For me, it's the PS Vita

For me, it's the PS Vita

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I love mine so much.
Play it pretty much every day now, perfect handheld.

It's alright, but perfect handheld for me was the psp cause of emulation, vita is nice to have if you don't have psp, otherwise i don't see a reason unless you care for indies which mostly got ported to switch anyways.
Why do you love it so much? Did you have a psp btw?

>ergonomic and comfortable
>great d-pad
>sticks don't drift
>custom sorting
It's hard playing on Switch after owning a Vita

>sticks don't drift
Not sure about slim version, but my phat one definitely drift

It's the greatest dpad ever invented. Sony needs to put it on the DS5 and not let it go to waste on the shitty Vita.

>Sony will never make a handheld that could emulate PS2
Would've been the perfect machine

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As "restrictive" as they are, the bubbles are at least useful.

i got a psp street with a 15 gig card for 20 bucks. hacked it and im playing some GTA vice city on my way to work now. the street feels so good to hold, its a shame that spec wise they made so many bizarre and backwards choices with it

For me, it's the Wii U gamepad.

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PSP games with DUAL analogs

Bubbles were nice, but I do like being able to zoom and see every piece of software on the system like you can with 3DS, feels kind of akward on Vita to have to change pages if you have a lot of stuff installed, especially if you have shit in folder bubbles, not to mention that folder bubbles don't have pages so if you have a lot of stuff that should be in one place (like a rom collection) then you have to break it up into multiple folder bubbles.

That's why you love it so much?
If that actually was a thing, i would have kept my vita and it actually would be my fav handheld, cause ps2, ps1 and psp on the go, maan.

Extra inputs and better dpad aside, the Vita had some good gems, remote play is super nice, and even PSP games look much nicer on the better screen

Well, yes, I certainly prefer the 3DS lay out, and even more so the folder options that it has. I was simply making the comparison between "at least" having the Vita's bubbles to the Switch having no folder options at all.

>good gems
Barely any mate, if you are not into weebshit (like super weeb stuff, i love gravity rush and soul sacrifice for instance), for it's to be a great handheld it should have had great games or at least more ps2 ports, like not neccessarily an emulator, more of a something that ps4 has, like a virtual console or something like that. Also menu sucked ass, games ads on the main screen, those dumb ugly bubbles with menu looking unfinished if you don't have 100 apps on the screen, lame music player (psp, dsi and 3ds had much better ones), camera sucked ass (3ds one sucks too, but at least it has filters) i mean sony makes cameras, right, like it is used in so many games with very good graphics but it looks uncanny when you appear as a sun in tearaway for instance with that shitty camera reoslution, video player still often needs convertion, browser is beyond shit, 3g model was the shittiest etc. For psp emulation it's great, ps1 is alright which gets better with that l2 r2 grip, which wouldn't been even better if they had more ps2 games
>remote play is super nice
No it's not, input delay is fucking garbage and i had a nice wi fi, coould get mosaic after a while too.

>slim, phat
its not a psp user

It has a phat version and a slim version, fuck off, retard

>For me, it's the PS Vita

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are you retarded? psp had 3 models, 1000 was fat, 2000 and 3000 were slim (slightly less thick, slightly less weight) and the UMD-less PSP Go.

Vita had 2 models, the initil fat model with an OLED screen and the slim which was again slightly thinner and less weight with an LCD screen and USB micro-B over the fat's BS proprietary connector. Also some fats also had 3G connection which nowadays is a burden since it waste battery life.

yes its OLED and LCD not slim and phat, theres nothing slim about the second model

Was the 3000 the model that gutted the internet? Or was the the E or something?

e1004 gutted all wireless comms. not even ad hoc play is possible on it. its got a matte finish which is awesome, but it only has one speaker and no online making it pretty bad

That's how everybody call em.
>nothing slim
Are you kidding me? Phat is heavy and like 1.5 size of slim.
That's the model i bought originally lol, i thought you could play games through 3G and download something more that 100 mb (in my country, internet didn't have limit back then)
It's basically super cheapo version. 3000 is basically another version of 2000 that had different screen which some like, some don't. So basically, it's either 2000 or 3000 for psp, but i think buying vita slim is the best solution if you want to play psp.

it doesn't matter, oled is commonly referred to as fat and LCD slim. the psp 2000 and 3000 aren't much slimmer than the 1000 either. it's just a short nickname

well I commonly refer to OLED as the good vita and the other as the shit one

I placed a bid on a 1100 model ages ago and forgot all about it till I got an email saying I won the auction. I hope the box is loaded with the chink catastrophe, I got it off yahoo japan auctions.

