Racism is bad, user

Racism is bad, user.

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Maybe but you're still gonna get penetrated

>sheep woops
what did the sign mean by this

that way leads to the town of Sheep Woops.

Unless directed at the gypsy jew darcsens.

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Actually, it's very good

that's my band's name


Not my fault Darcsens have shit stats (besides that one qt engineer girl).

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shut it darcsie

Sure hope you cleared this thread of any racist stragglers...

This game's story would have been better without the super-natural bullshit.

Racism is completely natural and should be encouraged. Segregation is better for everyone.

Yeah when i think what would've made things better is usually the super power abilities on an anime game and not that they turned a war game into a slice of life waifu similutor with 1 entry literally being in highschool.

You should start by segregating yourself from life.

I really like how VC4 used it to add to the plot rather than centering it around it

I agree, but our society is centered around what race you belong to, and divisions between races are only getting more and more extreme. I wish we could live in a world where we're all patriotic Americans but the fact of the matter is there are millions of people out there who despise me because of my skin color and want to openly discriminate against me, and I'd be a fool not to protect my self-interests. So while I don't necessarily hate anybody, I'm going to be careful with what I say and who I associate with, and I'm going to openly express racial pride

>Could've ended the war instantly

Bitch. Faldio did nothing wrong.

user... you're not very bright.
I was talking about one specific game, the first game, posted by the OP, not the whole franchise.
I won't even touch the "anime game" generalization since I don't want to go down into the depths of stupidity with you.


Meant to reply to
Fuck Alicia. Literally

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It's a little selfish but it will more likely save your life than harm you.

It's ultimately just pattern recognition

Not gonna lie I loved that fact that MC straight up told her he loved her. So many anime protags blush and stutter and avoid any hind of contact.

We have cookies the witch power was way too high, you needed your own witch, it's one of the things that i enjoy about the game the powerlevel increase

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>t. 56% mutt

>I'm going to be careful with what I say and who I associate with
>I'm going to openly express racial pride
I would say you're being massively inconsistent, but a racist being stupid is very consistent.

Human populations should be kept separate. Mixing everyone into one borderless super population is how you get pandemics and similar cascading problems than effect entire populations at once.

Biologically life is supposed to fit into niches and diverge. The separation is like a firewall that prevents extinction.

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Why do you feel that way?


Nice rational opinion you got there

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Okay I'm dead.

racism is hilarious and fuck you for being a faggot trying to guilt trip people

What the fuck are you even on about, you do understand that mixing everyone literally makes you more resilient against diseases and what not? Why do you think sweden has like a 40% something percent of people with multiple sclerosis starting at the age of 40?
A bordeless nation way more makes sense, divisions that don't exist don't, the fact that someone feels superior over being born in a piece of ground instead of another even to the point were you become "patriotic
(this one is extremely fucked up) really tells you a lot, same thing with color, you should be judged by actions not by those things, fact of reality it doesn't really matter for 90% of the population anyways cause we are all average. The thing is humanity always needs someone to take charge, otherwise overpopulation, sickness, extreme social difference will start to appear again in the same way that they are right now and being in charge without a personal interest and looking out for everyone else seem to be extremely hard for some fucking reason.

What the world needs is a DADDY

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the world isn't star trek you fucking retard explain your grand philosophy to the 60 iq african niggers or goat fucking arabs

>writing like a 4 year old and insulting someone else for not being rational

pfffft hahaha, did you seriously say the R-word? hehe, that word is so overused, it's lost its meaning! You people call everyone a racist! Maybe get some perspective and you'll stop seeing the racism boogeyman everywhere!

Anyways, as I was saying, niggers are subhumans whose low IQ scores forfeit them their human rights....

It's so interesting how you retards will say shit like it's natural and in your basest primal dna and genes to be racist and segregationist therefore we should do it, yet will also turn around and hate niggers for raping and killing citing it's in their dna.

You literally can't have it both ways, you either have to overcome your own nature or be a complete slave to it.

If you say it's okay to be racist because it's biological, then so is raping and killing whoever you want.

They do that so that you will buy the source material, user.
Notice how anime originals are far, far more likely than most anime to have a confession.

Blatant falsehoods.
Fuck off you cunt

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>Muh hybrid vigor

There is no evidence to support this.

that's why we need to get rid of racism by getting rid of the other races


You're wrong

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It kinda is, at least sci-fi imagine time and society in a correct way, or i like to think so, specially writers like Asimov.

Those guys are suuuper fucked, at least for a couple hundred years until they catch up or we regress with them, it's obvious that if you've been raped, malnourished (i think africans sometimes eat their babies cause they get spawn killed due to a lack of nutrients), exploited for gems, hired as sex slaves and live without education or in terrible conditions, you might need a couple hundred or thousand years to catch up.
Arabs have been bombed for literally 40 years now, what do you expect as well.
Don't be the taxi driver nigger, people have shown that despite genetics and race, they can become something or someone when given the opportunity, yeah they don't most of the time, just like everyone else. Plus their shows are kino.

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yes like understanding the nature of smallpox virus requires that you live with smallpox and not just destroy smallpox
how many grades did you repeat in school

>our society is centered around what race you belong to
No it isn't, it just seems that way because you center your life around race. You.

This thread is very bad, right?

how bad at interpreting statistics do you have to be to believe this

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You don't hate a retard or a child for doing something stupid. It's the same thing for sub Saharan Africans, raping,killing and being degenerates is simply in their nature. It's because they are so different in nature from Europeans and Asians that they should be kept separate to thrive in their own environment.

just call me the empiricism liker

Hitler was right about the oven dodging kike rats

Who deserved to suffer more: Rosie or Kai?

Racial disparities, and while we're at it racial consciousness, aren't sure-fire indicators that our society is centered on race. Seriously "centered"? What is this, the Confederacy? Literally the only part of the US constitution dealing with race just says "don't disenfranchise based on it." How the hell is race a fundamental tenet of our society?

>have gud booty
>dont let anyone touch booty

She deserves to be stoned.

>this michael crichton book i have doesn't say anything about race, how can you say that society is centered around race
you are embarrassing
everything from advertising to the distribution of your population are the product of race consciousnes and this transcends individual societies. you have had laws from even before the founding of the united states to the modern rules attempting to "correct" disparate impact. it permeates all coalition engineering and political speech. you fucking joke

>divisions between races are only getting more and more extreme
source? seems to me like everything's been steadily getting better for the last century

what metric are you using to measure this steven pinker, because there have been multiple genocides since 1920

race relations in the US are clearly better than 50 years ago? I don't have a peer-reviewed source on hand, so I guess you got me there

really because in my timeline there is nothing but open racial animus on display. maybe if dismantling gifted programs that are disproportionately filled by asian children for the sake of other aggrieved minority groups was done with a fire hose you would appreciate it more

No, you literally can't have it both ways, you can't say something like it's okay to follow your primal instincts and then condemn those who do.

actually i can

>posting best anime girl of all time

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look, dude, I know that the 2010s social justice movements really killed your vibe, but just because you could get away with being colorblind through the 90s doesn't mean the racial tensions were any weaker back then.
Things didn't suddenly get worse, what's always been just boiled to the surface. Nonetheless, progress has been made.

Jews aren't a race, they're a disease

would you care to measure this progress for me user-kun
looking forward to the chapter explaining the weighting of underperforming minority groups using the state to hamstring other minority groups


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