Games that aged like fucking milk

games that aged like fucking milk

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I used to fucking despise DMC1 but ive come to the conclusion that its an o-k game overall.
I wouldve LOVED it if i had played this back in 2001, but i had my brain too stuck into RTS games to even think about it.

The bosses are legitimately shit though. Fuck Griffon Fuck Mundus and Fuck the slug. Nelo Angelo is good

Wait, what happened to it?

mad cuz bad

I'm playing it again for the first time since the early 2000s. I couldn't beat the spider boss when I was a kid, but when I played it again I just used devil trigger and spammed attack until it died. That being said, I can't fucking stand the shitty camera, and I'm so sick of fighting the stupid blob for the THIRD FUCKING TIME

why would you fuck milk?

It's fine aside from some camera angles.

His casual mind is too used to modern game controls and can't stand the slightest inconvenience.

I knew that one of you "games can't age" retards would show up.

yes, I'm mad because it's bad, you're right

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It's just us as humans getting spoiled with new stuff and getting bored easily of old stuff
No game ever "ages," we just change

that's fucking retarded, you know exactly what is meant when someone says it's aged. what would you prefer? the alternative is that it's always been bad, when it was just good in the context it existed in

Aged into a fine, casual filtering cheese, yes.

DMC1 is... okay but it's obviously very clunky. Like that user said, the bosses are fucking awful, especially Nightmare. Nelo Angelo 3 is also a huge-ass difficulty spike.

defend this

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The only things that make games age is technical faults. Like bad cameras or engine fuck ups, so DMC1 has aged slightly in that regard yes.

But we will always be saying that games aged shitty because we will always be exposed to newer and more advanced things, only the masterpieces like DOOM, DMC3, RE4, and arguably OOT / Majora's Mask will be regarded as great forever

This entire franchise. While I love Tenchu the gameplay would never fly in this day and age.

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DMC3 is only a better game on presentation and a casual level. DMC1 is still better designed than itsuno's entries from a difficulty standpoint. Forget strategy, dude just freestyle and express yourself lol

What is there to defend, learn how to fight Nightmare. He is literally the easiest boss in the game. 20 years later and Nightmare is still filtering retards. If you want a legitimate shit blob boss look at Arkham.

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Learn the projectile patterns then dodge them. Use Ifrit, shouldn't take more than a minute unless you're playing on DMD.

>was just good in the context it existed in
If it was good then, why can't it be good now? Why does playing Fortnite 24/7 mean this game is suddenly bad?

>like milk
Fuck off. You might as well come in and bitch about RE4 and say it's not a good game under the logic. Don't go trying to play games that are old to modern design, you're just sabotaging it and the experience. The game might be stiff, clunky and even a bit rigid because of its age, but that doesn't make it either unplayable or even bad. It's a solid experience, one you will not find anywhere else, and any shortcomings that it might have it more than makes up for with atmosphere, style, presence and more cool points than the rest of the series put together in its missly 3 hour playtime.

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funny thing is RE4 with quickturning and ditman is faster more fluent movement than recent RE remakes

This argument sucks.
It's basically saying that vidya sucks because other vidya has come out since it came out.

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I think you need to replay it
I fucking hated it when it came out amd couldn't even beat Nightmare 1 but going back to it years later it's actually really fun even if there's not much combo autism to be had, and it's actually the easiest DMC
literally the only real problems are the retarded static camera angles and the shitty platforming but they were still doing that shit three games later so that's not really a DMC1 problem

>all the nostalgia fags ITT

Seriously arent you guys too old to still be browsing Yas Forums?

DMC1 holds up better than DMC3

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I think it's the best DMC game overall, but it has significant issues.

Pic unrelated I suppose. This game still plays great.

This, the enemy design in 1 is better, the enemies in 3 are mostly fucking annoying to fight.

why do you dipshits assume that I don't like it because I couldn't beat it or I'm a zoomer? I could beat it and it sucks, stop sucking that big fat nostalgia-dick.

tell me about all the silent movies you love, gramps

Just Cause 1

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>this game aged like shit!
>it sucks!

