Thoughts on this game?
Thoughts on this game?
Is it in gamepass yet?
you will miss, fail and complete quests without noticing.
Yeah, I noticed that, fun game tho scratched my metrovania itch
This, feels like an instant gamepass game but I guess you cant have em all.
This makes me even more interested
Rough around the edges, pretty art though.
dude likes v8
I swear every "movement" upgrade exists only to find extra collectibles. Movement's in quotes because all they actually do is give you more platforms you can jump on.
Art carries it a bit. Some levels are kinda whatever. Nice inter-connectivity and exploration regardless, and there's some great boss fights. World is fun to explore despite some of the level design, again in part to the art. I think it's a perfectly fine game overall but its not going to blow your mind.
bought it on sale, dont regret it at all
it's pretty good. but not the best metroidvania game to come out last year
Its pretty decent. Great music, solid visuals. Very inconsistent script and voice acting. Same thing with the bosses - some are good, some are lame. The gameplay does not lend itself well to a metroidvania approach, as you get no real movement upgrades and teleports are haphazardly places.
Are there any weapons to get?
Thats half the reason I liked salt n sanctuary
Nope, you do weapon upgrades and skills instead. Pretty weak.
Is there any meat to the combat or is it just one move mostly?
How “2D Dark Souls” is it? Should I just get Salt & Sanctuary instead?
Every ten times I die, nine are for hazards and only one because I died in a direct fight.
It is very frustrating to realize that the biggest challenge of the game is in the platform parts, first because that shouldn't be the emphasis of the game, second because the gameplay is kind of bad and the devs should have avoided doing challenges based on jumping and clinging to stairs or on wooden planks when these mechanics don't work properly, to begin with.
>Salt & Sanctuary
Is a great time regardless. It has heavy similarities to Souls games but also does its own thing throughout many methods.
Don't get filtered.
You’re talking about Blasphemous? And what is wrong with Salt & Sanctuary?
There's combos and different enemies might require different approaches (air hits, parrying, that sort of thing) but if you're looking for a lot of varied combat its not that. More similar to Hollow Knight in that regard.
Yeah I dont think I ever had a boss death that wasn't a cheap fucking bullshit hit (you know EXACTLY the boss I'm talking about if you played this shit, fuck you you wicker piece of shit). It was all environmental hazard deaths.
Most of my deaths were spikes or not being able to look down a bit to see said spikes
It's just a worse Hollow Knight.
If you have someone to play couch coop with or are looking for "its literally 2D Dark Souls" then go with S&S. This is way more Ninja Gaiden/Metroidvania.
It has a parry system, that's it. Its more castlevania than anything.
I'm not sure how you could read my post and assume either of those, user.
Fun Catholic-core game that exalts virtues of self-sacrifice and humility. Pretty good. A bit short.
One quest.
Souls games kill you with bad platforming and wonky physics more than anything else
Metroidvania style games kill you more with instant death spike pits and the like more than anything else
Games in general will kill you more through a tough platforming section rather than combat because one is controlable while the other is left to the whims of the games own logic.
In battle you can make choices that are smart.
A tough jump is just that, a tough jump.
This has been the case all the way back to games like Ghoul n Ghosts. Ninja gaiden got away from that trope by letting you grab walls and much more so platforming is more part of the combat and movement than something where a near pixel perfect jump can be the most intimidating challenge of all even though the jump is infinitely simpler to complete.
The argument that "this kills me with platforming so its bad" is a load of shit people who cant handle losing use far too often.
I'm really glad I skipped to the end of your post so I didn't waste my time with it.
Honestly, Hollow Knight had more frustrating traversal sections than Blasphemous.
nice picture, dumbass
It's a good game play it
Hollow knight is for people who want gameplay
Blasphemous is for people who want good aesthetics.
It plays better than every castlevania game that's ever existed
It's probably my biggest disappointment in a LONG time.
I bought it on release as a buggy as fuck game. The pacing is lacking, enemy placement can is inconsistent. Some bosses are piss easy while others are absolutely maddening and it all just feels so stapled together.
Backtracking and re-exploring areas for secrets is in no way fun since you get absolutely no real movement upgrades. Your health upgrades are negligible, and any combat upgrades are pointless since hit, hit, dodge/parry will be your best resousre for almost every enemy.
All of this is so sad too because the art direction is absolutely beautiful. Whoever the head of the art needs to move to a more compitent studio that doesn't release buggy fucking games 6 months early.
Disagree. Hollow Knight controlled way fucking better which made it less frustrating to backtrack.
Thank you for the laugh.
>Souls games kill you with bad platforming and wonky physics more than anything else
Said like someone that has never, EVER played one
The only area in Hollow Knight that truly felt cheap to me was the fight with Traitor Lord and the backtracking after each death.
I have played every one multiple times.
The combat is easy as fuck when you realize i-frames are broken over powered.
The platforming and narrow traversal segments in the early games are infinitely more difficult than literally everything except Orhpan, Gaul/Freide, and Sword Saint/Old Man/Demon of Hatred. Oh and cursed chalices can suck a fat one too.
I frames cannot save you from the shit they made you do in many segments like the rafters in anal rodeo.
the crowdsurfing skeleton pope was fun
Easily the best boss in the game.
That said I can't help but notice that the only well animated boss was the one they showed off in the demo, Ten Piedad. Basically every other boss was a big ol'
sprite, except those two TERRIBLE fucking human boss fights with the paladin fags.
I don't think either of them has any cheap areas to traverse, just tedious. Maybe the White Palace, but that was the point there.
Both games are tedious to backtrack. They were really fucking economical with the teleports. But HK was more tedious on the backtracking because the map is bigger.
