Its f2p niggas. Get in here. How are you doing?
Call of Duty MW Warzone
>squads only
I myself just played a round. My two mates left Was stuck between 4 teams. Rekt two of them and one other guy.
>BR shit
fotm shit game that will be forgotten in less than a month
Fuck off zoom zoom.
The BR mode is utter boring dogshit. But the pillage mode is a much better evolution of BR. It needs more objectives though and other ways to make money. Its pretty fun though if you get two other slightly competent team members and you get into a tug of war over cash with another squad.
The jail riot shit is actually a cool idea. Too bad its CoD, too bad its BR.
you can select the squad option to "dont fill" before starting å search for a game. although of course, everyone else will be in squads still. thats what I dont like about it, I kill or just shoot someone and suddenly two other people suddenly swarm in on me, or worse, other squads who were also nearby.
>Its f2p
On PS4 only
Plunder only gets fun towards the end when you have 500k/600k+ and only if you keep it all on your person. Outside of that its boring as shit and piss-easy to get money. Just run around doing secure/scavenge contracts for free cash
No on xbox and pc too
>Killstreaks in the final circle
>M4 is still a fucking laser even with bullet drop
>Fucking contracts that literally let you see where other players are
>No ability to customize weapons with attachments, only custom loadouts you have to pick up
At least Plunder is actually fun
>bullet drop
Is that a thing in this game? Sniping seemed like hitscan, or maybe slight travel time but no drop.
It's there but no where near what it should be
>battle retard
>hurr durr i want realistic bullet drop
>why does the bullet not really drop below 300m?
I never can take your kind seriously.
kys snowflakes, this is the first BR game with good FPS mechanics and some semblance of stylization that isn't shit
>Fucking contracts that literally let you see where other players are
Like radar or wallhacks?
>giving a fuck about what Yas Forums thinks
>follow their opinions like a sheep
>literally be a NPC
>act like a shill
This never gets old.
Why did you quote me you retard
All I did is ask if the game has it, I didn't say anything about what I wanted it to be like
Queuing into console players as teammates is pretty fucking hilarious. When I get PC players, even in other games, its always people I imagine sitting up in a decent chair with okay posture ready to communicate like people wanting to win. The console players I get seem sprawled out on a couch with food on their lap who don't care they are open mic and have background conversations with family/friends. Its actually the most enjoyable part of Warzone
Im enjoying the confused looks and verbal abuse thrown around when you murder someone with a MP5SD under a second and they have no idea where you shot them from.
Based hidden mechanic.
Because travel time in rl is nearly instant and your max engagement range in Warzone is 200m. So the bullet doesn't drop. How fuck do you think a bullet is? A rifle bullet is above 600km/h. Go figure.
Is there an option to skip the practice lobby?
Get a HDD from 2005, you will never see it
So you didn't even read my post, got it
Contracts let you get an idea of where the target is. The target also gets notified and a timer telling them how long they need to last. If they don't die, they get the money instead of the person taking out the contract.
>100gb instead of making it a stand alone game
I don't understand, what the fuck is in this game that gives it any right to be 100 motherfucking gb?
nigga mw (2019) is fucking garbage
I dunno which of these two guys you are. Btw a modern rifle is up to 3300km/h. 600km/h would be a old black powder gun.
>Sniping seemed like hitscan, or maybe slight travel time but no drop.
>It's there but no where near what it should be
You are both retards. So it didn't matter
Thanks for confirming you're an illiterate retard
>200gb to play a shitty cod game
Why does bullet drop and travel time matter below 200m? It's nearly non existent. It could be hitscan and no one would know the difference.
so that retards play it, think "hm this is pretty fun maybe i will enjoy the multiplayer, i already have it downloaded and can access it easily, just need to buy it", and then proceed to buy it
>squads make me nervous
>know I'm going to fuck up
I want a proper solo mode.
Just talk to them bro. When they don't talk try just do your own thing or try to lead them somewhat. If they talk speak with them. You don't like them? Mute them and just follow them or do your own thing.
Don't worry about fucking up. That is the one thing i learned from team games. Always do your best no matter what. Blame only yourself and don't engage with toxic teammates. You can't change them. They won't learn what you want them to learn in a single game. So be a decent human being and do what you can.
Most people are okay when you talk to them. Especially the guys who have been quite since 5 minutes. I hope we get a solo mode too, but keep that in mind for all games you play. Its the internet. Treat people how you want to be treated and just don't give a fuck when they bully you. They can't do shit. You give them control over yourself when you engage with them or think about this shit.
>things in place to make the game fast paced and not some campy horseshit
i just saw someone on twitch stream it and it looked pretty neato, the gulag system is an interesting addition to the BR genre.
change the killstreak mechanics in last 2-3 circles and it's much better
Just play with friends...?
Where do you think we are?
It's 100gb
That would be blackout
Further proving my point, because I didn't say anything either way about any of that shit
solo plunder is kino. dumping on camp squads all day
The place where I made all my friends.
like i ranked up 7 levels in one match seems pretty based
>t. discord tranny
How is the hormone therapy going? Post pics
literally rent free
Get off my vent or I'll have you bent
why would they be retards for enjoying a game and then proceeding to purchase it
this is gay way of thinking my dude even good players have bad games the only real way you can fuck up is quitting early or running off by yourself
I've got a fat ps4 downloading it over wireless N. It will take a while to play.
>want good br game
>apex and this are squads only
Fucking monkeys paw timeline I don’t want to carry the weight of 3 frothing retards
Not fast enough for me scrub. Get this garbage outta here. Advanced warfare/Black ops 3 squad where we at? Yall wanna wall run and shoot niggas with cool futureshit guns?
>3 frothing retards
B-But user, the squads are 3 players max!
Im not gonna download 100gb for some shitty battle royale
Plunder is actually really fun. The battle royale just feels like a downgrade from the blops 4 one.
No thanks.
I mean the practice fight thing it keeps throwing you into for about 15 seconds before it loads the BR, is there any option to disable it?
Spotted the claymore shotgun bitch. Pisspants here would get rekt in a real lobby of twitchpace chads marking scrubs in tenths of seconds.
based retard
Why can't I hear footsteps? Why can't I hear people climbing up ladders? Why can't I hear anything but the loud ass engine of the helicopter you can fly and my loud ass feet?