Female Armor Thread

One of the things I love the most is female armors/suits/etc with the face covered. Don't know why. Anyone else get this feel?

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It appeals to your dick while looking cool that's why

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Makes sense.

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>female """""""""""""""""""""""""""combatant"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

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>muh realism
its a video game, sperg

women do not belong in combat.


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I never got armor like this, where do they even see out of? Plus they have such limited vision, it would detrimental to have on a battlefield or combat situation.

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I think a good amount of suspension of disbelief is necessary. In the case of these armors, they're coming out of a setting that totes high technological advances that could easily be argued to compensate for any sensory deprivation.

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found the Vanu player

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>Anyone else get this feel?

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its like if the middle east ever makes it out of the stone age lol

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Mein neiger. So good.

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cameras in the helmet, user-kun

post more kardia

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Hell yeah, brethren

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Fucking cringe.

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Hey, burkas and hijabs are hot.
Ba dum tss.

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shut the fuck up, faggot

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I don't have anything like that but I like it too.
For me it's because it adds a feeling of "professionalism", while at the same time being a cute grill.

Destiny armor looks fuckin stupid

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I think I like the 'immaculateness' of it the most.

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god i wish that were me

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It just looks so clean and wholly pleasing. No objectionable details or features.

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is that pic new stuff?

>completely armored
>except crotch area
There is no fucking world in which I wouldn't cum so fucking hard in her if she did me while wearing her armor that I would be out of commission for months at a time.

One of the few times I legit played a game just for my dick. Wasn't really worth it.

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>tfw never have to bother customizing my vidya character because I always hide her face in a helmet the first change I get
The biggest of brains

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And where would we be without the Quarians...

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It turns the woman into more of an object.


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Kinda blame this fetish on Power Rangers desu. Flexible grills in (mostly) cover-all suits.

I never understood that. I wouldn't jerk off to a brush, why would a woman being an object make any remote amount of sense?

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Quarian hips are just too much

>no raid clears
filthy casual

Fuck I miss old Warframe.


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>tfw no knightess gf to crush my head with her steel-plated thighs

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it's hot

>never ever

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I want a knightess gf to train me in swordplay and also to hug me while in full plate

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I am a simple man.

This but without the crushing or the steel plated thighs.

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pls come back to us Nise, I cry myself to sleep every night without your knightgrils

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The female body is an object in space among other objects. Men in general display a larger degree of objectophilia. It might have evolved as a way to disregard personal opinions or circumstance so as not to impede the sexual impulse, though this is just speculation on my part.

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>ywn be besieged and milked by a bunch of mankind serving female androids
Why even program, bros

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the way game companies sexualize women is disgusting

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I blame femmepyro for this

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That's interesting. I'd attribute it to men being more visual oriented in terms of attraction than objectophilia, though I honestly am not familiar with that term. They could be interconnected.

I do see the sense in the evolutionary necessity though, but at the end of the day, this shit works and it's hot to me.

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>ywn be kept as a domestic slave by female caretaking androids gone haywire that have literally perfect technique designed to stimulate your pleasure centers that know exactly when your semen is at its peak

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T'aint nothin' sexual bout that, friend.

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This one reminds me of the Vodyani from Endless Space 2

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I want to be squeezed between her hips

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