It's a solid 80/100. Not the 90 that Metacritic says. Certainly not a 70. The first Ori was a 70

It's a solid 80/100. Not the 90 that Metacritic says. Certainly not a 70. The first Ori was a 70.

But this game is the textbook definition of "good". Nothing more, nothing less.

Attached: ori.png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

I'm having more fun than the entire last couple years and you can't do anything about it

Only problem is it's short

spent so long making it and it's so short
you get the tunneling ability and suddenly you're swimming in energy and health too.

It's 90+. The combat is really fun, the platforming is easily beyond any game released in the last 5+ years, the writing is very good (not breaking new ground doesn't make it bad- especially not when it executes it this well), the pacing is nearly perfect (which is super hard to get right when you have such a wealth of side quests available), and the aesthetic direction absolutely crushes the competition. It's also one of the few games released in the last few years (and one of the few Metroidvanias ever) where the final act truly is the best part of the game. That entire ending stretch is just phenomenal.
Easy 90+%. The only issue I have is with weird physics bugs I've been encountering.

The only slight dissapointment is that the story isn't nearly as emotional as the first one. The enigmatic characters of the first one are now Disney characters, the owl is just cartoony and gay whereas Kuro was insanely badass. There's funny NPCs everywhere, you don't have that feeling of despair and loneliness anymore.

But combat is so much better and platforming is just as good, so overall I guess it's an improvement.

People say the combat is good but I just spammed the Hammer swings and the upgraded Hammer down smash, while stacking spirit shards that boost damage. Spammed the light bow with corresponding spirit shards on bosses and they just melted.

It's satisfying but I wouldn't call it good combat. This is on my first playthrough on hard mode too.

The moment to moment combat, to me, was meant to be played more like DMC than it is Dark Souls (which HK emulates). You're going to see a lot of webms pouring in over the coming weeks of people never touching the ground once during a battle because that stylistic intensity is what it allows for.
I think it's definitely good combat even if it isn't the most challenging.

Does the game have actual boss battles this time?

a few, yeah

3 real and very good fights

1 tutorial boss which is a joke

1 early boss which is easy but appropriately so

1 lategame boss with literally 3 moves that are impossible to get hit by unless you try

the chase sequences are shorter than the first game but are still good

physics bugs are weird
if you stand on something that bends from your weight and pause the game or open a menu it will reset position causing you to clip through.

I've had sound effects just stop working numerous times, the only fix is to restart the entire game.

The music in the ending distorts on itself and sounds awful.

sound effects stack which means in the Luma Pools if bubbles get stuck in eachother you get increasingly, extremely loud bubble sounds which destroy your framerate too. I had to reload to a previous save because that current save had framerate issues that never went way thanks to the bubbles.

I've also had one of the web platforms in the spider boss fight get touched by the boss and spaz out a million miles an hour

far as fps issues go the game isn't playable on steam if i'm using a controller. the right trigger and bumper cause fps to dip down to 20 for some reaosn.

I played the Microsoft store version.

Fps drops are there but it's not unplayable by any means. What's really bad is the sound bugs, the music and general audio gets stuck in a static many times.

Very off putting on that regard.

this gay cartoony shit looks s󠛡oy as fuck

play a real mans game on a real system. I wouldn't touch this trash even if it came to PS4.

ip count didn't go up
thanks for the bump

Just finished it so i can finally join the threads, took me 14 hours to 100% on hard

the platforming is again phenomenal once you get all your shit the amount you control you have feels better than any other platformer i've played in the recent years.
actually it's so good that i cant see myself replaying since not having access to all tools feels really crippling after experiencing it

the boss fights are pure kino
story doesnt have the same feel to it as ori 1 but it's still great

solid 9/10

>actually it's so good that i cant see myself replaying since not having access to all tools feels really crippling after experiencing it

It's not that long of a game tho, and you get all the basic essentials way faster than you do in the first game. And on replays the game is naturally shorter since you'll spend less time faffing about and know where to unlock whichever thing.

>Everyone pretending the combat is some DMC level shit just because you can juggle enemies even though there are like 3 enemies in the entire game andall attempts at styling are denied by the sheer efficiency of hammer + shockwave

Yes, and the last one is KINO

I liked it a lot, 4/5, combat was good compared to the first game but the enemy variety was very lacking and nothing really challenged your insane moveset, lots of weird glitches, probably one of the most satisfying movement mechanics in any metroidvania I've played

It's not on PS4, so it's a 70 at best. Any dev that makes shitty decisions like this deserves the 10 point penalty.

imagine not being an idort

I'm having performance issues. Game needed a little bit more polish even with the two patches they already released.

Game really needs some graphics options.

>But this game is the textbook definition of "good". Nothing more, nothing less.
So a 7/10 then.

new to videogames? 7/10 is bad, 8/10 is good

First game ran like a dream so I don't see why they would have any problems hitting the same levels of polish. They were behind schedule most probably.

