How bad is it

How bad is it

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The base game is fucking terrible, after all the updates and download it's ok but fails to hold your attention after a while


It's really really...really fucking boring.

its bad

I only played it for 7 hours and enjoyed it. Pretty comfy game actually. Nice. Never came back, can't remember why just simply haven't.. I just remember leaving a temple or something and getting one shotted by a giant cat and thinking "what the fuck!?!?? HOW IS THAT FAIR MAN!?" and then I quit.
So I guess what I'm saying is, it's probably better than what Yas Forums will admit, but I don't think it will be winning any awards, or something. Whatever that means.

I give it a "Why is this giant cat attacking me/ out of 10". Take it for what you will.

It's a giant, empty open world with very little to do, and then at a certain point in the story, you spend the rest of the game getting railroaded through a series of corridors. The characters are annoying, and all of the interesting parts of the plot happen offscreen, and you happen across the aftermath of it, as well as hear about it in newspapers articles and on the radio.

But hey, if you like catching frogs and eating Cup Noodles, this is the game for you.

I love Final Fantasy to death but this is one of the easiest and most casual games I have ever played

It took me around 60 hours to beat it, I did several side quests and I was so overpowered, that the game felt too fucking easy, I was level 37 in fucking chapter 3 just by doing side quests alone.

The combat is so damn easy and bad, I literally never died in the game, and I played with Type A, B and C controller schemes, I just used Hi Potions and Elixirs to heal myself when I was in danger but I never had a Game Over screen.

Driving was comfy but boring, I enjoyed listening to previous FF soundtracks and I enjoyed the fishing, camping and pinball stuff in the game, I think it's the only good stuff of the game.

The pace was bizarre, everything felt rushed and disjointed, Noctis's father is killed and no one gives a fuck, Lunafreya is so empty and inconsequential that I felt more sad when the Regalia crashed than when Lunafreya died.

I must admit that the final chapter and ending was kino and the music is God tier but damn, everything feels so meh of this game. Noctis feels boring and bland, I liked Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto more than him. There are some enjoyable moments when fishing or the banter with the bros.

But yeah, the combat is the worst part of this game, how do you create a combat system so easy and bad implemented after all these years, really, how!!?

Also the camera is fuckin horrible, when you fight enemies, you don't have idea about what's going on in battle, it's just hold O to win and press R2 and X to cure.

The world isn't explorable, driving the car sucks and the Chocobos feel meh, Cidney could have more development as character but she was just fapservice bait, Aranea and Gentiana too.

Rushed as hell, it needed at least other year of development.

A shitty mediocre game, a 5/10.

The episode DLC were slightly better but too short

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If people think this game was bad how can they possibly be hyped for the remake when it looks exactly the same, but dumbed down and made worse?

I put 100 hours into just the fully patched base disc. No Royal or DLC. It was a fun road trip vacation with some guys, and I caught a 200lb fish at the end. Ate some good food, took nice pictures. There was some plot at some point, but who cares?

It's objectively the best FF SE ever made.

Attached: 1580490259545.webm (800x180, 640.83K)

Actually it is a good game

I really enjoyed it. It was comfy

It ruined Nomura's vision so hard that they're letting him make the true version.

Nomura's vision was mid-2000s chuuni cringe. It's endearing now for how outdated it is, but not genuinely good.

I'm about 3 hours in. The whole shabang was like $10.

It's doing nothing to grab me and I loathe all of the design choices so far. Really dislike the main cast and the mary sue they made as the main character. The females are all cringe tropes so far. The music is ok at least.

Reminds me of that simpsons where they rebuild Flander's house and it looks okay from the outside but becomes retarded the deeper you go.

You LGBTQ or whatever? Serious question.

Personally I really enjoyed it.
The dialogue between the characters was my favorite part and its what I'm looking forward to the most in FF7R.
Nothing in the game was too hard besides some post game stuff and the game was completely botched at launch but it's still comfy as fuck.

This is from SE's poll of Japanese players who liked the game. Less than 30% are male. The game is super gay and not very enjoyable unless you're female/gay/bi.

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So, all you got is a baseless shame tactic?

What? I didn't make that poll, you clown.
click series then click on FFXV

Don’t be ashamed to be the 37 year old lesbian that you are.

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I'm not clicking that. Can you show me where I said you made that poll? Pretty sure I didn't say that.

This is the most ridiculous thing I have heard today.
So I give my answers to this.
This isn't a good method to judge.

I'm find Final Fantasy XV a really enjoyable and great game.
And I'm not female/gay or bi.
So your argument is trash

>I'm not female/gay or bi.
I don't buy that.

The truth is that Final Fantasy XV is a great game

>japanese men didn't like the game
>japanese men


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I'm unironically enjoying it. It has flaws like any other game but I don't see what the big deal is. People talk about it like it's unplayable.

