New half life game is being released in less than 2 weeks

>new half life game is being released in less than 2 weeks
>hype surrounding it is almost nonexistent
If it wasn't vr exclusive there would be nothing but hype threads all over Yas Forums, but making it unplayable to 99% of their fanbase has pretty much guaranteed that it's the next duke nukem forever

I'm not even mad, just severely disappointed

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its a VR game. which means it wont have good and fast movement like HL1 or 2. also less interesting level design


Half life is a boomer series sorry grandpa

disappointed by lack of hype? kek
on the contrary, more interesting and detailed levels and more movement.
>not fast
teleportation is faster than running or sprinting

Stfu you probably like halo

>Half life is a boomer series
Unironically this. As a boomer myself it's really fucking pathetic when boomers whine that kids these days don't love their boomer shit as much as they do. Why should they? Your childhood doesn't mean shit to their childhood.

Holy fucking shit how old are you? Halo is boomer-tier shit as well.

who fucking cares about hype? I'm going to be playing a new fucking HALF-LIFE in 10 days, i couldnt care less what third worlders on Yas Forums think

it's not down to VR, it's been pretty much 10 years since Portal 2. The majority of people have written off Valve as a dead company that simply supports an online service. all the original staff and writers are long gone. the Source engine has so much potential but because their company is so successful they have no motivation to do anything. they destroyed most of their existing games and brand for money. not to mention kickstarting the cosmetics industry in games

if you measure success by money, half-life alyx is an irrelevant game. if you measure success by any other metric half-life alyx is an irrelevant game

>If it wasn't vr exclusive there would be nothing but hype threads all over Yas Forums
It'd have to non-VR and Half-Life 3, user. Even if it was a standard game, waiting this long for a prequel is a pretty big letdown.

>all the original staff and writers are long gone.

>Erik Wolpaw and Jay pinkerton are literally the head writers
>greg coomer
>kerry davis
>dario casali
>robin walker
>mike morasky
>confirmed over a third of the team worked on half life 2 at least
>over half on portal 2
>a quarter worked on the ORIGINAL half life from 1998

why do you pull this shit out of your ass? do you feel like some clever industry analyst that predicted the le epic fall of valve? you're an actual retard

This. It may as well not be a Half-Life game.

It's one user obsessed with Half-Life and uses VPNs to shit on it 24/7

It kinda comes off as cynical to do this considering HL3 got shitcanned

and skipping to the credits is faster than playing the game. teleportation is an absolute dead end and any VR game that even ALLOWS teleportation as a method of movement will be forgotten within a year. HL Alyx will go down as just another "early experiment" with no lasting impact. maybe it'll bring one or two features that other games copy but the movement certainly won't be it.
VR only has a chance once bullshit like teleportation is abandoned completely and VR devs realize that players who get motion sick from moving around in VR simply can't play VR. the medium is simply not for them. imagine if color film had made 5% of people sick somehow. should we have stuck to black and white until today? or should the 5% get a hobby that suits them? if you're prone to motion sickness then VR simply isn't for you. my mom gets motion sick from all 3D games and guess what, when she looks back on her life and recounts her regrets I guarantee you
>never playing video games except that one time my son showed me Halo 2 for half an hour
isn't gonna make the list. she doesn't care. why should anyone? just make proper fucking games and maybe I'll get on the VR train. as long as all the platform offers are casual lightgun shooters and whacky "simulator" novelty shit I'm just gonna stick to real video games with mouse aim and interesting movement. hell, if somebody offered me to try out VR or play some decent console game I'd even prefer a gamepad over wearing meme goggles just to see in 3D as nothing interesting happens. boneworks and those medieval melee games seem to try interesting stuff although they have the production value of an internal tech demo. I would have hoped that Valve has some people left who can be similarly ambitious instead of settling for a less interesting version of HL2.

oh nonononono copebros what do we do now?

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You are a retard, valve literally knows more than you, please watch 2 minutes of them talking about their teleportation implementation before you speak about this again, thanks.

I will literally watch it right now if you link it. put in a little effort when responding to an effortpost.

This is the most embarrassing and contrived elitism I've seen from Yas Forums.

>embracing the existing, humble tech and refusing the expensive and cumbersome solution in search of a problem
nice buzzword, clown.

>as a boomer

Are they trying to give some oxygen to the VR industry?

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it's Yas Forums - NintendoGAF for several years, now. the actual users of this board overwhelmingly possess one or two consoles, no PC at all.

no they are trying to make a faithful hl3 that does what hl1 and 2 did but naming it alyx because otherwise the buttblast from people who have never used Vr would break the internet.

okay, so they changed from literal teleportation to Dishonored's blink or DXMD's dash. you're now flying forward really fast but it's really just a visual change that apparently supports things like knocking objects over on the path (not shown though, only hinted at by the dev voice-over). it doesn't change the fact that the game takes place entirely standing around. the automated movement and the actual gameplay are entirely separate so it basically turns into a super-extreme version of CSGO gunplay where moving and shooting are separated entirely. all the flow or rhythm of movement is gone. it's a lightgun shooter just like I predicted.

people will celebrate this and it will sell well, but it's unremarkable outside of visual tricks and maybe some physics interactions. the core loop fails to capture the flow of any conventional shooter because of the refusal to implement full Half Life movement with one analog stick and two buttons (sprint and jump). that's all it would take. you can crouch irl or they could make crouching during jumps automatic to retain the scale of HL2 gaps and heights. and hell, you could even remove sprint since analog sticks give you a range of speed in your directional input already. left hand for full conventional ingame movement, right hand for shooting and other interactions. that's how VR controls should work. this will be the standard not too many years from now, when the boomers have finally given up on keeping VR accessible to other boomers.

