Why is crunch so accepted in the vidya industry?

Why is crunch so accepted in the vidya industry?

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crunch is a part of most professional jobs quit bitching

>tfw can't do shit properly in normal times

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consumers generally don't give a shit where their product comes from or how it gets made. sweat shops, the meat/dairy industry, it's all way more fucked up than video game crunch time, but still, no one cares. people just want their product.

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THIS. Could you imagine depriving your boss of his fifth gold toilet? We have to crunch or he'll be sad.

The devs are at fault for failing to meet their deadline, if anything devs benefit from crunch with money from overtime.

Same reason why everything else in the industry is shit - people keep feeding it.

The bar for developers has been significantly lowered with outsourcing/h1b's/contracts. Layoffs are common in every sector.

Now add in the blind demand for game dev positions and you bet they're going to keep abusing it

>Be """""""journalist""""""""
>Speak out against crunch to the point where companies start saying they want to stop crunching to improve their public image
>Naughty Dog does crunch
>"A masterpiece requires blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice! You have to go the extra mile if you wanna win!"
I knew it was all bullshit right from the start.

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ANOTHER fucking crunch article? That's some hard hitting journalism. How about you """journalists""" publicly talk about the ad revenue scam?

>Have all night to play/do anything after work
>Make up excuse after excuse to sit on youtube while browsing Yas Forums

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that's obviously some random literal who twitter account, not a journalist like you are implying

Let's stick these faggots outside to work construction for a day and see how fast they'll be begging to come back to their air conditioned mouse pushing job

You should have paid attention at school

uh, cause it's fuckin delicious, bud

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>Check his twitter account
>It's just some playstation fanboy who makes videos for YouTube
I stand corrected, still not surprised in any capacity whatsoever though. Sony fanboys especially as of recent have been proving themselves to be literally the worst console fanbase out of the three and I've known Nintendo autists that would blow at least a small portion of them out of the water if they had a much larger presence on the internet.

>the "best studio in the world" produces uninspired movie games that don't even look that good

Actually, crunch is the new thing they're talking about to distract from loot boxes.

Not that crunch isn't a problem, just that it's easier for them to deal with and represents less of their revenue than running a casino.

>2 years of constant crunch trying to bring Oyveymann's (((vision))) to life
>3 extended months of TURBO crunch to crash on the finish line
>"We don't have what others call a 'production team' bro"
>We don't use the word "Fun"
This is going to be the biggest flop of the decade.

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inb4 americans start bragging about how poorly their boss treats them

>with money from overtime
HAHAHAH It's cute you think that.

>We don't have a production team
What did they mean by this?

What a fucking dipshit
>I was wrong b-but still!!
The only people defending ND's crunch shit is Yas Forumsirgins who are being contrarian.

For 5+ years.

As long as you're having fun user that's all that matters

Crunch is a sign of last minute changes and poor management. This game will be shit.


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Oh man the coping has begun.

Hey remember how RDR2 fucking bombed, guys?

1) the market demands it
2) since everyone wants to work in video games, the hiring base is large and the workers are easily replaceable
3) Since the workers are easy to replace, they can't make any demands
3b) the workers are also not unionized or protected by anything, so they can't collectively make any demands

Ah yes, hard at work chewing. this crunchy chip sure is killer

>biggest flop

please come down to reality with the rest of us, I have no love for the title or series but you gotta be fucking shitting me if you think this won't have a remaster shortly after release along with spinoffs, more sequels and other dumb shit

>work for a game company that you know always has crunch time
>stay with company because they pay well
>word gets out on social media that said game company has crunch time
>people on social media cry and say its not humane
>go on social media yourself and say how youve been treated badly all those years working for that company and how crunch time is horrible

this fucking shit always happens

Nobody said RDR2 would bomb

Not only is it a "Get Woke go Broke" game, it's in development hell.
Having any sort of optimism at this point just makes you a Snoy.

>Naughty Dog makes another B movie game
>Idiots with very low standards praise it as some amazing achievement for the medium
I honestly don't understand this mentality. If you hate video games that much, why not just become a "movie reviewer" or some shit?

Are you brain damaged or did you forget that RDR2 shipped with massive, massive crunch and last minute changes to the online?

In a year you niggers will be going "Oh nobody thought TLOU2 was going to flop" while predicting your next TORtanicl.

the last time they made a good game was in -96

cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum nigger cum baby nigger cum drum

>it's in development hell
i dont think you really understand that term

Thats the guy who used to play on Xbox, made all these playstation hate videos. Until he got a PS4 and started posting things like " is actually pretty good but i'm still with Xbox" slowly he ditched his One. Lost loads of subs and ultimately became a massive sony fanboy. It was quite something to witness.

>Are you brain damaged or did you forget that RDR2 shipped with massive, massive crunch and last minute changes to the online?
And still, nobody said it would bomb. Normies love eating shit. The zombie thing is played out in the normieverse. This game has no audience but the people who don't buy vidya. If it's trash, it won't sell. And the chances of that with this reveal are HIGH.

if they're getting paid for it i dont see the problem.
that and it's not stupid hours, but it's prob the latter.

