Everything about this game fucking sucks

Everything about this game fucking sucks.
>b-but the plot is so deep
The plot sucks too. I thought the colossi were going to be the good guys, but no, they are fragments of dormin so you don't even feel bad for killing them.

Attached: Shadow-of-the-Colossus.png (1600x900, 2.04M)

It's free on ps plus, but l hope you paid for it.

No you don't understand, it's ART user! Don't you respect ART?

Well there's no accounting for bad taste

It's been ages since I played this, but weren't the colossi just containing/imprisoning pieces of the big bad?

>good guys
There are no "good guys" or "bad guys" in the game.

Nigger, you fight colossi. How can you think THAT ain't the coolest thing ever?

Picrelated is OP.

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Try it again when you're older

Attached: Quit.jpg (512x448, 21.92K)

>OP gets filtered

The game itself is great, but the story is massively overrated and misunderstood
People who think Wander is wrong for killing the peaceful colossi are wrong because almost all of them are immediately hostile, they're fragments of an evil god, and it's implied their presence has deoven not only humans from the land, but most of the fauna from it as well
People whi think Wander was wrong for listening to Dormin and trying to revive Mono are wrong because not only did Dormin keep his promise, but they managed to seal Dormin away using the sword the humans ALREADY HAD. Wander revived a dead girl and sealed away an evil god, and all it cost was his body. He didn't even die!
The story basically falls apart if you're trying to look for any sort of message in it, other than "Don't listen to old people."

Did he really turn into that baby at the end?

>post information from the ending cutscene
coping, seething, manlet, brainlet

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Wild animals can be hostile. Doesn't make them evil

But you'd still think it's an objectively good thing to kill it instead of let it do further harm

fucking retard

they hold fragments of Dormin and they are a line of defense against anyone trying to unleash him/it

>plot is so deep
The game has no real plot, idiot. This proves you don't know what plot is or that you think the plot is deep.

It's a game about symbolism and simplicity. It pretty much boils down to what makes the medium great.
>extreme focus on gameplay, with most of the narrative told through gameplay
>trims the fat and made a game centered around boss rush good
>each boss is in a sense a puzzle you study and then solve using mechanical skill
>ludonarrative harmony, the game world makes sense with the gameplay
>the depth is there if you look for it, but it's not in your face and never gets preachy
>the narrative wordlessly lets the player know that their initial idea that you're this hero going on a quest to save a princess by defeating evil monsters isn't what it seemed, it's more grey than that

But all of this is obviously lost on you, since you're dense yet believe you're too smart for it (despite clearly being to dumb for such a simple game).

Okay, zoomer

>It's been ages since I played this, but weren't the colossi just containing/imprisoning pieces of the big bad?

Yes, they were guardians protecting the pieces of Dormin from you.

It has a plot, it's just ambigious and open to multiple interpretations (and not all of them are right).

SotC isn't tetris.

Games aren't art and the gameplay sucks ass. Fuck you.

Yet when they all die animals start returning. Really makes you think.
>trims the fat
>have to travel 5-10 minutes through a completely empty world using ass horse controls to tediously arrive at the extremely simple and easy "boss".

Uh no sweetie, eat shit and get good. It's got one of the best modern day platforming mechanics in any game ever, and horseriding too.

The "plot" in SotC is the gameplay. The narrative is mostly told through gameplay.

The story is basically
>guy travels to a forbidden land to save the woman he loves, he succeeds but at a heavy cost
The plot is basically
>and then he fought the next colossi
It's just how events are connected.

The game is very minimalist in the storytelling, that's the point. It's not about a complicated series of events, intricate writing or drama.
It's a game that doesn't try to be anything more than a game and knows it.

>Yet when they all die animals start returning. Really makes you think.

The animals are clearly not afraid of the massive colossi stomping around with a piece of an evil entity inside of it.
The colossi themselves are not evil. Dormin is not controlling them. If he did then he would let you kill them. It also wouldn't make any sense at all to allow Dormin to control the things sealing him away.
Just stop, you're emotional and irrational.

It's a Zelda game with no enemies and no dungeons. It's 1/3 of a Zelda game.

I played it to the end and never felt bad about killing the Colossus.
They're giant monsters who attack me why the fuck should I feel bad about killing them? Of because they're the only monster is their kind and they'll be extinct.
Who gives a shit? They're giant dangerous monsters..

>>have to travel 5-10 minutes through a completely empty world using ass horse controls to tediously arrive at the extremely simple and easy "boss".
The concept of pacing is lost on you. You probably think the game would be better if you fought each colossi directly after one another with no breaks.
The world is also there for a purpose, which is quite clearly lost on you since you're dense and not very bright. Even if I spoonfed you it would bounce off you since you're so close-minded. Also if you think this game is about extremely difficult boss fights you're even more stupid than I thought.

That's your minimalist interpretation, pretending or falsely believing that the surface story is all there is. But that's not how its creator rolls, and it has pieces in place that are less obscure than the Souls series' manner of storytelling, that make things connect to the rest of the ICO universe/ setting fairly well.

>It's a Zelda game with no enemies and no dungeons. It's 1/3 of a Zelda game.
Wrong. They have surface level similarities. They're focused on completely different things.
It's like saying
>gran turismo is like mario kart, because they're both racing games with cars

I'm talking about plot. You're not. You're talking world-building and narrative.
As I said, the game basically has no real plot.

>A handful of birds, some fish in one very specific area, and seemingly magical lizards is TOTALLY all the wildlife that woukd normally inhabit this area!
>What do you mean ending cutscene I don't know what you're talking about

Hmm yes you need an extremely big brain to understand Shadow of the Colossus. It being boring, empty, control badly, and too easy are all part of the experience!

