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desu I think Inclusivity is good because most people are based and fun to be around, and inviting them into my hobby feels good.

if you have to wait to be told its ok to start making games, then maybe you shouldn't be making games

Include these nuts in your mouth.

>hey maybe we could be inclusive to groups that have been marginalized-


I don't care for either side, but you can't argue against the fact that "inclusion" is just a blanket term for earning brownie points with groups. Let's look at some good characters of different spectrum;
>Lee, TTG's The Walking Dead, is a black man that's a great character because of how he interacts with everyone
>Arcade Gannon, Fallout 3, is a gay white man who doesn't force it down your throat, but lets you know in passing if you befriend him
>Samus Aran, Metroid franchise, is a badass female character that needs no words when kicking ass
This is just a small example of course, but they all have something in common; they're CHARACTERS, not POINTS OF INTEREST. Inclusiveness is entirely meaningless if the characters are there to fill quotas, and that's exactly what everyone is trying to do when they even mention such concepts. There are no exceptions to this; only honest developers and shameless ones. Inclusive developers are shameless without exception.

Exactly why I'm so glad Yas Forumstards are getting the hate they deserve.

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The hate they deserve is people advertising what kind of content will troll them. They're being fed, not spurned, that's how getting trolled works.

How about these fucking idiots develop some decent exclusives instead??

how about you just put in a simple fucking character customizer for your fucking games and people can pick whatever fucking color and gender whatever the fuck they want instead of this touchy feely kumbai ya circle jerk town hall bullshit. how fucking pathetic is is that 17 year old games like jedi academy let you be a dude or a girl of multiple colors and saints row 2 lets you be whatever the fuck you want and has at least 3 different voices for each gender (and lets you pick a voice regardless of gender) but games today are just soulless trash with prefab characters. it comes down to simple developer laziness. simple as.

Spoilers: "it's good to have diversity because different people bring different ideas to the table"

there, that's the entire fucking panel. Literally all of it, just different wording

"Inclusitivity" sounds nice, but history tells me that it's usually corporate speak for the "lowest common denominator".

This is just "appealing to casuals" but reworded to sound more marketable.

By all means, don't push people away from the hobby, but often people won't always play with you because some people are not interested in certain game genres regardless of how many minorities you add or how much sexuality you remove. My sister for example will NEVER play GTA no matter what, mainly because in her case? She's not into that type of game, and she gets dizzying headaches from the camera alone. I can't help that.


This, Only white people please.


this but unironically

Representation is for losers who never achieved anything so they're looking to squeeze validation from a fictional character that just so happens to look like them.

Children don't give a fuck about it because children aren't bigots, they can identify with any character that appeals to their sensibilities regardless of its sex or race.

Nobody thinks like this, it's a sad pathetic strawman concocted by feminists who don't have the talent to succeed on merit, so they try to co-opt gaming by crying about the children, while children don't give a fuck.

The message of this post, but not facetious, and meant genuinely


Exactly this. You can't force a person or persons to play a game just because you slap a fancy ad on it.Piggybacking off of your GTA example, there's nothing that appeals to girls in the game aside from the weird one out who likes pixelated men, but it's not like the game is tailored to push them away either. You play as a dude in all of them, but for the most part, the game's about shooting people and stealing cars. The character's ethnicity is irrelevant. The character's genitals are irrelevant. What the character's genitals go into is irrelevant. The gameplay is what matters in the end. If the gameplay isn't appealing, the game will be shit.

That's the biggest problem about games that try to market as inclusive; they have shit gameplay, or they focus WAY too much on creating attraction signs in the shape of gay black dudes or deep south butch lesbians, rather than focusing on creating a good game. Gameplay matters, inclusion does not.

I would legitimately spit in your face if I saw you somewhere on the street, you peasant


Based and most people are awesome pilled

Every leftist needs to hang.

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About fucking time.

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why why WHY is it always diversity of looks, not diversity of thought? it always ends up being the same fucking idiots who vote the same way, grew up in similar situations.

I am very wary of this because this to me sounds like just a nicer way of saying "we want to appeal to the lowest common denominator."

This line of corporate speak always results in the opposite of what they promised. And often than not, games get dumbed down even further while removing anything that might be offensive.

This but Japs are honorary whites too, so they're fine

most people just play games, this shit is obvious corporate virtue signal shilling that nobody should care about because it brings attention towards there being some sort of division at all


>if I saw you somewhere on the street
You'd be too triggered to do anything other than scream at anyone out in public who isn't white or is a woman

>just leftists
You're still in ((their)) pocket

>not one asian guy of female in there
>not one fat guy in there
>not one manlet in there
>not one bald guy in there

Diversity is fine as long it doesnt include trannys.

