One of the things I love the most is female armors/suits/etc with the face covered. Don't know why. Anyone else get this feel?
Female Armor Thread
It appeals to your dick while looking cool that's why
Makes sense.
>female """""""""""""""""""""""""""combatant"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>muh realism
its a video game, sperg
women do not belong in combat.
I never got armor like this, where do they even see out of? Plus they have such limited vision, it would detrimental to have on a battlefield or combat situation.
I think a good amount of suspension of disbelief is necessary. In the case of these armors, they're coming out of a setting that totes high technological advances that could easily be argued to compensate for any sensory deprivation.
found the Vanu player
>Anyone else get this feel?
its like if the middle east ever makes it out of the stone age lol
Mein neiger. So good.
cameras in the helmet, user-kun
post more kardia
Hell yeah, brethren
Fucking cringe.
Hey, burkas and hijabs are hot.
Ba dum tss.
shut the fuck up, faggot
I don't have anything like that but I like it too.
For me it's because it adds a feeling of "professionalism", while at the same time being a cute grill.
Destiny armor looks fuckin stupid
I think I like the 'immaculateness' of it the most.
god i wish that were me
It just looks so clean and wholly pleasing. No objectionable details or features.
is that pic new stuff?
>completely armored
>except crotch area
There is no fucking world in which I wouldn't cum so fucking hard in her if she did me while wearing her armor that I would be out of commission for months at a time.
One of the few times I legit played a game just for my dick. Wasn't really worth it.
>tfw never have to bother customizing my vidya character because I always hide her face in a helmet the first change I get
The biggest of brains
And where would we be without the Quarians...
It turns the woman into more of an object.
Kinda blame this fetish on Power Rangers desu. Flexible grills in (mostly) cover-all suits.
I never understood that. I wouldn't jerk off to a brush, why would a woman being an object make any remote amount of sense?
Quarian hips are just too much
>no raid clears
filthy casual
Fuck I miss old Warframe.
>tfw no knightess gf to crush my head with her steel-plated thighs
it's hot
>never ever
I want a knightess gf to train me in swordplay and also to hug me while in full plate
I am a simple man.
This but without the crushing or the steel plated thighs.
pls come back to us Nise, I cry myself to sleep every night without your knightgrils
The female body is an object in space among other objects. Men in general display a larger degree of objectophilia. It might have evolved as a way to disregard personal opinions or circumstance so as not to impede the sexual impulse, though this is just speculation on my part.
>ywn be besieged and milked by a bunch of mankind serving female androids
Why even program, bros
the way game companies sexualize women is disgusting
I blame femmepyro for this
That's interesting. I'd attribute it to men being more visual oriented in terms of attraction than objectophilia, though I honestly am not familiar with that term. They could be interconnected.
I do see the sense in the evolutionary necessity though, but at the end of the day, this shit works and it's hot to me.
>ywn be kept as a domestic slave by female caretaking androids gone haywire that have literally perfect technique designed to stimulate your pleasure centers that know exactly when your semen is at its peak
T'aint nothin' sexual bout that, friend.
This one reminds me of the Vodyani from Endless Space 2
I want to be squeezed between her hips