>thread starts with aged game
>"dude, me and my 200 iq deduced immediately that someone would raise the point that a game doesn't age"
Lmao, check yourself into a care facility for the mentally impaired

are you just willfully ignoring all the other things said in the thread, dumb dumb?
bad camera
bad bosses (one of which is the same boss 3 times)
clunky combat
cheesy story
how else shall i spoonfeed you, mouthbreather?

Alright user, I would like you to look at the definition provided in the image, and I want you to deduce with your incredible investigation abilities what the verb form of that noun might mean. Do you have it in you? You ARE a fan of DMC1, so I have my doubts.

Yes, everybody knows what it means
It means you can't adapt or acclimate, games need to be 99% the same as everything else you play because learning different control schemes or learning to deal with the unique challenges a different kind of game brings to the table is unreasonable to expect of you

>Just adapt
You don't like shit sandwiches, user? LOL, just close you nose and swallow as quick as possible! Idiot user can't adapt!

I can't even imagine what kinda retard actually imagines acting pedantic and coy is a valid argument much less and effective one, are you unironically gonna sit there and pretend you don't know what "aged" as a verb about a product means
You should in all seriousness reconsider your life

Nah, you're an idiot and I'm smarter than you.

So are you arguing that DMC was always shit or that it aged like milk? Make up your mind

Imagine being this asspained people like DMC.

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It's both, user, it's shit and it's aged poorly lol

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>bad camera
Highly overblown. The camera is not ideal we can agree on but the way people state it make it seem like the game is unplayable
>bad bosses
You don't know how to fight them, DMC1 has good bosses with the exception of Griffon 2 and Mundus 1 if you don't like rail sections
>clunky combat
It's fine, it's not going to be the same type of shit you see in modern action games since this game literally pioneered its own genre
>cheesy story
Sure, not necessarily a bad thing though depending on the person. The game has a poorly executed script due to the localization not really caring.

DMC1 is the most tightly designed game in the series fuck off retard

Die, zoomer, die!

>games that aged like fucking milk
Translation: "I was so fucking filtered I by an electronic children's toy I got mad and need validation for my bullshit on the internet"

To the game software? Absolutely nothing. Zoom, zoom of an OP is too retarded he's measuring games as a media in the same vein than movies. Also this I just started it again last week. Gotta love how the game doesn't pull any punches, no matter how much of an improvement DMC3 was combat wise, DMC1 is solid as fuck.

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Next you're gonna tell me Castlevania 1 has aged too? Just because you refuse to get used to it, doesn't mean it has become obsolete. DMC1 is the best designed game overall, except the water levels. All the following entries only reiterate on it with some slight improvements and even some deterioration.

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I just started playing this, after having beaten 4 a few months ago. My only complaint is that the camera sometimes fucks with me. Otherwise I'm having a blast.

Remember to beat Hard Mode to unlock Legendary Dark Knight and THE Yamato!

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dante just feels so heavy and slow to play
I really don't understand how you're supposed to deal with fast attacks

>What's dodge?

Maybe it was you who aged like milk OP

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slow as fuck? did you read my post
DMC1 is unplayable or I'm just not getting something
also why is there no option to not waste a red orb and just reload a save file

Yes, and you seem retarded since you didn't pay attention about how broken dodge is in DMC1. Dodge + Stinger = wincon.

Having said that; I think this game gave Itsuno and the DMC3 team the idea for making the Royalguard style in DMC3.

>fuck griffon

-only griffon 2 and nelo 2 have bad cameras and everyone agrees those fights are dogshit.
-the bosses are all good except for the 2 mentioned above.
-combat is in no way clunky since basically controls like everyother DMC just with less moves.
-the story itself is fine and the voice acting is what makes it seem schlocky.

Played it for the first time in 2018 and it's the best DMC game

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Definitely, even at release 3 was a poor offering in the genre