Henkaku more than makes up for corona

Picked up a replacement Vita screen because it was cheap. Mine looks like new now except for the parts that aren't the screen.
Wish the replacement was this cheap when I was still using it. The scratched up screen looks pretty bad.

name a good vita only game that isnt a jrpg to justify getting one

had a psp
its was great

the ps vita on the other hand is just psp but for much more + more gimicks and by itself (without being a psp+) is just a shitty indy game machine

when you run henkaku + overclocker it gets better but still not enough to justify playing the crappy games on there & its not 2011 anymore (these games have aged like milk)

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why are you asking a question you already know the answer to user ? are you perhaps retarded ?

>mfw portable gaming consoles are still a thing only because nintendo drones keep buying their games
its unironically over for portables, all well get from now on is chink shit from alie and more switches

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games don't age

if you play newer games on better hardware then yes, they do age

no, you just get used to new good old bad

all those vita games relied on being good looking and technically fun, in the current year they are an eyesore and are super predictable, game design does improve over time

It is funny comparing the two. The Switch is a fucking toy and the Vita is quality.

>vita's tiny little buttons
>It's memory cards
>It's single shoulder buttons
>It's shit emulators and homebrew support
>Only OLED model has a good screen
>Shit library of just weebshit
>Sony abandoning all 1st party after 2 years
Fuck the Vita. If the vanilla trilogy got ported to the switch id sell mine

big fan of Fischer Price toys?

>>mfw portable gaming consoles are still a thing only because nintendo drones keep buying their games
>its unironically over for portables, all well get from now on is chink shit from alie and more switches
Nintendo game boy saved the portable market after the vextrex and the microvision tanked.
Nintendo products have always supported the portable market after the Sega and Sony and Atari giants folded their portable products.
Nintendo is the last man standing and the switch makes larger companies compete as a dedicated handheld.

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fair enough. Most people agree but I prefer the slim, mostly because 1) it uses USB micro-B. I want my vita to last and all electronics eventually fail. When you use common parts, it's easier to replace and 2) LCDs are much more common to find replacements for than OLEDs. Also those early gen OLED screens have a shorter lifespan than LCDs, which were and are a mature technology at the time the vita was out and 3) more 2000s/slims in the wild means more of their batteries too and 4) It has slightly better battery life. All my reasons come down to easier to find spare parts, and therefore more likely I'll use my vita in a decade.

My fat psp is never used anymore because the shit batteries are impossible to find, and thus I must be tied to a wall charger to play for more than 10-15min. Eventually I may learn to recell a PSP battery myself.

Most prefer the OLED screen to the LCD. I still think even the LCD is very pretty. My friend has both models and he actually steered me towards the slim for all the reasons I listed. Both are good. I want a fat too but can't justify the price. I'll stick with my hacked slim and PSTV.

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zavali ebalo

Poдилcя в мocквe, нo я хoхoл

There's literally like 5 games worth playing on that shit machine

Зa нинтeндo и пopтaтивки eбaлo paзoбью, иншaллa, y pycни жe кpoмe кoмпa ничe и в пoминe нe былo, вoт ты и нe дoгoняeшь пpeлecтeй пopтaтивoк

The OLED on the vita is so good, one of the best screens i've ever seen on a handheld.

я дaжe нe в poccии живy

I've yet to use a Switch Lite which may or may not fix my issues with the Switch, but IMO the Vita is the best portable game console hardware ever. The only issue I had with it was the sticks were too small to be ideal.

The Switch improves the sticks but the inherent looseness of the joycons in portable mode is fucking GOD AWFUL for mashing/timing which is painful for certain games (especially rhythm games which is extremely important to me - button inputs in Taiko feel like shit on the Switch version due to how loose the joycons are in portable mode).

Of course I recognise the memory cards were dumb as fuck and the library isn't for everyone though.

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You have to go back.


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>Vita is the best portable game console hardware ever
But switch is a modern handheld, what are you talking about?
Йa cкoзaл пyштo

>But switch is a modern handheld, what are you talking about?
what does that have to do with user's opinion
newer isn't always better

What makes it a better hardware? I'm owner of both (and psp, ds, 3ds, gba and bought gbc just for collection). And from all the handhelds i've owned and i even owned an n gage - it's the worst in gaming department. And even hacked, it doesn't add anything new to what psp could do.

eбaть ты eблaн

1000 or 2000?

Эт ты eбaлoид кyбaнoид, шaкaл

бля,нaхyй ты пoтpaтeл вecь cвoй лeкcикoн нa мнe ?

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Бля, хoхoлoид, вepниcь-кa ты нa нeзaлeжнyю, a тo coвceм pyccкий язык пoдзaбыл

я вooбщe нa pyccкoм нe гoвopю
тoлькo тaк, c cacaчepoми пo пиздeть

Я нe cacaчep, я ж caм нe pycня

The vita was a good system. It just never got the support it needed to live.

>got a 2000 vita
damn, im really thinking of either selling that shit and forgetting it ever existed or getting a 1000 instead.
its kind of bitter sweet because the hardware is so nice, but the games are just lacking

If you don't have a psp - keep it.