Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Is there any hope at all for the sequel?

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Story is looking to be very very weak, gameplay is looking about as bad as the first except "cinematic", soundtrack doesn't even bear mentioning.
So, no. No hope, only mediocrity.

It is basically going to be DISHONORED 2 with vampires.


Paradox Interactive is behind it so you better have no hope for it.

it was destroyed from the start. "They" have been taking all of the IP and things that people of my archetype really enjoy, and destroying each and every one of them, and in the exact same ways. Strange, that.

That game hasn't been released? Wtf, it's taking way too long.
Also, tits too small.

rudi: the pudi 2: ROODlines

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No, but Ive preordered and will not cancel the preorder. I'll find some enjoyment out of it


jesus was black so was caine

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this reads like a parody

how many DLC will it have?

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>hey remember the first game!?

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>paradox game

Season of the Wolf = pay us for Gangrel

I'm cautiously optimistic, but acknowledging that it's going to be its own thing.

I'm excited for the different factions and the idea of giving the player more power in choosing who they want to work with and lie to, but it's still a new team with a new studio, and I imagine that people expecting something exactly like Bloodlines will be disappointed.

Combat may or may not be shit. I don't really care as long as the game isn't as broken as the first one was upon release.

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i wanna be excited but what we've seen so far is worrying plus the "woke" look there going for with malk by talking about how there taking mental illness super serious. dude i liked the fish malk. it was simple fun.

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all marketing biscuits will be blacked by nigga ghouls

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>it's going to be its own thing.
Every fucking time I read this.

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I just hope it attracts a lot of sex modders. Imagine eating Tremere pussy.

send this one back, still reads too much like a marketing post

it never had a chance i'm afraid

How the fuck did you go from Arcanum and VTM to the kind of pozzed fuckery in Bloodlines?
Is contemporary society just that bland?

ok retard

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I was thinking about pirating this game for my PC, what should I expect? I like RPGs
Is it ideal to play with a Mouse? or I can play it in my laptop.

I haven't been in a vtm thread in months, and you people still treat your hate-boner for this game like it's your fucking career.

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>How the fuck did you go from Arcanum and VTM to the kind of pozzed fuckery in Bloodlines?
Mindsets like this have engaged in media capture, and now govern the culture. All they want to talk about is their special cause, and wherever they see a group of people NOT talking about it...they infiltrate, they infect, and they take up all the oxygen in the room, until you are forced to talk about their special cause.

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i dont hate bloodlines 1
but i do hate you, marketer faggot

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We could have had something really cool, but we won't, because of a certain group of message-driven people who show incredible disdain for us. People who have clamored for a game like VTMB for years, or who loved the World of Darkness IP, can hardly be blamed for getting angry at what it became.

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maybe sound less like a marketer and people won't call you one

There is a small chance it will be good but even if it is good it will be released unfinished so they can sell you the rest as dlc later, it probably won't even have all the clans at launch

Next time I'll just spam the same bullshit lorebook from a completely different writer as the game has and claim it means that the game's story will be bad.

It hasn't become anything yet. The game isn't out.

Don't be one of those. Red flags exist.

>a completely different writer
it shows broad direction from paradox (owns white wolf now) for the IP

That might be the worst thing I've ever read, what the fuck

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How the hell is this new to you people
That image is posted in every single VTM thread
This is not hyperbole, it's literally in every single thread

who said they hadn't seen it?

Yikes, incel alert

It's also literally just cut content from a lorebook for the table top game, but don't let Yas Forums know or they won't get to jack off to the sjws

It is a little sad that you have a bunch of images saved to post any time a vtm thread is up, as if your only purpose in life is to show how shitty the team behind the new game is.

>fights for the rights of oppressed vampire minorities
>fights for the rights of oppressed human minorities
>fights against the patriarchy in vampire society
>also queer
lmao, it actually reads like a Yas Forums parody.