>but it's really just a visual change
stopped reading there, this is now what happened, blink and dash are seperate options, everything in the clip pertains to teleportation.

this is not* what happened

>spending their budget on the product instead of """"viral"""" marketing

get out here you pathetic zoomie

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Halo came out 19 years ago. ""boomers"" who played on consoles played Halo.

>actually outs himself as a zoomer
Halo isn't a boomer game, zoomer. It's a millennial game.

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>game takes place entirely standing around
Only if you're playing shitting down user, you can walk around IRL for VR and explore quite comfortably

Also it supports smooth locomotion

when HL1 and HL2 were released no one talked about them on Yas Forums so i wouldn't be worried about it, just give it time

It'll blow up when streamers/Youtubers are all over it. Literally free advertising.

Seeth more poorfag, I don't care if you faggots can play it or not. I'll see you as 1 of 100k watching a 720p 5mbps 2d stream of the game on Twitch kek

>1000 euros for a VR headset and controllers

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you could just buy a cheap VR headset instead of being so salty about it

So you're saying that Halo was played by 5 year olds.

You can get an Odyssey+ for $250, Quest/Rift S for $400, or Vive for $600 you colossal faggot

This, I'm on fucking disability, and it would take me over a year to afford a new PC and a Rift S. So... I used my fucking credit card last year, sold a few things that were collecting dust, and I'm nearly done paying for it. I've been playing VR for months, having fun with my new gaming PC when I wanted to play none-VR titles, and I have no regrets. Alyx is sat in my list.

Hell, just having my own personal cinema is practically worth the Rift S cost all by itself. And I was due a PC upgrade anyway, so wanting VR was just the kick in the pants I needed.

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Why would you buy shit VR headsets?

>personal cinema
This is something that VRlets can't even comprehend. I do most of my regular computer stuff through Virtual Desktop nowadays because I get to do it on a theater screen

None of those are shit? Just stay away from WMRs that aren't the Odyssey+, Vive Cosmos, and chinese knock off sets.

>because of the refusal to implement full Half Life movement with one analog stick and two buttons (sprint and jump). that's all it would take.
it literally has that movement

If you have to spend your welfare checks on it and still go into debt you cant afford it

doom eternal and hl:a is sharing a very close release date
one is vr-only (

>game is not out yet
>it's already a masterpiece
I love game journalism! totally not hype culture shit at all!

Yet I did afford it user. I have it and my credit is nearly clear again; holiday gift money and a few old dusty collectables around my room were enough to wipe off most of it. Best of all my credit rating has improved even further.

The main expense was the new gaming PC, because my old toaster was six years old/PS4 tier, which I wanted anyway eventually since I use my PC for everything. I just moved up the timetable is all. The Rift S I could have asked for as a combined gift from my family members.

The fact is if you are capable of managing your cash and/or credit, there is no reason not to have VR (if you want it of course) even if you aren't rich. It just means passing up on the next pre-order that is going to sit in your backlog, have a little less take out, sell that one PS1 game you play the ISO of anyway that's worth mad cash, or God forbid actually save up.

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What headset? I've got an odyssey plus and ive used a couple different headsets but the text legibility is a big issue in this regard for me.

Half Life 1 is the only good HL

nah one of the 3 companies with the biggest investments in vr isn't gonna bother with vr

Good thing you can play it in VR

Dont forget about hightech PC to run this shit

Bitching about having to have a good PC to play VR means you aren't playing PC games in general, which means you're a consolefag. Seethe

Rift S for me. Text is decent but still has room for improvement. They really need to find a fix for the white text ghosting issue. That said, a decent resolution movie/show looks almost exactly like your eyes would see it at a cinema, especially if you 'sit' in the 'middle' of the room. There are also apps for Netflix and the like, but they only simulate a big tv screen, so they aren't quite as impressive as watching your own movies at cinema scale.

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Mid-range will do. And if you don't have a mid-range PC already then what exactly are you playing your library in? If you are a consolefag or play only old or indie games that can run on a toaster, then your gripe isn't really with VR.

Alyx was so annoying in episode 1 they killed her so the player didn't have to deal with her in episode 2. Now they're making their Mary sue the main character in the era of STRONK WOMYN.

Nothing, and I mean nothing could make me less interested in this game. It's too late for Half-life to be interesting and they picked the worst thing in Half-life to be the focus.

>They really need to find a fix for the white text ghosting issue
Not going to happen easily unless a headset with double the refresh rate of whats necessary comes out.
Sounds expensive at best

>constant threads with people complaining or outright shitposting
>pretending like Yas Forums isn't hype as fuck
the shills have interesting tactics.