I was watching FFXIV videos and I saw that if you aren't a tank, you are always hitting the mob's butt, the fuck...

I was watching FFXIV videos and I saw that if you aren't a tank, you are always hitting the mob's butt, the fuck? how is that good design?

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Yes but it doesn't make sense for some jobs, rogues and ninjas work with that but why a noble monk will attack someone from behind? plus I don't want to see backs all the time

they'll remove next expansion


they better not
i like positionals

It will make sense if we remove the flanks and we only have front and back
Front attacks do more damage, so when there is a tankbuster the party has to go from there
Like you said, ninjas and rogues having skills based on rear positionals makes sense, but a dragoon?, I believe samurai doesn't have so many

someone explain to me why tanks dont have positionals on their attacks to boost their DPS if they aren't the main tank?

So you aren't getting cleaved by the boss attacks that only tanks survive?

This. Only melee based DPS classes use positionals, everyone else needs to stay in this position to avoid Tankbusters.

So you don't get hit by cleaves. Have you ever played an mmo before?

FFXIV doesnt have a single boss who regularly cleaves in front of them.

I would play this game if the whole weeb aesthetic it had going on wasn't to cringy.


Tanks need to keep the mobs facing away from the party for the monsters auto cleave attack that hit in a large cone and so DPS can hit their positionals.

Also fuck tanking and DPS, gathererchads where you at how much gil have you made this week?

I don't know, I'm not one of the devs.

I just know that FFXIV doesn't have a boss like that. There's literally no downside for a melee DPS to sit right on top of the tank and hit the bosses face (unless they have to use positionals)

They used to. Ifrit/Titan/Shiva shit out cleaves, but raids now usually don't.

>monsters auto cleave attack
There are no bosses in FFXIV that have this. That's literally what I just said.

Now, some bosses do have AOE attacks, but those are independent of where the tank is sitting.

All games have mechanics like this such as making attacks from behind unblockable or less avoidable. This is not something unique or new.

Literally the first trial boss

>There's literally no downside for a melee DPS to sit right on top of the tank and hit the bosses face


Yes and I don't mean attacks from behind should not exist, I mean the boss is always facing the tank and because there isn't a bonus to attack the front, you are always attacking the rear or the flanks for positionals.

Dungeons is just a buttfest for healers and dps, facing always the butts of the mobs

>There's literally no downside for a melee DPS to sit right on top of the tank and hit the bosses face
weird. in WoW bosses can't block or parry attacks when hitting from behind, so melee DPS from behind is always better. also, many bosses have cleaves.

The ogre on aurum vale does. Play the game before you post about it

stop baiting each other for yous and post fem elezens

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They are. The pattern is there when they made them nearly pointless with True North charges. The next step is removal.

>There's literally no downside for a melee DPS to sit right on top of the tank and hit the bosses face
Clearly someone who has never played an MMO in his life. Go back to your shitty mobile game, user.

t.never played this game

>why a noble monk

Who ever said Monks were noble?
Besides, Monks jump from back to side.

For your sake I"m just going to assume this is bait.

the first boss in the second dungeon cleaves

>don't want to see backs all the time
then play a tank

the lore?

Samurai has the same number as Ninja

There is no way you're real.
Nobody is this fucking stupid.

the 2 sect of monks you deal with are either:

>secret death ninjas

several do, and most have tankbusters that cleave

sure there is, if you want your DPS to be completely shit, go right ahead and do that, and get cleaved while you're at it

dps = coomers

Play the game doofus, you start off as a prizefighter. Who meets up later with the monks who are more of a death cult seeking enlightenment through combat, you literally have to teach the monks how to fight because evil lancers have developed anti monk techniques.

You asked why everyone attacks the butt, I gave you the answer. We are simply butt folk.

>made 35 million gil since Tuesday by selling materia, scrips stuff, and scratch-off rewards
>one of my friends spent 18 million getting penta-melded and then didn't even end up making much of it back
I didn't even no-life it. I spent a lot of time hanging out with my family and even did roulettes and other shit with friends.

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Is Void Ark hard to heal? I'm a White Mage in full Shire gear

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not even a little bit, especially in Shire

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Yes, but only because you'll be bored.

>the lore?

The very first Monk you meet as a level 30 Pugilist needs to get his shit kicked in, by you, in the level 50 quest because he went power mad and tries to selfishly kill you.
All throughout the MNK quests and Stormblood you learn that the Monks of Ala Mhigo were a bunch of assassins and corrupt murder hobos.

I think the last time I stepped in I didn't even cast a single healing spell. The other healer maybe cast two.

no void ark is face roll tier this late in the game, you might be caught off guard in dun scaith but its not bad. It only gets challenging as a newbie in the stormblood raids

you'll be fine, besides there's a 2nd healer, and your tank might not even main tank the raid

depends how stupid your party is. only 2 of the bosses even have raid wides

Elezens truly are beautiful

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I'm going back to Eureka. WHOS WITH ME?!

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>Been doing savage for 4 weeks
>All I have to show is a ilvl 500 hand, and a necklace
>Had to buy a ring with the fourth book of E5S
>Mfw seeing all the tanks with their ilvl500 pants, upgraded chest, head, and boots
Being at the bottom of the barrel fucking sucks...

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>how is that good design?
because it makes it easier for me to coom

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>Tfw grew a bad habit of stopping and panning the camera to creep on random fem elezens
i can't help it bros....they're too mesmerizing

>dont bother with savage at all
>do expert or normals when the whim hits me
>dab on everyone even with shit tier 470 gear because pubs are shitters
>craft and gather stuff in my spare time because its fun and relaxing

You have no idea how freeing it is to not give a fuck about minmax raiding autism.

>Form static with friends
>Need to get some randoms since we don't have a full group
>Literally every other week a person we recruited flakes out
Never gonna fucking clear anything at this rate, even with our casual ass group having new people in and out constantly fucking sucks.


Been playing FFXI, pretty neat game but you can tell its age. Its actually insane thinking how SE thought they could make 1.0 just XI-2. There is so much in common with XI in 1.0 that its not even fucking funny. How the fuck did they think it would work in a modem MMO enviroment.

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Imagine getting depressed about roll luck, lmao.

maybe you didnt notice this, user, but big companies are like computers: they do the same thing over and over until it doesn't work anymore.

>SE is so butthurt about mods that they hired niggers to go raid mod creators houses

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>finally do the nier raid for the 2b panties
>make slutglam with them
>constantly rubbing my raging erection through my pants as I look at my toon's ass during down time
Is this what yoshi wanted?

Getting robbed sucks pretty bad, tbqh.

Hmm, that begs the question. Does everyone get off to their own character?

This new drop system fucking sucks
If you pugs, you basically will forever roll against everyone because they will want to gear up their other jobs will you are still behind and will keep behind the curve

I believe if you give the cops your PSN ID, they'll send a notice to gamestops and pawn shops in the area to look out for it.

Let that be a warning to you all...

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>playing a female character

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If it's a girl, why wouldn't you? Do people make ugly girl characters?

My character is an extension of myself, another part of me, and I'm not gay or into selfcest.

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The power of Shadowniggers...

Either they have been fishing since the release or they botted their way to the top

elezen are great

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