Have you ever had anything crazy happen at gamestop?

have you ever had anything crazy happen at gamestop?

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yeah dude told me i couldnt get a refund for a game i preordered. he was like sorry bud.

Thoughts on his latest album?
For me it was ok but nothing special

Dunno if this counts, but I watched two hobos fighting over a sandwich outside of a gamestop.


i guess thats why they call him little

We don't have gamestops at my country, what's different about them compared to a regular game store?

mumble rappers need to disappear

Are we seriously suposed to know who either of people in the picture are? What age are you zoomers?

Nothing crazy, but
>Jedi Fallen Order's coming out
>person asks assistant if they should pre-order on PC or PS4
>assistant says the fucking PS4 version
>turned out to be CBR 1440p like I fucking thought, even worse that's when it's only 30FPS

>walk in a gamestop to sell ps4
>literally smells like fucking farts
>have to sit in this goddamn gas chamber while they make sure the thing works
What the fuck, don't they have ventilation systems installed?

The white guy is a famous rapper know as lil Uzi don't know about the nigger hobbit

tee hee sorry that was me *frpppt* haha sorry

Damn, Uzi Vert really is that short.


There was a regular everyone called PB (short for porno boy) who was a big retarded guy. Super friendly though and it was always entertaining to hear him talk about the games he was waiting for and the untrue features they were going to have in them. One of the clerks was also a little retarded but totally functional. One day PB is in the store doing his PB thing and staring at the females on the box covers and the tard clerk comes in and sees him and for some reason decides to greet PB by tackling him to the ground. They get up about halfway from the ground and their eyes are just locked on each other. PB has this serious and crazed look on his face and he yells in a retarded scream "YOOU ASSSHOOOOW!!!!"

That's about it.

I don't really like Uzi that much and haven't listened to any of his albums. I fuck with XO Tour Llif3 though. One of the only mumble rap songs I like.

>couple years ago
>waited in line for hours for GameStop's black friday
>doors open
>shuffling through fatties
>they all sprint to PS3s and 360s
>i look around a bit
>leave without buying anything

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Who is the guy on the right? I am not 16 or black, so I don't know.

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It's incredible how many black rappers are manlets.

The last time I visited GameStop with my little sister two customers who looked to be in their late 20’s/early 30’s started to discuss hentai in as loud and conspicuous a manner as possible.
When I told the GameStop employee that their conversation was making me uncomfortable he basically said ‘what can ya do?’

the "receding hairline swoop" is baffling to me. Why accentuate it?

>go to gamestop to buy vita games near launch
>they're on the little stalls near the cashiers
>they immediately pull me into a conversation as soon as I get close enough to see what they have available
>give up and walk out

clearly not a gamestop.
also i am really glad this criminal NIGGER got shot

based neckbeards

Why would you sell Gamestop your PS4? Ebay only takes like 3% of your sale and all you have to do is take some pictures with your phone.

I've never had a bad experience at a Gamestop. But I don't shop there because I don't have a reason too. If I'm going to buy a physical game I'll either go to Best Buy or just get it when I'm at the grocery store.

An employee actually suggested a decent game to me.

What game?

Resonance of Fate

>people actually listen to this shit
just goes to show how far the average Yas Forums poster has gone

This desu
The last time I tried to buy anything at gamestop was when I was getting bravely default. They had a display at the front of the store and I grabbed one of the display copies. Then I had to wait 30 fucking minutes in line behind only 3 people because gamestop never has more than one cashier at a time for some reason and they have to give everyone the sales pitch.
When it was finally my turn the cashier told me they were actually out of stock for BD and the display just hadn't been taken down yet.

I just went to the target next door and bought the game there, was in and out in 5 minutes.

more like lil nig

ooh nice kingdom hearts shir...
is that fucking funko pops..

Very meh. Same song 16 times in a row.

Nice. Love me some hobo fights.

I thought he quit music. Fuck, these people just don't stop

>people unironically replying to this post
This board has been finally exposed

See I have never had this issue either. Because everytime ive gone there in the last year no one was in the store. Besides like 1 dad looking at games for his kids.

It's fine, not really worth the hype

Not that user but I'd sell it to Gamestop just for the convenience. Have no idea how to go about selling something online and you never know if the buyer is the super anal type that will get mad at any minor detail that isn't listed.

Probably so people won't notice his tshirt from high school isn't hiding his so󠠭y gut

>muh safe space

Dumb nigger mumble shit.

Everyone who listens to this crap needs to die.

I think it depends on the time and location.
The ones in malls always have some people in them somehow.

I stopped going to gamestop after I got screwed out of a nintendo club code for MH3U

okay, which of these faggots is the fan and which is the zoom zoom celeb?

i never understood the people who would just hang out inside the gamestop

>sell modded psp on ebay
>specifically detail the ad and even leave instructions on how to use it
>include a ton of games
>even leave a handwritten note on how to activate CFW
>fair price

>guy emails me and tells me he cant get it to work and theres too many scratches
>didn't even find the note

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he made a video talking about how bad whitey is and how all whiteys should die because they attack muh poor blackies, he got shot dead by a couple of blackies, like potery

It was alright. Some songs might grow on me, but it wasn't really worth the wait. Everything but The Perfect Luv Tape is better.

Because it's either children, parents with children, or adult children who shop at Hot Topic to buy their Rick and Morty merch go to the Mall gamestops.

Yeah, they tried to buy my phone or some shit. I just left while the guy was still talking his sentence

As with most releases today, it could be trimmed down to 10-12 decent songs

im impressed that the album is even over an hour long

>pre order windwaker special edition with the ganon figure
>fat mexican retard pre orders the link figma instead
>go to pick it up on release
>have to eat shit because the WW preorders are sold out
Still kinda mad about this.

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Link it. My friend, who despite being redpilled on darkies still listens to nigger rap, tells me about certain rappers who have a clear agenda but I've never heard that nigger in particular say something like that.

I remember that one time where I was browsing the playstation section of my local gamestop and a fucking black leprechaun walked in. He even let me take a picture with him

Got maced by some insane tranny one time while I was there, fucker had come in and wrecked several displays for some fucking reason. He was probably autistic or something, and I just wanted nothing to do with it, but then he maced me for literally no reason while he bolted out of the store while warning the staff to not call anyone. I mean, who the fuck does that shit?

I hope he got banned for that shit.

most white guys unironically listen to rap nowadays

even the ones that are racist. they still listen to it. they know they have to fit in, their women listen to it too.

>named lil uzi ver
>is actually short as fuck

I liked the two singles and the rest of the album was just ok.

he did not

saw some retard kid take a dumb in the middle of the store because his mom wouldnt let him buy some game.

the kid just squatted right there, slid his pants down and let it rip. it was pretty funny.

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Man, I've seen tards fight normal people with their tard strength but I've never seen two tards fight at 100% power.

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They buy used games for penny's on the dollar and then sell them back for a high mark up, same with consoles, they also have new games but the appeal for most of it is going in and getting a kind of old game for relatively cheap and having a moderate variety to choose from, in theory they should be decent, but they just attract the worst people, customers and management wise

And then you went home and fucked your darling imouto silly, right onii-chan?

Because they take 100% plus your PS4 plus a bank processing fee when the person who sold it to does a chargeback. Fuck ebay.