Why do people insist on calling her Aeris when it's confirmed to be Aerith for two decades now and also the original Final Fantasy VII was lazily translated by one overworked man?
Why do people insist on calling her Aeris when it's confirmed to be Aerith for two decades now and also the original...
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now i want to look at aerith vore thanks
It's hadlitt, you niplet
>my name ith Aerith
Aeris sounds better to me still
Dont the game have let you rename a charactaers??? Who cares!!!!!
But no you see Aerith just isn't natural
Why does Kaa attract so much low quality fetish “art”?
Her correct name is Aeris, her name is based on the constellation, there is no "TH" sound in the Japanese language.
"Aerith" was a translation error which was corrected in the game.
Don't talk to me again baka gaijin
Yeah...then everyone at Square just forgot and only you remember!
When her original name is supposed to be Aeris, Aerith sounds like a lisp. It's not like there's a Smis or Elizabes, and trying to say it's Aerith is like trying to say Alice is Alith.
Why does "th" turn into "su" anyway and not into "to"? Nips are weird
If you meet someone called Seth are you going to tell them it's hard to pronounce their name too you straw grasping retard?
Played FF7 recently and just renamed her to Aerith. Feels comfy.
It’s Aeris.
speedrunners found that if you skip recruiting Aeris into your party when you get to name her, when she joins your party her name is automatically Aerith
>is supposed to be
Devs said it's Aerith, don't bother them about it.
Because hypnosis combined with the other person being embraced by a huge amount of body mass.
At least this is what I think about it. But Disney Kaa is trash.
I think Soviet one has a really strong homoerotic vibe about it and his voice is also so much deeper that adds to it.
Cool, sauce?
No, because Seth is a legit name, you fucking idiot, just like I said in my other examples. There is no Ses, just like there is no Jameth. But Aeris is a name derived from Eris, so it makes no sense to tack on th at the end.
>Earisu Geinzubūru
it's Aeris
>Aeris is a name derived from Eris
Nope, retard
Yes, dumbass.
Because most people aren't weeb trash and never gave a shit.
It's not
>Japanese pronounce it "Aerisu"
>that's literally how it sounds
>people still think it should be "Aerith"
it just don't make sense I tell you what
It's Greek.
nope, mong
>people insist on calling Aeris "Aerith"
>but don't insist on calling Tifa "Chifa"
makes sense...big thoughts
They are content just calling her tea fak
>When her original name is supposed to be Aeris, Aerith sounds like a lisp
Her original Japanese name is Earisu.
Her name is supposed to sound similar to "Earth", as if said in English but only using Japanese characters. This was done as a way to highlight that her character has a strong connection to the planet.
Phonetically, the "TH" sound doesn't exist in Japanese. the "SU" sound is often used to replace it when adapting English words into their own language.
Meanwhile, the E sound in Japanese is somewhere between an "Eh" and an "Ah".
So no.
Her name is Aerith in English and Aeris was always a mistranslated fuckup.
By your logic, her true translated name should be Earis. Or something totally different sounding that still represents or evokes a connection to Earth like Gaia (Althought naming her after the actual planet the game takes place on is just a little too spot on), as Aeris still doesn't fit that thematically either.
Isn't her name in Japanese a bunch of squiggly lines?
And more importantly who the fuck cares if someone else calls her something different? You want to come watch me fuck your mom and critique my pumping method too?
Who cares about her name, she's fucking dead.
nope, only in the original game, in ff7 remake universe she is still alive, they haven't even made the part of the game where she dies yet and there's a possibility they never will so for now she lives
Thanks for the laugh.
Found the surface level faggot.
>And there's a possibility they never will
At the pace they are going she'll die to be with the original FF7 fans since none of them will be still alive.
"th" sounds more like "su" than "to"
Because Japanese don't know how to spell their character names in English, so I choose the best way based on my large brain and refined taste. The original Japanese sounds like "Ellith" so who gives a fuck what they think. They're literally mashing random words up anyways.
I'm fine with people calling her Aeris, so long as they also call Sephiroth "Sephiros"
Do you altho talk like thith, you lithp having faggoth?
Aeris sounds better. Aerith sounds fucking retarded.
Not that user but IIRC the game has her internally named as Aerith before you recruit and name her, the default name on naming screen is Aeris for whatever reason and that changes it after confirming the same way renaming Cloud to Jerry would
Well that's not canon since I've got the original game right in front of me.
Even says in the little booklet "Aeris".
Guess you're wrong kid.
That doesn’t matter. That’s not her name.
Here’s a clip i found of it,
"Aeris" just sounds more like a name than "Aerith". Nips don't understand how dumb their chosen romanizations sound to native English speakers. See: FGO with "Altria".
That's canon also.
Just because you don't like it doesn't make it so.
>using localized names
Its just because you are used to aeris. Thats literally it you brainlet. If it was translated properly from the start you would perceive it as normal. Aerith is no weirder a name than sephiroth
We get it you’re a weeb.
>all the variations of beth, edith, judith gwyneth etc dont sound like real names
found the absolute retard that doesn't know japanese name was earisu. good talking to you mong.
>as he posts on www.Yas Forums.org
>discussing about a japanese RPG
Its canon that its not the correct name
People tend to try and use correct information when talking about literally anything
So we agree her name ends in s then?
>su ends in s
>su ends in TH
Why is "misu" not pronounced "mith"?
The retard translator made that mistake and its why retards like you call her aeris to this day. He thought 'oh su looks like s', su should have been translated to th just like sefirosu was, also aerith was supposed to sound like earth which aeris does not, also youre supposed to think aerith and seph are both ancients so there names were supposed to be similar, also why they have similar eyes and hair
stand aside for the only true name
That doesnt make you a weeb. Being a cringe faggot who takes every opportunity to praise glorious nippon language and culture makes you a weeb.
Su is both S or Th sound
sefirosu - sephiroth
nokutisu - noctis
igunisu - ignis
guradiorasu - gladiolus
regisu - regis
aerith has always been correct
Broth in jap is pronounced burosu
Goth is pronounced gosu
They lack a th sound in their language so they use su in its place
Regardless of all that square enix has used Aerith in every appearance since the original error in the naming screen
Because FF7 fans are almost as retarded and worthless as the game they love.