You, yes you

You, yes you.

Show me your favorite videogame right now.

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chrono trigger, mr. rat

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vermintide 2

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On the spot: Dead Rising!

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Unapologetically Skyrim.

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no u thou

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Ogre Battle 64

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I would love a remake, but i'm scared of it getting monkey pawed

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i like jet set radio a whole bunch
i also heavily enjoyed this


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Pikmin 2

I'll never get those days back of me, my younger brother, and our friends getting together for this.

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as of last year so far

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Vermintide. u mad, ratto?

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>Playing video games

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Best Shinji Mikami game until Vanquish.

Of all time? Of great influence to me? Or currently playing? Also please don't point Mr. Rat, it's impolite.

Yas Forums, UNITE UP!

Based Dodogama poster.

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Why, this is my favourite game Sir Rat.

I respect this choice a lot. I'm just filled with this warm feeling every time I think about it. And the graphics are ageless. And it has so much flair and vision in its presentation. I rewatched some clip of the phantom ganon fight with the music matching the action of the ball moving back and forth recently and I'm just still impressed by stuff like that. Not to mention the just childlike sense of adventure and freedom with the open sea.
>mfw I haven't played it for many years since I lost my wii in a move which I used to play the gamecube version on

Here you go.

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wtf how does that rat have human hands??

what games do sonic fans when they don't play sonic? weebshit?

Wind Waker is really good! It's up there with Majora's Mask and Ocarina.

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Well I guess I'm not getting an answer, so I'll just post all time favorite.

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DMC, Puyo, FE, Souls, Metroid. At least that what's I've been playing.

based and wholesome.

Pretty based honestly


platformers and action games for the most part.
I also love sega as a whole, specially in arcades.

>I also love sega as a whole, specially in arcades
Very important question: Afterburner or Space Harrier?


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This world is amazing , but the gameplay and story that does nothing with it make it a 7/10 for me.

Why do you like it personally? I'm curious.And do you have a way of maximizing your enjoyment out of it? I tried a chatoic playthrough after a stealth one but it still didn't do it for me.

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Mine as well, let's be friends

I think it's just the setting and atomsphere, combined with Stealth being a fun type of gameplay for me. Either ghosting a level and killing none, or being the silent blade in the dark that no one can find until it's too late.

It's a unique Steampunk that doesn't feel like the kind of """Steampunk""" you see on etsy (Glue some gears on it shit). Seeing combine Architecture in Alyx gave me some Dishonored pains like no other.

Now for bonus: My favorite game that influenced me the most.

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based and Cory-pilled

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Katana Zero Sir

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I can replay this game 100 fucking times and love it each time. It just has a ton of charm despite the combat not aging well at all. It's a shame 3 didn't hold up. I think 3 visually is an amazing game, but the actual game itself is abhorrent. Oh well.

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obscure platformer. high replayability. good stuff.

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God I wish more people made these kinda games, War for the Overworld is dope too.

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Just dont die on me, pal

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I can't wait for them to re-release it, whenever the fuck it stops getting delayed.

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>choosing just one game
I can’t pick only one. It’s too hard.

earthbound is the only game that can be truly called a respectable work of art. It means a lot to me.
in terms of fun, I have many favorites and Earthbound is definitely one of them. Others are:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Banjo Kazooie
Breath of the Wild
Mario 64
pokemon glazed
MW2 online at its peak when I still had friends
Patrician choice