>something that was never an issue before
>we must now make it an issue
by far the most annoying thing that has happened this past decade. not everything has to be a social/political view - just make damn games

why is everyone shilling this shit these days its not even popular or good pr because its always connected with free gibs me dats for snowflakes?

lol no you wouldn't

It's funny, they all go through the same "game design" programs or art schools, and get similar certifications so there ironically is no diversity when they all have the same beliefs. Some of the most classic games like the original Crash Bandicoot were made by two dudes who were highly intelligent computer scientists that made a game, because they wanted to, and because they could. No justification needed.

diversity doesnt include asians ive heard many lefties at my college say that asians benefit from white privilege because they are the model minority so they are not allies unless its some brown south east asia asians

Oh boy. Cant wait to see Yas Forums's resident Sony autist post this same thread for weeks.

God I wish that were me



You still have those. It's just that those programmers studied to work in places like EA or Activision.

The only """games""" blacks and mexicans play are fighting and sports

Because of the coronavirus, the last thing you want to see is more asians.

Asian guy here, how come I'm not represented?

Good thing E3 was cancelled. At least this way they don't humiliate themselves in front of an entire audience.

Imagine devoting so much of your time to shill a dead ideology whose only purpose is long gone from this world. Retarded egalitarianism will fade away too once those childless people either die of old age or realize the futility of fighting the natural law. Happened with hippie boomers and will happen again in a few decades.

The last, desperate attempt of a brand on life support to monopolize a demographic in order to save itself. Really quite sad.

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Not true, they also play weeb shit.

According to affirmative action white girls marketing research asians dont care about technology or video games

This argument loses a lot of power when you can't go anywhere without hearing about how x company makes "inclusiveness" and "diversity" their number one priority. If every single company is constantly giving you asspats for existing how are you marginalized again?

>in a few decades
already happening
millennial women are going sterile and are losing it

The one thing I don't understand is WHY do they HAVE TO BE in a game for a game to be inclusive. Literally nothing stops them from playing the game. And adding uggos and minorities as characters rarely makes any fucking sense.

Which kind of Asian? Sandnigger, poo, or chink?

>game features diversity

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Most people who use the term marginalized have no clue what it means and are just parroting catchphrases they heard someone else say.

Ironically enough it's only in first world countries that progressiveness is able to take a hold. We literal shitskins couldn't care less about your stupid ideologies unless its directly beneficial to us.

>And adding uggos and minorities as characters rarely makes any fucking sense.

Its just americans and their propaganda. People were playing as animals / aliens and all forms of humans 15 fucking years ago from game studios all over the world it was literally the most "diverse" subculture every to exist but some colored hair americans faggot learned in school how to infiltrate and ruin everyones fun

That guy in the bottom left thinking "what happened to my city"

Don't tell me what I play.

based nigger
10/10 would cuckold with

Who was ever told "you can't make games with us, you are a NIGGER"?

I thought Xbox Game Pass was a success?

>How to make Whyte boi seethe 101

maybe they should focus on putting games on their dead platform

SPORTS GAMES!!!!!!!!!!

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Niggers love anime.

Stop pretending to be black, spencer.

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>only littlefats pictured
>0 (zero) infinifats

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>next month
>microsoft reporting drop in player numbers and cant figure out why

There's an old saying "me things thou doth protest too much"

All this does is draw attention to the shady shit this company MIGHT be doing, if they haven't been caught doing it already.

Stop being black, Jamal

Respetable opinion yet utterly retarded since you'll be used and ultimately enabling trash that has no reason to be advertised as much since it is irrelevant to the media in question in the big picture.

Tl; dr: you're being conned and has nothing to do with making videogames at all and allowing it will have an impact in a negative way.

On the plus side, it seems MS is commiting with getting shitty games. Better than no games.

Hello fellow gamers, how far do you like Das Manifest so far?

t. Lives in a 99% white/jewish neighborhood

This. Get ready to have niche games not ever be made because they're not "inclusive enough" (ie. Aren't blockbuster moneymakers)

Literally fighting for the retard vote.

>he needs external validation from the unwashed masses

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I wish they did

I just want games to be fun again, everything else comes second

>jewish neighborhood
Are there others in USA than Hollywood and New York?

>Companies trying to get attention with "diversity"
>Though most of the games they make have protagonists that are just different flavours of white
Surprised they haven't been called out yet

t. M.Goldmannstein
The Race Attorney (European descendants excluded)

Very rich and or gated communities
They also like to chase non-whites out of their homes for instance threatening they will move criminals into their neighborhood if they dont sell
There was an old black woman politician recently who had to resign over revelaing this

To game makers you are 4th at best

This shit is like a religion to them.

*gives you reddit gold*

there's a reason western media of all kinds gets censored for the arabic and chinese audience, it's hypocrisy on the highest level