

Exclusives are bad, less exclusives means more people can enjoy the game

Hopefully, Nintendo will follow suit and release their games on PC just like they release them on mobile, although they're very easy emulatable these days.

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I always wanted native ports of F-Zero and Pilotwings series for PC.

Exclusives are unironically a good thing

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give one non autistic reason why.

your only reason is because you're an entitled pc fag that thinks developers should always cater to them

I just want another Pilotwings. Too bad they're just always glorified tech demos.

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So I see you don't have a single non-autistic reason.

my mind set gives developers more fans, costumers and money. yours is to fuel a silly console war that only exists to justify your purchase.
p.s thanks for the autistic reason it even had a dash of cringe in it.

I'd rather protect developers from piracy given that anytime a new game comes to PC it tops the most downloaded list on any tracker site

>yes I boycott Sony for not keeping HZD's exclusivity, how could you tell?

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Who is that fat fuck supposed to be?

I will never fathom someone being upset because a game is no longer exclusive
That has to be the pettiest complaint on the planet
Truly, gamers are an entitled bunch.

the first party-partner relationship has resulted in the best games of all time. It is good for games, thus it is good for consumers. multiplats result in worse games for everyone.

I too remember when everyone pirated Balconing Simulator 2020, Omen of Sorrow or Crescent Bay.

More like sony fanboys.

>floods thread about Pirates getting BTFO by latest denuvo game saying never ever memes
then crys that the evil 1% of pirate fags will ruin a whole game.
your sad and basically mimicking all the >think of the children mentality

But my favorite game of all time (Jedi Academy) is multiplat, so you're wrong.

Reminder: the backlash against Horizon's port was MASSIVE, Sony is afraid now. Also there is no evidence whatsoever they will port other games. This is the last game they port probably.

exclusives aren't ending, they're being pushed onto a longer lasting platform for another additional revenue stream as the initial system dies.

xbox, yes, has foregone exclusives. Nintendo and sony haven't, so far. If sony starts announcing simul-launch, then sure we can say they're dying, but a bunch of ps4 games releasing, months or years later, on pc doesn't exactly speak to the idea of devs caring about everyone, they just want more money from double dippers.

It could have been a better game if the devs only had to make it for one platform and had a first party backing them.

This. Most of the best games in history were made by Nintendo, who for years only allowed their games to be played in their hardware and only recently allowed smartphone versions.

>Exclusives are bad

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>It could have been a better game
Stopped reading there.

Typical star wars fan.

>not knowing Moviebob

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>Reminder: the backlash against Horizon's port was MASSIVE, Sony is afraid now.

Afraid of what? Getting a mean tweet?

Metro Last Light Redux is DRM-free in Humble Store too.

>and that's a good thing
Into the trash it goes. Don't even care about agreeing or disagreeing, don't waste my time with your fucking opinions.

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Exclusives are far superior and Nintendo understands it's menrally retarded to put your games on a competitor, Sony will destroy themselves if they take the same path as Xbox with no identity.

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Of people not buying their PS5. Subscription give way more money for Sony than a PC port every will.

Nintendo literally allowed a PlayStation 4 port of a game they co-own.

centrist moviebob takes are so boring

this is true, the only question is a "fake exclusive" given less money for the deal and by how much, and as that number gets smaller and smaller from shorter times will it eventually disappear. another thing to consider is as consoles get closer and closer to computers when does emulating become a real threat or as a different perceptive when does a PC version of a game just always exist based on it all being made just a computer for a basically a computer?

I love watching all the Sonyfags shit their pants in rage over this, now they've even stooped so low as to start talking about Nintendo.

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>fewer hardware limitations
and yet we see games over and over get downgraded to make them more playable on consoles

Anyone have that tweet where he failed at cooking a chicken? That makes me laugh.

>get the game
>play it

Wow. That was hard. So hard man. It's like I almost needed ten PhDs to be able to get this game!

just fucking wow

You are tight OP. Growing the playerbase is always a good thing, mo matter what you have to sacrifice for it. Get rid of unnecessary complexity, offensive content, difficulty and everything that makes games unique. All we need is for developers to maximize profits by growing the customer base.

Why do these fucking mexican landwhales always take my side forcing me to reconsider my opinions?

single spec + first party support = better game, retard

gatekeeping is a better thing

Exclusives are the only games that are good anymore lol

I just want Persona ported to PC. That so much to ask for?

Nintendo has the right idea when it comes to keeping their exclusives, Sony understood that until recently.

Pirates don't deserve it

>gatekeeping is a better thing
Nah, you guys don't apply this on Yas Forums so why should I apply it for vidya?

>single spec
>first party support

Nevermind, found it

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They have been porting games to PC since 1996.

The first Persona had a Japan-only Microsoft Windows port.

>tfw only PC gamer who's too stubborn to pirate.