>the sheer efficiency of hammer + shockwave

Wait until you experience the fully decked out bow

>They were behind schedule most probably.

After close to half a decade of development time and multiple delays? Wowie

How are the Ori games (both of them) in terms of difficulty? I recently completed HK (including the pantheon and path of pain) and I was looking to play something slightly more chill

They are way more chill than HK, but Ori 2 can be a bit spicy if you play on hard. It's nothing crazy though.

Imagine not wanting this on a proper platform. Imagine not developing games for a proper platform.

Ori is a bad game SPECIFICALLY because it's not on PS4. We shouldn't encourage bad decisions like this.

it's not a movie so I don't think it's coming to ps4, sorry

The only time I die in these games is near the start where I have three health and am figuring out mechanics. And the tree in Ori 1. Only played like half an hour of Ori 2 so far so can't comment but I don't imagine that it's gonna be radically harder.

Naw, it actually has gameplay so it wouldn't really fit in on PS4.

Sounds good, thanks. I'll hit the first one since it's super cheap right now. I think absolute radiance broke my will to live

>Only problem is it's short
This. Why are the best games so short?

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HK is at least 3 times as long

I mean, is it really though? I am clocking 5 hours at 25%, I like playing slowly and keep going back after I get every new ability to see if I can get just one more power up.

Time flies fast when you're having fun.

HK suck tho, so you're not refuting his point


You snoys are just fucking pitiful now

anyone else stuck at silent woods fight shrine after rescuing ku? i cant get out...

The consumer has every right to demand a better product. Stop settling for mediocrity.

What do you mean you cant get out?
What's stopping you?

Just warp to a fast travel point through the map, if you can. Try loading a backup save if that's not possible.

>Stop settling for mediocrity
>t. Snoycuck
The absolute fucking irony holy shit

did you glitch through the cutscene to the shrine or what?
if it's actually a bug just reload a save from the menu

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>gameplay is even more fun than the first one
>way more options for upgrades
>all the important methods of movement came back with even more on top
>combat is fun, but could be improved
It's such an improvement over the first game.
I was thinking it was an easy 90+, but the more I play the more minor bugs and glitches I keep seeing.
At first I just ignored them as random shit that got through, but they keep happening and now the game just looks unpolished as hell.
The game in general is fucking amazing, but more than anything it needed some serious QA time.
Also kind of upset that the big bad thing is another misunderstood flying shadow creature, but at least it's not literally another owl.
Now to leave the thread before I get spoiled on anything.

I DIDNT glitch jack shit i just went exploring that erea after ku was injjjured and then got suck there

i cant go up cuz there is nothing to jump to or grapple as i get to the area where ku fell this fagott ori gets sad and doesnt jump at all.

what's keeping you from just walking back the way you came from or teleporting out then

is it still a fake metroidvania or a real one this time

i'm stuck at the windmill escape sequence
first run through went smooth mostly, but i died, all subsequent attempts one path that should open up (the part where some spikes fall down and the cage starts rolling) just doesn't work anymore and i die

quit the escape sequence and re-entered it but no dice
DMC 5 attempts at styling are denied by the sheer efficiency of holding gun with faust, don't make the game less fun

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there's supposed to be a cutscene when you get to Ku, which apperently bugged out on your end.
just reload a different savestate from the menu

>but at least it's not literally another owl
at least he's gone but he'll probably be disappointed all the same

3 times as long as DMC5 and no bad bits like having to play as V.
it's a pretty good game by current year standards.

he doesnt jump cuz hes sad

i did get the cutscene dude and then after went exploring

Just like my penis in your mouth.

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i hate the music in this game

its so obvious, overblown, bombastic and generic. its like having a little square on the screen that tells you the current emotion you should be feeling

I just beat the darkness spider. Was I supposed to get some kind of light power by now? I've been cheesing through darkness with the bow.

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You'd prefer dubstep or screamo?

i loaded a previous save and im making progress again so that gud i guess

>you can't just have the music express how the player should feel

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Hey now, it's not just another owl, it's an autistic mutant owl that doesn't get a happy ending

>giant boss appears
>music gets intense
user: Well this fucking sucks

HK is one of the best video games ever made, so yes, I am refuting his point.

>don't make the game less fun
>"Instead of just hitting them twice with hammer, you should launch them in the air, hit them once with one arrow then flip back for style, jump and lasso onto them, push them down with a downward thrust and finish with a charged spear shot from above"
I mean, that was fun the first time, then you realize there is no style gauge nor any reason to do that besides making every combat last much longer then they ought to be. Maybe combos are not for me, I need a practical gameplay reason to do something besides a generic "hey you can do that, cool".

Ok nvm found it. Fucking hell.

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I went back to Kwolok's burrow to grab something I missed and the path was filled with poison water for some reason. I just swam through it anyway and now this happened.

Attached: ori.jpg (1920x1080, 193.06K)