I'm convinced no one who sucks this games dick has ever even finished it. They just like the idea of it for whatever reason.

The game is just cool. Gameplay isn't great, graphics are alright, story is fine, atmosphere is pretty good, but all those don't matter, because fighting giant collosi is so fucking EPIC

Yes I played the game, what's your point.

You seem to have problems articulating it.

>Hmm yes you need an extremely big brain to understand Shadow of the Colossus
That's my point. You don't. Yet idiots still fail to comprehend such a simple game. That is pretty telling for just how insanely stupid you are.

If you interpret the ending cutscene as anything other than "Fauna are now returning to the land" you lack common sense, deductive reasoming skills, and the ability to detect symbolic meaning

I'm assuming this whole thread is vinnyfags

>But you'd still think it's an objectively good thing to kill it instead of let it do further harm to me, the guy there to kill it
Fixed that for you

Games aren't art and SotC is good. I'm sorry it doesn't have a battle royale mode to appeal to gamerz like you.

Did you get all the achievements? I'm a bit of a Shadow of the Colossus expert myself and the game sucks.

If we're talking about the equivalent hypothetical, the wild animal in question is hoatile to any human in range, as well as other animals, not just you
If we're talking about the colossi, they've driven (almost) all life from the land. They have at the very least uprooted animals from their home.

Ico was even worse at least SOTC was a game.

>the wild animal in question is hoatile to any human in range
Prove it

It's a hypothetical, I don't have to?
If you mean the colossi, why the fuck else would they declare it a forbidden land? If the colossi were completely chill dudes, there'd be no reason not to build a village right next to them and let your children go pet them and shit. If it was imperative to the chief that the colossi don't die, the easiest way to keep them from dying would be to keep them under supervision, after all.

>It's a hypothetical, I don't have to?
So then why am I entertaining your hypothetical as if it matters?

The spaces in between are also a puzzle of sorts. You're following a direction that isn't 100% reliable, and trying to map your way through the world. Even beyond that, you ride, climb, swim, or jump across obstacles to get there.
The overworld also has all of the upgrades your bitch ass might need. It serves a purpose beyond pacing.

>If you interpret the ending cutscene as anything other than "Fauna are now returning to the land"

I said, what's your point. You're describing and event and you have no point.
After several posts now you have failed to articulate what your point is, which leads me to believe you have none.

Because it was an analogy equating the morality of killing a colossus to the nearest real-world equivalent of killing an aggressive, territorial animal?

>responds with logical fallacies, moving irrelevant goalposts
So you concede, great. Now I don't have to waste more time on you.

open to interpretation means you can apply whatever meaning you want to it and it's still valid though. that's what most art is all about. saying 'not all of them are right' means you missed the point

>Animals = Nature
>Nature = Good
>When colossus alive, no animals
>When colossus dead, animals
>Colossus = No Animals
>Colossus = No Good
>Colossus = Bad
Is that clear enough for you?

There's a big blue line pointing you exactly where to go. This game had quest markers in 2005.

Given that you've made a pact with Dormin prior its entirely possible for the colossi to be reacting hostile towards that aspect of you.

seethe and

Attached: cope.png (2459x2298, 1.42M)

I already addressed this before, are you illiterate?
Is your point that colossi are evil based on a baseless assumption that animals come back when they fall?

If you choose to ignore everything I mentioned here , sure, I suppose you couod believe that

objectively correct

if the gameplay is fucking shit


It's pretty clear the colossi aren't inherently evil, except maybe the last one. They're just creatures that exist. It's also implied that they aren't really even "alive" since most of them are seemingly frozen in place or sealed away until you approach them. It's more than likely that they react to the sword.

A straight line is a step up from a quest marker since you have no idea where the destination actually is, only what direction you have to head in.


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The colossi were sealing fragments of Dormin away, why the fuck would they want people hanging out by them?

So you're retarded and have no point. You're just shitting out baseless assumptions to feebly try and prove that colossi are themselves evil, despite there is no evidence to support this.

I already stated that animals would obviously be scared of gigantic monsters with a fraction of an evil entity inside of them, which is something you never disproved.

You have 0 evidence to prove that the colossi themselves are evil. It's nothing but pure assumption you try and play off as fact, because you're a fucking idiot.

>why the fuck else would they declare it a forbidden land?
Why do you assume it being a forbidden land has anything to do with the colossi themselves? If they were that intrinsic to the legend of the forbidden land they would have been mentioned earlier, but Wander doesn't learn about them until Dormin mentions them.

>I already stated that animals would obviously be scared of gigantic monsters with a fraction of an evil entity inside of them, which is something you never disproved.
You literally never said this
Also, it's still driving away the animals. As I've said before, like a territorial animal, it may not be intrinsically evil, but it causes excessive harm to those around it. Such creatures should be put down if there is no better alternative.

Cope Yas Forumsermin this masterpiece earned its place in videogame history waaay before you were born and your dumbass Yas Forumstarded faggot ass ain't changing it.

>Also, it's still driving away the animals.
Never shown or demonstrated in game

If they're just protecting the world from Dormin, why would they not want likeminded humans around?Why else would it be forbidden? Wander may not have been privy to that information, but obviously someone was at some point.

>It's pretty clear the colossi aren't inherently evil, except maybe the last one.

It's obvious that they're getting angry over your killing them. They begin as more serene, just going about their business, then they actively start to attack you.

Because likeminded humans could be corrupted and persuaded by Dormin into fucking shit up