>and thats a good thing

Jesus fuck why do they write like this. I fucking hope this virus keeps killing.

You might not like it, but having someone else bank roll your development, your distribution, your advertising, providing your technical support gives your game more room to be better.

Denial is just rejection of reality.

Because you have such weak character that other people influence you negatively instead of holding onto what you truly believe, you are a fake, and a weak-minded individual.

What the fuck does moviebob have to do with this thread he's not a sonyfan

No clue, just saw moviebob mentioned and joined in.

Yeah, that's called "publisher." Jedi Academy had two, LucasArts and Activision.

because he embodies every thing bad about brand loyalty

then why do games still run like shit on consoles your logic is based on a assumption that money + smaller work load = better quality
when skill + knowledge + good leadership and giving a shit about the project always yields higher quality product. in gaming this has been proven time and time again as passion project by small low budget teams destroy higher paid and more experienced teams
the people who care make the game what it is not the money behind it.

sounds like the opposite of what i said.

The actual benefit to exclusives is for poor/small indie companies to take money and be able to have the resources to actually make the game (or be able to improve it) in exchange for it being exclusive. Cuphead's a more recent example; they were having funding issues and were going to put it out with only the bosses, but due to exclusivity funding, they were able to add more content and not rush it out the gate (or potentially have to can or sell it off if they ran out of funds completely). Any bigger company flush with cash and talent usually won't put that exclusivity money into improving a game they'd already make, and instead pocket it for the execs/stockholders.

>Exclusives are bad, less exclusives means more people can enjoy the game

Imagine thinking that all games being on one platform will mean that they will all be on a single store.

Stupid PC gamer.

>but having someone else bank roll your development, your distribution, your advertising, providing your technical support
Like...a publisher?
What's it like being retarded user?

He also made this. Gordon Ramsay would have a field day with his awful cooking.

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I can say that when the indie initiative was popping off around the release of gen 8 systems, most indie devs were getting deals in the 5 figure + marketing spend range, bigger ones like klei and team meat got 6 figures.

AAA probably ranges in the 8 figure, as we know was the case with destiny initially.

Wait wait WAIT
That's not how marinating works.

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why does he looks like a greasier Steven Seagal

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And if it had Sony in place of them, it would have ended up a far better game. Instead they had to meet deadlines and milestones, run their own technical support, and get the game out on someone elses schedule.

>then why do games still run like shit on consoles
what are you talking about?
>your logic is based on a assumption that money + smaller work load = better quality
there's a lot more to it but I can tell you have trouble with comprehension already.
>good leadership and giving a shit about the project always yields higher quality product.
Too ethereal to have any meaning. Good leadership could come from a low stress environment. It's why you don't see Dreams on Steam, but on PS4.
>in gaming this has been proven time and time again as passion project by small low budget teams destroy higher paid and more experienced teams
Frankly the opposite is proven true. If anything auteurs are the leading heads in the industry and create the greatest games, their games are also most often made as exclusives. "Passion" gets you kickstarter. Auteurs get you Shadow of the Colossus.

You have a very immature view of the industry, fanciful and hippy-like, you must be very young. Don't take it as an insult though.

Why do people pretend to care about exclusives when all the highest sellers are mutli platform?

That's the most American thing I have ever seen, even more than that Glock covered in twinky batter and deep fried.

>And if it had Sony in place of them, it would have ended up a far better game.
Why are all Sonyfags so stupid?
I used to think this kind of shit was falseflagging, but after that autist trashed his room, cried about it, then tried to backpedal by saying "I-I was just pretending" I think Sonyfags might all legitimately be this autistic.

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Notice how when cornered, he resorts to evasion and non-arguments. Pathetic.

>Nintendo will follow suit and release their games on PC

Hahahaha, no

Sonyfag here, or rather ex sonyfag here. Back when they made JRPGs and the like I thought they were great, but this TLOU moviegame route made me switch to PC. At any rate, complaining about exclusives is retarded.

sauce on that pic
that's 100% some degenerate tranny shit and I want to see it

You got trolled hard by the guy like most of twitter he posted evidence that his account is run by multiple people and the whole thing was fake as fuck

>he posted evidence that his account is run by multiple people
Was it the Discord screencaps, if so then you're even dumber than you let on.

There are less consumer-hostile capital-raising schemes than exclusivity.

>Exclusives are bad, less exclusives means more people can enjoy the game
Why should I care or even be happy disgusting PC.ucks get those games?

So you think pc fags are entitled to the games then?

You're using that word wrong. You and every other idiot whose attempts to be condescending is ultimately crippled by their inability to use English properly. The term your looking for is self-entitled, dropping the "self" part makes zero fucking sense because it's basically the opposite of being entitled.

If anything he just trolled other Sonyfags since now they're all going to be associated with his freakout and being manchildren.