>it's in development hell.

this man does not speak for us, shits chill as fuck out here in the real world

More than likely it means that the Project Manager is Duckboy and anyone that's done a creative project knows what I mean when I say NEVER LET THE DIRECTOR BE THE FUCKING PM EVER. NEVER. The horrors you'll go through of the idiot that isn't thinking about the team and keeps adding and adding a bunch of shit that just isn't feasible and is just dropped on the team when the base gameplay isn't even done yet. You have no idea how horrible it is if you don't have someone running the teams and talking to the director to ensure that the game isn't just a mish-mash of stupid shit that ends up being incomplete and thus useless for the end product and wasn't important in general.
If you've never experienced it know that you live a blessed life until you have.

>needing crunch to make a barebones stealth game with braindead combat that's still mostly a movie anyway.

>Normies love eating shit. The zombie thing is played out in the normieverse.
First off, you outted yourself as a tourist. Its normalfag, champ. Stick to twitter.

Secondly, lmao, I hope you're screencapping my posts because you'll see yours again come release day. I'm not even buying this game, I didn't like TLOU1. But its going to print money.

overtime exists in every part of the economy. it's just that baby toy makers think they are unique

hard work is a meme that people have been using for a long time to subvert expectations

>No actual gameplay not scripted for events over a year ago
>Constant talk of depressing levels of crunch
>No production team to tie it together
No, YOU tards don't know what dev hell means.

If it wasn't for this board I wouldn't see any of this retarded twitter shit or dumb journalism.

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>No actual gameplay not scripted for events over a year ago
strike 2

>listing 3 things that dont even describe a game thats been in development hell

how embarrassing.

they should really talk about the low efficacy of advertising and how most of the economy buttressed by the ad market is a scam that should be cut back through more efficient ad spending

you know they could have made two tlou films by now if they invested their money into that instead

And they probably would have made less money, since movie tickets aren't 60 dollars.

Yas Forums really is one of the dumbest boards.

crunch these nuts nigga lmao

I think the bigger problem is that these people don't understand what salary is

dumbass, you can't lose money in hollywood

Finally a man excellent taste.

you don't make films to make money. you make films to sell merchandise and theme park tickets
tell me more about your business acumen

Man its hilarious listening to you inbred morons trying to lecture me on how my own industry works.

Go look up how much money TLOU1 made. A movie is a far riskier gamble for Sony.

It did tho


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That's because they didn't finish the fucking barebones stealth and combat mechanics until they finally let someone that wasn't a trained monkey play the game which if memory serves was around October or so. You can tell based on attitude how a CD runs his operation. The guy is clearly never talking to programmers or animators only at them. He says MAKE X and that's it, is it feasible? is it going against how the game currently runs? Is he going to change his mind a month later and make that work meaningless? He doesn't fucking know, he doesn't know what the programmers specialties are in each of their fields he just yells and points. The ego and arrogance he's displayed tells you this is how he operates. He's also told that BS story about the UC4 playtester, meaning he's the kind to embellish, meaning he can't say directly what he wants making the actual devs waste their time on something he never asked for in the first place because he's the type who if you say "Can you explain it again" just screeches at you and demands you figure it out yourself then gets mad that you didn't do it like he wanted because he wasn't clear but he's perfect so it's your fault. It'd be like trying to speak English to a Chink. You're not getting shit through with vague words and poor descriptions.
You can tell a lot about people based on how they act and speak. I've been around similar people. If there's no one around to put a leash on them shit just goes south.

That's just how programming and art tasks tend to work out for a lot of people. It's not healthy necessarily, but even amateurs will find themselves in the same kinds of situations.
IMO it occurs at big companies because they are made up of individual specialists who, though they work as a team, must each work on complex tasks by themselves. And what tends to happen when an individual is working on a complex task by himself is that there is some compression of the work toward the end of a deadline because the depth of the task is rarely clear at the start.
As I see it, crunch just happens due to the nature of what they're doing, and then people make justifications for or objections against it after the fact, turning it more into some kind of cultural thing.

no one here has tried to tell you how mcdonald's works you smoothbrain

>The zombie thing is played out in the normieverse. This game has no audience but the people who don't buy vidya. If it's trash, it won't sell. And the chances of that with this reveal are HIGH.
That's not true though. REmake 2 still sold very well last year, and while people may be bored of Walking Dead, zombies still have their fans. I feel like TLOU1 lost me by the fall/winter chapter, but at the same time there's tons of people that enjoyed the game on PS3 and bought the remaster for PS4 on top of that, there's people that enjoy it's stealth/action combat or the story. It's not me, but there's a dedicated following for it.

user I said my industry, not yours
You niggers are fucking morons. And you still haven't looked up how much TLOU1 made, because you know I'm right in your rotten, aids-infested noggins.

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user you don't work in the games industry or the film industry and you haven't made any claim to be "right" about, although you appear to want to imply that investing hundreds of millions of dollars into a poorly-managed zombie game was the optimal investment strategy. if you would like to write a proof demonstrating that this was actually the best bet that sony could have made with that money feel free to oblige me.

No shit I dont work in the games industry you illiterate fucking buffoon, I never claimed I did.

you work in the food services industry, which is why your posts contain o content.