Unis in my country are closed for 3 weeks and we are advised not to leave our homes. Suggest me some games to pass the time bros.
Unis in my country are closed for 3 weeks and we are advised not to leave our homes...
actually just any SSeth game is a time sink
space channel five
the next month is going to be an internet golden age
I had to look to this up. What the actual fuck is this
>Enter the gungeon
Beat game, beat game with paradox,unlock gunslinger and bullet, beat all challenges in the room next to the entrance, and then pray to the statue at the start to face the true challenge
>Slay the spire
>Hollow knight
>Ori and the blind forest/Will of the wisps
there, i hope you have a lot of time to waste.
Strategy games are the thinking man's choice
hollow knight
it's a very good rhythm game, there's a new one for psvr coming out sometime, they've been teasing it on twitter.
Reinstall homm3 like rest of slavs
We are in the golden age of autism holy shit, how did people became so retarded in just 10 years?, this isn't worse than the swine flu from the past decade, and now you see shit like in australia is running out of toilet paper because people is buying 20 and 30 packs of them out of fear china closes and won't sell them toilet paper anymore
>Decide to get FIT so I can be beach bod ready.
>Kung-flu happens.
But now you can be kung-flu fighting.
unironically buy baby wipes
they feel nice and retards completely ignore them
yknow its kinda nice how the massive release schedule from march-april just happened to line up with the outbreak. silver linings and all that.
now I have the time to work through most of em+stuff from my backlog until this virus (hopefully) blows over
the toilet paper thing was embarrassing but you are retarded if you aren't taking this seriously
What is the actual point of stocking up on TP when there is a serious chance of no running water? You'd be better off building an outhouse now if you wanted to really prep.
RDR: Undead Nightmare
>there is a serious chance of no running water
Jesus christ dude get real
Were you the person who stabbed that guy over bottled water?
monster hunter world.
It's like 1000's of hours
Mid 2000s racing games
>chance of no running water
nigga just stop going outside, stop doing unneccesary travels and for love of god do not travel outside your country and the virus won't spread enough for it to cause any serious death toll
>this isn't worse than the swine flu from the past decade
>0.02% death rate for swine flu vs 3.4% supposed death rate for corona
Ignoring the fact that this number is probably MUCH higher since China doesn't want to sound weak. The problem isn't with first world countries like the US where we can handle getting a virus. China has gone off the deep end with how their people are being treated so their chances of surviving this virus isn't that great. The rest of the world depends on China's slave labor...
Lol, things arent even remotely that bad dude, 95% of people just get a caugh at worst
I was told it was an issue with Chinese and other SEA people coming down and emptying their stores since they're having trouble getting stock where they're at.
>Suggest me some games to pass the time bros
I'm enjoying some Dragon Quest Builders 2. You also have Animal Crossing coming out in a week.
is Way of the Samurai 4 any good. hows the combat? i couldnt get a good idea of it from gameplay vids. my unis closed too and i want to play a new game
does covid 19 operate on chicken pox rules of 'one and done'
>The rest of the world depends on China's slave labor...
WOOOOW china shuts down for a month or twooo
WOWOOW suddenly everything made in china fucking vanishes cause chinese were magic all along
Stop panicking and just follow government instructions retard and things will be fine.
yeah I know. Just eat some fiber and let that shit flow right out.
There are reports of people being cured and then getting ill again.
bo skeleton rp
Sadly no. People can become infected over and over, due to mutations, but each time screws your immune system even worse...which is why China shut down. Their lack of building codes meant that Foxcon and other buildings were recycling contaminated air nonstop.
>follow instructions from the people who tells you that a microwave is a person
I'm not interested in counting to firetruck.
POO POO!!!!!!!!!!!
Only immunocompromised ones, which is normal
A bigger issue is the virus mutating, the spanish flue had a second deadlier strain a few months after the first outbreak
Thank god covid is jus killing 80 year olds and not young people and kids, it could be a lot worse
>world is folding in on itself
>my job continues like normal
h-haha, a-alright
you can go and fuck off and get infected and infect others then you lukewarm iq retard.
how fucked is the manufacturing? virtually all manufacturing plants are in china. serves shithole corporations rights for taking jobs away from americans to save a few bucks.