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Is the original good? All I've seen is the Vampire Titty monster

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>Yikes, incel alert

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Bloodlines was fantastic, in its day. I just recently tried to play it again, and it has definitely lost a step with age. A big part of the atmosphere and charm was the idea of it taking place in the real/modern world, but age has done a number on that. No cellphones, all monitors are boxy CRTs, etc. You wouldn't think it's a big deal, but it detracts from everything it was.

Vampire: Redemption is a great RPG, though it's more restrictive and story-driven.

Vampire: Bloodlines is a great example of having multiple characters playing through the game and having each experience feel fresh and distinct.

Both are very worth playing.

from what has been revealed so far, it looks to be a very mediocre game at best. literally no hype aside from the fact that it's a vtmb game

It's nothing but member-berries. Even the collectors edition is nothing but "member this?"

>having a face to face shoot-out. fuck cover
>bullets don't connect
What is this mess? I haven't seen anything about this game since the reveal trailer however long ago.

It's the gameplay reveal that killed all the hype. We had daily threads before it, now everyone's skeptical of the game's quality.

He tosses the gun aside as soon as it's empty, because you can't carry weapons or items in VTMB2, all guns are just temporary level pick ups, like a Mario mushroom.

That's how fucking bad things are, already.

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faithful to original dancing tho


Holy shit, did they have the most awkward and spergy devs do the motion capture that day? I'm getting second hand embarrassment from this.

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t. never played vtmb

i got the gigagoy edition for like $20 so whether i enjoy how good it is or laugh at how bad it is it's worth it to me

t. has never gone nightclubbing

people like this are infesting entertainment, and they destroy all that they can

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shut the fuck up marketing tranny

if you think rivetheads slam dancing at 5am to ISOLATED on a rainy santa monica pier is just like that dogshit webm you never played vtmb

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This is true. I was really hyped for the game because VTMB is one of my favorite games. I watched the trailer and it looked like garbage. Then stuff started coming out about the game being woke and the obvious shilling by people that are just pushing the game because of it's politics.

I hope it turns out well, but all evidence points to it not being good.

There is another number below the gun icon that would denote that you can carry more bullets. It is odd that he just throws the gun away.

you'll never meet your father, nigger

yeah, you might pick up TWO mushrooms

>She had a quirky personality, often getting distracted, speaking in metaphors with a monotone voice, and being eccentric.
mark twain would be proud
the future is female

Holdo could have actually been a decent character if the new trilogy wasn't such a horrible mess. The character was completely butchered in editing to the point that nothing she did made any sense and she just came off as a retarded condescending bitch.

this archetype is fucking everywhere now

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cringe as fuck

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we in yo tables and tops like corn pops now honky

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>dying your hair is somehow viewed as a protest
God damn people are lazy as fuck and the self insert is cringy as fuck.

>opens up a Chorister book (Revised)
>trigger warning on playing "conservative christans" on the first page

just end it all

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is that rudi cosplay?

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What a hilarious picture she took. So brave.

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>game is being anti-shilled by some sjw obsessed retard
Wow what a crazy thing to see on Yas Forums

I'll at least pirate it. If the content isn't cut to shit by expansion dlc nonsense, then I'll buy. I sure hope the faggot making tortanic compilations isn't too enraged by this.

>It's the gameplay reveal that killed all the hype

only simps gets hyped at all by this game, take a good look at what this fucking developer has made before VTMB2 and you will know that there won't be a single chance in hell that they will make something decent.

rudi's crew rules the night

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>muh vampires are just a collective of well-doing non authoritarian do-gooders that fight ebil nazis when they aren't helping the poor.
What kind of bullshit is this?

>I'll buy

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even if you completely ignore the politics the game looks and moves like garbage courtesy of the trailer. I won't be wasting time to pirate it at all until I can see some actual gameplay footage on youtube that can convince me that this shit isn't a pointless waste of my time.

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the current year

Why didn't he fall out of the chair?

vampires are political activists now
problem bigot??

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>How the hell is this new to you people
I don't really follow this, I just checked into this thread because it seemed interesting at the time

Is this why boomers buy Harley Davidsons?

Flawed, but overall an unforgettable experience.
Definitely worth picking up

bl2 is written based on v5

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