Hollow Knight has
A) Way, WAY better movement upgrades
B) Better controls
C) Far more warps (stag stations, trams, dream gate are all yours), and the warps are better placed in regards to spacing.
I completely disagree with you on this.
>Both games are tedious to backtrack
Good to know.
Why dont games understand the appeal of backtracking in metroid or sotn?
Its not because we like going throug hte same shit over and over, its because we like finding secrets/new paths and absolutely BLASTING through that older content with the new abilities.
Going back through a metroid after you get speed boost and screw attack/space jump is bliss. Same goes for sotn when you l;earn all your magics and combos. Just dash through entire segments of game that were previously hard as fuck because YOU HAVE THE POWER
I miss having overwhelming power by the end of a game.
Great. Could've used more and better placed portals tho.
Got me into metroidvanias again
Oh and Hollow Knight doesn't have instant kill shit, so that's D.
>Going back through a metroid after you get speed boost and screw attack/space jump is bliss. Same goes for sotn when you l;earn all your magics and combos. Just dash through entire segments of game that were previously hard as fuck because YOU HAVE THE POWER
That's what happens in Hollow Knight, the dipshit you're talking to neglected to mention shit like wallclimbing, dashing, and that super nutty crystal heart dash you get that's basically speed boost in the air.
Ok, then. We agree that HK is generally superior, but disagree on this point. No biggie.
Now, if THIS was an issue for you in Blasphemous, you're just bad at vidya.
>yer bad
Okay, that means nothing coming from a guy who said Hollow Knight and Blasphemous have equally tedious backtracking. Did you actually play Hollow Knight? Because I'd like you to think to yourself right now 'What movement tech do I gain in Hollow Knight that lets me navigate the environment faster, and What movement tech do I gain in Blasphemous that lets me navigate the environment faster?'
Because either you're too stupid to know what movement tech is or you never actually got very far in Hollow Knight.
It doesn't, because of HK's level design and scarcity of warp points. Going back for stuff in SOTN tremendously fast.
I'm actually replaying SOTN right now and it's impressive how your momentum increases as you get upgrades. You start getting new stuff faster and faster. You're hardly ever traversing two, three areas for one health upgrade.
HK becomes incredibly tedious about two-thirds in, save for the then-occasional new boss.
I beat hollow knight
The crystal heart dash is pretty much useless in 90% of rooms.
If they had a great way to backtrack like Metoid they wouldnt have needed the stag stations user.
You know that right?
>It doesn't, because of HK's level design and scarcity of warp points
I'll have to double check the inverted castle, but Hollow Knight has more warp points than Symphony of the Night.
>The crystal heart dash is pretty much useless in 90% of rooms.
Wow you're really bad at video games I guess.
>Wow you're really bad at video games I guess.
How am I wrong considering 90% of the rooms arent even worth revisiting thanks to stag stations?
The entire first half the the game is largely useless after you get farther.
>How am I wrong
By being incorrect, you hyperbolic moron.
>considering 90% of the rooms arent even worth revisiting thanks to stag stations?
Did you have a stroke while we were having this conversation? What is this shit? DURRRR THEY'RE NOT WORTH REVISITING? you said it was pretty much useless in 90% of the rooms, now you completely jumped to some other claim. And this is a jump from you claiming that HK and Blasphemous had equally tedious backtracking.
You are to arguments as are the Blasphemous devs to platforming segments: unpolished.
Dude the dash is useless because of that fact.
Do you now understand causation?
>most of the map isnt even worth revisiting
>this makes the air dash mostly useless
My claim is that the best games in the genre let you run wild with these moves all over each region in search of new content.
HK mostly eliminates that thanks to stag stations which helped but shouldn't have been needed to begin with.
>Dude the dash is useless because of that fact.
No it isn't, you're just a retard.
And since you clearly didn't think about this like I asked you too, name a single movement tech in Blasphemous that allows you to cover horizontal distance in Blasphemous with speed equivalent to the HK dash or crystal heart.
Or don't. I don't care, I already blew your dumb ass out.
>hurrr blasphemous
I came here to ask is the game was comparable to the other good tiles in the genre at the top of the thread retard.
Compared to Super Metroid and Sotn its movement is so underutilized it hurts.
What do you mean HURRR BLASPHEMOUS? What the fuck did you think the thread was about you fucking dipshit?
and of course you took the pussy way out and you couldn't name a single one.
He is saying that you have never played other metroidvanias, because you think that people die in these games in the same way that they die in classic Mega Man or Castlevania (or Blasphemous).
It had cool bosses and I loved the atmosphere but the gameplay was boring af
>cant name moves in a game i never played
Ya dont say.
Notice how within the first 5 replies there were people insteresed in what the game offers?
I was one of them.
Compared to SotN and Mtroid HK has the most lackluster movement upgrades.
Even the simple wolf transformation is a million times better than the crystal heart dash.
Shitty level design and meh gameplay.
Like with games like Cuphead and Hollow Knight, heavily carried by the sound and aesthetics.
It’s not Dark Souls at all, that is just a marketing gimmick
Has more fun with it than Bloodstained which looked like shit and played like shit.
Blasphemous and Hollow Knight are fun and just different looking enough and play different enough to not just be copies of SOTN.
Then why the fuck did you jump into a conversation discussing the backtracking tedium of both games in relation to each other you illiterate fucking dipshit? Jump back up your mom's cunt, you clearly came out too early.
I have played a ton of them.
I avoid most castlevanias (largely because they arent the same genre on console) but SotN and a one of the haldheld ones are top tier.
Tons of people do die in the same ways because there are literally death pits in both titles.
SotN was never hard in combat you can literally just mash buttons to learn OP magic if you havent already gotten broken OP gear.
Metroid is the same way, the OP abilities completely make combat irrelevant to the exploration.