Too early to tell, seems like you can get reinfected by different strains but no hard answer. We just barely found out dogs cant get infected when people were panicking and saying they could and to give up your pets back in late January.
>boss gave everyone a month long vacation
holy crap corona-chan is based
>Pikachu wears Face Mask improperly
>It's not very effective...
>time away from uni means time for games
No it doesn't, pick up a book and read.
Study at home you retard.
Its a somewhat stable virus so yes, but its a bitch to actually get out of your system, people who get resick tend to still have a weak strand in them, so if you get it hopefully that doesn't happen with you.
The Disgaea series and Phantom Brave can be huge time investments if you want them to be.
my uni is switching to online lectures and assignments so school isnt really canceled
I am literally 100% not taking it seriously. I went to the beach today. Plenty of other calm and rational people were there too. Stabbing each other over toilet paper isn't going to solve the problem.
As soon as corona infiltrates the water supply the city will have to shut it down. Buy gatorade now while you still can.
>if you don't do what the 72 IQ people in charge of your country tell you to do then that means you will do what the 70 IQ people do instead
Umm... I got to seriously question your IQ if you think those are the only 2 options out there.
i have a bad sore throat right now but nothing else. i think it came from almost screaming my head off at god hand. fuck elvis. i think ill be fine. im only 22 and have a decent immune system i think.
>all public events shutting down
>its nothing guys, come on...
i dont even understand how you can still feel this way
use basic caution at least
Those are called "false negatives", aka the person wasn't fully cured in the first place
that's just deflecting from falling for dumb memes again
When the other guy saves a few more bucks than you he undercuts you and literally drives you out of business
you in reno nv, bro? UNR just got the same thing happening
Regal sent me an email today saying they are staying open and just taking extra precautions. Fuck yeah, I get to watch movies with no noisy fucking idiot audience to clap at retarded shit. Now this shit just needs to last long enough for some movies to fucking release...
I should expect so since you're probably not getting a refund.
There are literally zero reports that the virus travels via waterways.
I'm hoarding this.
We all know E3 was cancelled because all the big names knew it was a joke for years and decided not to waste their time. Cancelling it under the guise of corona was just the E3 staff trying to save face.
What should I get on my next grocery run? I want to prepare, but I also dont want to look like an autist who only buys canned goods and maruchan ramen.
Certainly, you won't die or anything, the real concern is giving it to someone who can't fight it off.
There's like 50 cases in my country, toilet paper's out of stock everywhere and schooling has been shut down.
It's retarded. I don't even think all international travel has been shut down.
It travels in air. There are oxygen atoms in water. So obviously it can travel in water too.
Dried lentils, brown rice, and frozen spinach.
You should buy nothing because it's already all gone.
Rdr2 is you haven't played it yet for some reason
Outer wilds is great too to play for a week. You basically explore different planets and find their secrets and puzzles. Imo it's gory after sekiro because sekiro has gameplay.
I'm trying to figure this out too. Definitely going to buy pasta, cheese, and probably going to get stuff to make lots of jambalaya and gumbo. People are going to go coo coo for Coco Puffs before this shit ends.
im pretty sure i dont have it. its just a sore throat. no fever, runny nose, coughs or difficulty breathing.
Buy donuts and Doritos. Live like a king for the last two weeks you have left.
My brother
Lentils were gone when I went a couple weeks ago, but couldve just been stocking issue. Toilet paper and hand sanitizers were still around back then as well, but I'm guessing that wont be the case this week
I live in a state that has it, but no cases in any nearby counties yet
Canned goods, sanitiser if they have any, oranges/orange juice since you wont be going outside much, frozen goods if you have a big enough freezer.
filling internet with normies is not my idea of golden age
Its not nothing but its not some kind of cataclysm
oxygen isn't the only element in the air
people being so ignorant is why it spreads in the first place. makes me a little mad.
Based Austria bro, play Monster Hunter World, if you want you can add me on Steam
gotta love the engineered stock market crash though. seems like theyre pushing for ww3 with iran.
but a controlled one we cant have any rich assholes dying. ive a new policy the kingdom of man is over. its time for new rule.
>had a flu week ago
>suddenly started today to feel some uncomfortable thing in my chest
And the western world has been slow to react as well. Korea seems to be doing better despite it looking like they were going to become the next major outbreak country.