That would be one of the 25% that played it. The gay ones. Like you.

A lot of the extreme hate comes from hype backlash (the 2013 trailer vs. what the game actually became), and people that played the unpatched day one release. Fully patched, the game is a nice experience. You just have to forget what SE actually promised in 2013.

It's not really bad, just really underwhelming.
>Gameplay is mediocre as hell without the character swapping
>Magic is horribly bland and not worth the effort
>Characters are okay, but most are forgettable
>Backstory is boring and generic when you actually do get into it
>Main story has immense pacing problems
>Villain looks cool, sounds cool, but is horribly disappointing in the end
It's fun to run around and do side-stuff like hunts and fishing and camping, but even that can get old fast with how the cool monsters are backloaded.
Also Adamantoise is the worst Superboss in the entire series, by fucking far.

I'm at Chapter 14 and am having trouble finding the motivation to finish it. I just want it to be over so I can say that I'm done with it and don't have the thought nagging at me any more.

Makes sense. I was basically always aware of the game throughout the (publicly shared) development cycle but I didn't have extreme hype for it like other people. I'm experiencing the fully patched version years after release but I could imagine the shock when people got the original game and if wasn't what they expected.

story is bizarre

who the fuck was jared

Adamantoise is so fucking bad. You can't even hit him properly because they didn't program his hitboxes correctly. Noctis will just swing at the air or run towards nothing most of the time. I ended up equipping the ring and casting Death on him for 15 minutes to get it over with.
You're like 2 hours from the ending. It's worth it, as the ending is actual kino.

I'm actually enjoyed play with Final Fantasy XV. And the ending is one of the best ever made for a Final Fantasy game

Eh, maybe I'll try to finish it up this weekend. Chapter 13 just really killed my desire to play. It went on WAY too fucking long and just wasn't fun at all.

remember to use your teleporting strike for every last hit that you can manage.

make it a habit

rake in the AP

How bad is it?

Attached: pocket.jpg (1280x720, 155.37K)

I personally liked the surprise horror movie angle the plot took after the Leviathan fight. It was a sudden descent into chaos and darkness.

Scored higher than the actual game, oddly enough.


The combat is basically this for the entire game.

The story is gutted to fuck and back and sold back as a CGI movie, anime shots, DLCs out of the butt, and a true ending novel

>I'm at Chapter 14 and am having trouble finding the motivation to finish it.
Soldier through it, you are basically 1-2 hours away from the ending.

that old fart you knew for like 5 minutes.

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

Worst FF.
Best FF Opening Sequence

no idea but he is a spamming fanboy:

You can play like this, but it's not fun at all. FFXV's systems are kinda LEGO-tier in that you make your own fun with them. I liked going behind enemies to enable the blindeside team attacks.

Nah XIV is better

shame the game does fuckall to encourage that. Not to mention the item spam at 0 HP you can do without any consequence.

That's kinda what I mean by LEGO-tier. It's meaningless plastic on its own, but with a bit of inspiration you can make your own fun with it.

I'm actually love the Final Fantasy XV gameplay. And I love the chain combo attack of the chocobros

I like the banter between the 4 characters, driving around truck stops and gas stations, hanging out and camping and cooking and finding recipes and doing side quests. It had a nice calming flow and pace to it.

That wears off after a while though, and what you're left with is a very very underwhelming oddly paced and very disjointed narrative where you never really fully know or care about anything happening.

>shame the game does fuckall to encourage that.
Your lack of creativity isn't the fault of the game, nigga.

This is true, but there's a surprising amount of hidden dialogue between the party as you camp at random spots and do various sidequests. I always found it rewarding to run away from a completed sidequest and hear my dudes react to the result.

Worse than XIII.

I’d rather play FF2j, unironically.

You are obvious ESL tho

Yeah that was the real heart of the game for me, and it makes it hard for me to hate it. If the story was just tighter and more straightforward instead of being fractured into movies and DLC, and the gameplay actually challenging, it'd be great.

It sucks that there is potential there but its just executed so poorly and delivered in such a flawed package.

Actually FFXV it is the best Final Fantasy game since FFIX.

If only the game got any of that inspiration

The fishing minigame is fucking kino.

>Your lack of creativity isn't the fault of the game, nigga.

It is when the game doesn't do much to encourage you to to anything outside of Hold O. This is a side effect of Tabata pandering to casuals with this game

The endgame optional platforming dungeon is the best part of this game unironically.

Sure, but by "LEGO-tier" I mean that the inspiration is on the user. They're the one who has to dream up fun scenarios.
It really was. I didn't play it til the end, but finally did all the fishing sidequests and caught the Murk Grouper. It was pure kino to see the bros jump into the water and connect over catching a massive fish.

I also love the game very much. One of my most beautiful experiences of the generation