos, sexual repression turns people into rapists. No wonder Christians are pedos.

I pretty much only finish short or story driven games these days. I know people shit on them, but I really like games like Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain, Until Dawn and Telltale's stuff. I have zero interest in games where you just kill shit to see a bar fill up anymore.

Wrong. Satan, like I already told you, has always existed but the Jews brainwashed the masses into believing He is the bad guy and a rabbi called Jesus is the savior. If you read the Bible you'll learn that even there Satan is actually good.

Since there's no stamina you can just run endlessly, try to get behind the boss, get a hit in, run away and repeat. No deflections or postures necessary. I did things properly the second time and had a lot more fun.

Would you confess???

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>unironic religious boomer retards now browsing Yas Forums

2016 destroyed this site

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If I confess do I get to put my dick in her and breed her?

user, if it's designed to have no stamina I think you're playing the game correctly and aren't actually abusing anything. Why the fuck would a ninja, a master assassin, fight duels anyway?

True, I mean, he eternally tortures all sexual deviants and degenerates, murderers, and so on, clearly he can't be the bad guy. Sure, he's more of a anti-hero, but not necessarly THAT bad.

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Then no.

>eternally tortures
This is comic book tier fanfiction not found in the Bible

She'll sit on your face to purify you ... obviously.

Sinner you’ll go to hell

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Now you're just trying to make him look bad.

I traded in my entire pokemon Gen IV collection for metroid prime and other M
Fuck Other M

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Sounds good to me.

What did you think about Detroit: Become Human? Is it good?

>eternally tortures
That's still jewish propaganda. Soon, He'll come back and the Jews and traitors will get what they deserve but I doubt they will be tortured. Still, I wish some of them would get tortured.

>Disney starts selling sex dolls under the touchstone brand

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I got a headset for the VR porn and it fucking sucks.

shut the fuck up boomer. more boomers die, the better. next is the zoomers we gotta hang.

Yahweh sucks, I'm just telling it like it is.

Chill out its just a flu but not if your old or sick its gonna fuck you up niggaaaa

I got fucked in the ass and I unironically wish I hadn't

it damages people lungs which is permanent for the rest of your life

it's actually a serious problem now

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I'm unable to pay more than €15 for a game and as so always 2-3 years behind release schedule.
Not sure if it's a sin or virtue.

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we all go to hell anyways so its not that big of a deal

Fuck the government in it's current state

Loads of people say it was the best Quantic Dream game, but I thought it was just ok. I didn't find the story particularly interesting, and it's pretty preachy with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Worth a play since there's not much choice when it comes to this genre, but I don't think it's as good as Beyond Two Souls or Heavy Rain. Even though those games have a lot of flaws too, I thought the characters and stories were more interesting.

Honestly, that's financially smart if anything.

Ḑ̶̱͍͋̄̒̽͘o̵̜͍͑̐̇̽̚͠ ̴̯̂̇͠y̶̤̜͆́́̋͠o̴̡̩͐͗̽͘ư̴͕̰̮̳̔̓ ̴̦̜̈̓͋͆̚h̷̠̮̮̱̩̰́͘a̸̮͛̋͜v̶̘̭̆͜e̴̮͂͌̎͆ ̴̦̝͒̂̌͗a̵̜͔̖͆͊͜ ̴̧̧̛̹m̷̨̡̤̺̬͔̈́̕o̷̰̮͔m̷̚e̷͉̦̤̝̍n̵͔̾̌́̚̕͠t̸͙͊ ̸͗̇̊͝t̶̜̼̰͘o̸̢͓̗̖̙͊̀͑̒ ̸̹̰̻̃́̏́̓͝t̵̘͋̀̀̇á̴̺̟́l̷̜̱̪͗̌̇͗k̵̢͈̞̜͖̺͆͆̄̀̚ ̸̗̰͉̥͆̎͆̆͗a̶̻͖̦̾̊̓̉̏͝b̴̡̛̬͓͇̄o̶̮̖̮̍͑̍̀̂͋ų̸̻͇̹̻̾̀t̷̝͝ ̸̯͔̟̔͌ä̷͓́ñ̶͍t̷̛̛͈̗̤̐́͝e̷̡̛̳͍͉͚͊̏̒͌d̸̨̡͒̂ị̶̧̱̖͗͊̋̑̚l̴̨̪̾̒u̶̻̓́͝ṿ̵͈̺̩̎͌̈́̄̑͜ȉ̴͙͉̘̭a̷̙͈̞̞̟̬͂ṇ̶̡̼̬̞̊͐?̶̡̘͉̗̻͑

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please ive been trying to find the source for years help a coomer out

It's going to take more than some sexy nuns to get me to "confess" anything. Do you have any sexy priests though? Asking for a friend haha.

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I preordered the FF7 deluxe edition

I am really gonna fuckin' need sauce

>btfo by noah and water
no thanks

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>use mask
>wash hands
>avoid crowded public areas
wow, that was hard

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I bought 10 candy bars that butterfinger promotion is having for the DLC items for FF7 and the tifa theme.

Can a Game Nigga get a sauerce?

Also "Satan" is older than Judaism. Depending on what lore you wanna go with, Satan and his kind were a people that lived on this planet and THEN humans came about. Even the old testament has references to the missing "link" race

the N-word

I want to enjoy this spooky picture but I really can't figure anything about it out

If you were not too busy being snarky, we've found out that masks do absolutely nothing. the virus can withstand longer time airborne and onto basically anything someone has touched.
Do you not understand what a pandemic is?

I have purchased at least 6 games in the past two months, installed them, opened them for about 5 minutes, closed them, and have not touched them since.

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Yeah some bitch I went to school with would post about God nonstop but then I see her getting fingered in the cafeteria. I hate women.

I've bought 2 crunch bars so far. I'm waiting for email confirmation of my codes before I buy more.
Shit this is such a lazy promotion. They couldn't even bother producing promotional packaging for it.