Ah yes, children's toys and children's video games, my two favorite things to consoom finally in one...

Ah yes, children's toys and children's video games, my two favorite things to consoom finally in one. Thanks you nintendo for letting me remain a child mentally for the rest of my life.

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Nintendo has gone full circle. Going from kids toys to vidya and now back to kids toys again.

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they never really left kids toys, there have been toys the whole time

>you made fun of nintendo so you must be a sony fanboy
Who the fuck buys any plastic shit to begin with.

i never said shit
look at that projectory

I just don't understand the concept of it from the video shown. Is it a board game? Are coins used for something? Does it just make bing bing wahoo noises?

As opposed to what, spending 40 or more hours a week selling your labor at a loss?

Yeah you did faggot, that's literally the only possible thing your post could imply.

Why are you fucks so triggered by this? It's not like they ever stopped making toys or that they're forcing YOU to play with toys. And please, you're playing fucking video games. Have some self-awareness.

>you're a manchild
>im not a manchild even though i seek validation from my hobby

And OP is probably 13 y old who believes he is mature adult because he describe some people as "children" or "mental children" just because they bought mario legos

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it's obviously made for kids. i don't understand the point of this thread outside of console baiting.

because OP is a faggot
i wouldnt buy a lego because i dont stick glue up my ass, but i didnt need to make a thread to seek validation among autismos
get a job OP and stop living off your parents, they're starting to get worried.

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I wonder if scalpers will be going after these things, think they're be in production for a while?

>As opposed to what, spending 40 or more hours a week selling your labor at a loss?
>get a job
There it is.

>child mentality
>he says, posting on Yas Forums, a board for video games, which is a manchild's hobby
really makes you think

Go ahead, keep sounding self righteous because you're so secure in yourself you can buy all the plastic toys you want. We're all so proud of you for doing what you want to do and not something that is the least bit admirable. What a free soul you are.

I imagine that nintendo was really insistent on getting mario's proportions, which wouldn't work with a normal minifig forcing lego to do this duplo crap.

This is nothing like Mario's normal proportions though.

honestly, it's just too easy at this point. I can't even be assed to soi post or anal vore dab

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What hobbies aren't for manchildren?
Consists entirely of pretentious faggots
Completely infested with vulgar propaganda from Hollywood
Self explanatory

>says the man seeking validation

>children video games
>I play manly video games
How insecure are you op

If you have any balls you play whatever the fuck you please. This is that insecure teenager thinking that "this game is pegi 18 and for adults so it must be good, of course i only play games for grown ups"

If the gameplay is good and brings me joy, i play it, no matter if it has unicorns or bing bing wahoo

im now curious as to how someone plays a lego mario game

im going to play with my mario legos and then im going to fuck your mom and steal your neetbux

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Go ahead, keep sounding self righteous because you're so secure in yourself you can keep being obsessed about people that probably aren't even buying plastic toys all you want. We're all so proud of you for doing what you want to do and not something that is the least bit admirable. What a free soul you are.

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You wouldn't have responded if it didn't ring true

I mean, it's probably a cool toy for kids. I'm still confused if the points and stomping enemies is just for fun or if you can actually play this as a boardgame with given rules, though.

All video games are for children. Do you really think Stacy thinks you're cool because you play mature edgy games for adults? Cause she doesn't.

>All video games are for children. Do you really think Stacy thinks you're cool because you play mature edgy games for adults? Cause she doesn't.

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Remind me why men aren't allowed to act the way women have since the dawn of time?

it's true, video games are for virgins. it don't matter the video game. I've also seen way more girls enjoy nintendo games because they're casual

This, but unironically

Stacy? Maybe. But there is shitload of pretty women that think that gaming is ok as long as you are attractive.

>Mario toys is a new thing

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It's OK when Sony does it.

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wait does it actualy have jump pads in the pipe

Video games are toys.

Also they literally never stopped making toys, just most of them are licensed out or Japan only. Fuck I want a tabletop Mario Baseball set.

Haha Nintendo and their baby toys.

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Guess we’ll be seeing love hotels again soon


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Lmao oh shit

in what world does that make any sense

Seething over LEGO is a new low.

>Ah yes, children's toys and children's video games, my two favorite things to consoom finally in one. Thanks you nintendo for letting me remain a child mentally for the rest of my life.
This but unironically

>Japanese hookers dressed in Nintendo Cosplay
Sign me the fuck up!

I just irritated by Nintendo being somewhat socially acceptable.

Cars, Sound, Cooking, actual skill.

That's just as pathetic.

Now we got that cool ass pipe mesh

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Don't like it? Don't buy it.

As simple as that.

>every product ever made is designed for me
nice mental illness


>harry potter lego comes out
>kids and manchildren buy it

>star wars lego comes out
>kids and manchildren buy it

>marvel/dc lego comes out
>kids and manchildren buy it

>mario lego comes out
>kids and manchildren buy it

OP is very same mentally ill seething Nintendo-obsessed schizo who wasted a year of his life shitposting about LABO only for it to sell loads and get universal acclaim.

What a fucking loser lmao

Actually looks pretty cool. I'll see if my 4 year old daughter wants this. She loves Mario and Yoshi. Get fucked OP you sad baby.

Not to defend a soulless corporation, but no one is forcing you to buy that

>Ah yes, children's toys and children's video games, my two favorite things to consoom finally in one. Thanks you nintendo for letting me remain a child mentally for the rest of my life.

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they're coping about the 9 tf and horizon on pc

Who gives a fuck what beta males buy?