What the fuck is his problem?
Monster Hunter
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Brachydios was a mistake
t. Uragaay
Triggered shitter
he moves his head way too much
when the fuck is he coming out
The twenty-third, retard
Here's hoping his set and weapons will be good now. They have too good of a design not to use.
March 23rd on consoles, somewhere on april for PC.
He does it in an extremely predictable way though. I loved fighting him with a hunting horn because I hit his head so consistently on the recovery of most of his moves. Might suck for hammers though, can they even reach?
t. Brachy
How the fuck do you type without blowing up your keyboard?
Too volatile, can't satisfy guildmarm.
I can't play the game bros. Crapcom strikes again.
What's the best fire bow? Glavi or silver rath
So that's the supposed returning fan favorite? That's rather disappointing.
I don't have much trouble hammering his head unless he's a big bastard.
By being better than you
The fan-favorite is in May you fucking DOUBLE HANDLER
Any good events up on PC with this new update?
>pic related
Except out of my dick
My bitch do it for me.
>implying the explosion isn't what presses the key down
I'm out of town, have they fixed dlls yet? Wanna get my HH song replacements back
Is that perfect rush combo supposed to be used when the monster is moving? it literally never hits
I'm having trouble making a full crit Normal Gunlance set with Artillery 5 and Handicraft 5. I either go all crit stuff and only Artillery 3 or go with just Artillery 5. Any tips? How do you really do this GrugBursting shit?
this, but custom augments evens it out
Can you get power element phials on status safi switchaxes?
Once I've done a standard damaging one I want to make the most immobilising bindswaxe physically possible.
Don't mind me, just slowly waddling towards May.
I’m not sure but I don’t see why not. Safi CBs can get upgrades to switch phial types so chances are that SAs get identical treatment.
I would livestream myself breaking all the fingers on my dominant hand.
I don’t want you to hurt yourself user, but I can’t say I wouldn’t watch if you were to go through with it.
Imagine if they brought back Ashen Lao-Shan Lung but instead of just being G Rank Lao he’s revamped into a proper subspecies and he gets a damaging aura and is immune to cannons and ballistae.
Thanks, that's what I'm hoping, but I don't know if power element can be paired with status damage or if it's elemental damage only. Online builders let me preview it and reach truly obscene amounts of para application, but I don't think there's a single status effect-element phial pairing in the game by default, and I can't find an example of anyone doing it with the safi weapons online either.
The fan favourite I tended for May WAS Gore Magala (plus Shagaru Magala) but for obvious reasons they’ve decided that it may not be wise to release a killer virus monster at this time. Gore and Shagaru have been pushed back indefinitely on the release timeline so now Green Nargacuga (with revamped moveset) and Chameleos have been moved up to May.
Can I solo the Safi recon mission?
With your eyes closed.
Yes, took me like 10min.
>rosterfaggotry again
I dont know, can you?
Yes, it has reduced stats for the recon and is actually quite easy.
yeh to go with the movie tie-in
>update added a whole new grind level for weapons
>now I have to grind red powerade zinogre a thousand times to upgrade my 20 different builds not to mention whatever clusterfuck parts I might need
Honestly, can we just ditch the material system entirely. Im too old for this shit.
It was made to be soloable
It's very easy
It said bring friends but that's only so you can see what to expect when you have to do the real thing
>Green Nargacuga
I dont buy it, please make your fake leaks more credible
It's not like any of his stuff is that great. Maybe one or two weapons are certifiably better than others but farming him is a waste.
Monster Hunter is all about the grind. That's the entire game. If you don't enjoy it, play something else.
Its not his stuff, its the augmentation system.
You;re playing the wrong series old man
It's just an excuse to hunt monsters. It's not like having that one extra augment slot is going to make a noticable difference to your game, you can just not do it if you don't want to.
You don't even have to bother with it
It’s purely so we can get Lucent Nargacuga a few more months down the line bro.
I’m so glad catlolis are dead and buried with no chance of appearing again.
whats the best non-safi weapon in your class?
for HH this due to the unique notes, hyper affinity and poison.
So what the fuck exactly is Shara? Plant dragon? AYYlien? A dragon that got horribly mutated by getting into the everstream? Is the everstream its natural habitat and are there more of them in other everstreams on other islands?
Was that Nerg at the end the same Nerg from earlier in the base game that was riding around on Zora? Dude seems like abro, and the even talk about how great it is that hes a part of nature that balances things out, so why do they want me to kill him?
play on pc
If you are getting a crash on startup, people figured out its related to virus scanners. Go into your virus scanner and set Monster Hunters ".exe" file in your steam folder as an "Exception". Then maybe restart steam and try to start the game again.
I had the problem and adding the file as an exception worked fine.
Shara is an underdeveloped monster which Capcom put no thought into with no interesting lore or story behind him.