Not long till PC gets granblue fantasy versus

Not long till PC gets granblue fantasy versus.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want to shave Djeeta.

Any lobbies?

Leave Zeta to me.

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room code 6969

How are you gonna handle her?

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>Playing the latest ArcSys copy/paste with a gacha skin

>pc scam

>dead on arrival

This game plays absolutely nothing like anything else they've ever made.

Okay I'm in.

I wonder if cygames is going to have xseed publish relink after how badly they handled Versus.

Why yes there is.
Lobby Name: Haway the Lads
Password: 6969
Match Limit 2

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>drops *tomorrow morning*
Jesus fuck XSEED is incompetent

who else going to handle anime games

tomorrow morning WHERE

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Cygames should just self-publish. Every North American publisher is fucking terrible.

I might have made a mistake making the lobby. These guys are pretty good.

Man fighting Ferry just makes me want to stop playing the game until the balance patch. It's pretty clear no real thought was put into the balancing or even design of the characters in this game.

Where's the steam page?

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pm'd you


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best way to get better is to get your ass kicked

Coming tomorrow 11:59PM Pacific time

the problem with a lot of fighting games is that a big chunk of the playerbase drops out in week 1 since they hate losing, so people who genuinely want to improve struggle to find games even if they're comfortable losing. I tried to get into UNI but I couldn't find any games with less than 7-8f delay

There is no reason why Ferry's longest range normals are special cancelable. Why is the dodge mechanic so worthless in this game.

You can dodge?

does cygames do the balancing too?

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If she doesn't special cancel it, she can punish the dodge. She gets a free mixup and nonstop pressure at near full screen for no reason. The cooldowns on her special moves aren't nearly enough to justify how powerful they are. She gets two utility supers that can both be used mid combo for guaranteed damage even midscreen. Why does she get two supers and why are they both always useful? Why does the long range poke setplay character still do the amount of damage as other characters? I just don't think the people who designed the characters had any real clue what they were doing. The core mechanics are well designed, but the cast is far from it. It doesn't help that all the regular characters are redundant because the best characters do the exact same things they do, but are better in every way.


Quit being a bitch

Please join and help me.

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2nd day vaseraga experience for the day:

Defensive options are limited. I got super, or soul forge if they're close or do a mis timed safe jump. I can try mashing 2L.

Slow buttons, have to do things preemptively

Also, when I armor up, some opponent moves hit me out of it. Why isn't it frame 1 armor HUH?

Also grats to all the players who mauled me, esp that Ladiva. I know your out there.

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With technique and finesse.

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Oh and how could I forget she has a fully invincible DP that hits people crouch attacking despite visually looking like it shouldn't. She gets an instant overhead that is lightning fast and separate from her universal overhead. And of course she can air swing and cancel the swing at any time for added mobility. This is literally an ace of all trades. Gran and Katalina are also ace of all trades. Who designed these characters? Was it done purely for the RPG mode?

I see.

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who fucking cares about your garbage fighting game

thanks for this user, i'll be picking up vas tomorrow (?) so tips are appreciated. can you let me know a couple of bnbs/punishes you use if it's not too much effort?

Cared enough to post in the thread

Soriz WHEN

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Lobby is still open. 03/08
Also I like every Grandblue picture is see so thank you for that.

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How many of you are getting it in PC?

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I practiced this one and it only works at the tip of the scythe. BNBs is literally autocombo>ex move of choice

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So someone told me that Charlotta is water element in the original gatcha
How does that work
>SSBA is a gigantic sword/explosion of light

that's some big dick damage, thanks user. i was expecting to need to lab precise links day one, nice to know autocombos are alright. do you find yourself constantly charging back with him, or do you just mask it behind other inputs as necessary?

>comes out tomorrow
>No steam page
Yeah, it's going to be delayed.

there's a pc launch stream directly from xseed tomorrow, so they're cutting it pretty close if they plan on delaying it now. It'd be a galaxy brain power move to wait and announce the delay after the 13th.

another netplay metera is coming for you fuckers
just kidding, can't wait to pay like 1/5 of my country's minimum wage for this game and be forced to play with the same handful of south american players because of shitty gook netcode

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Just downloaded the gacha game. When does the story get good?

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Lobby might come to an end. One of my students is online on discord and we might play Street Fighter together. I'll let you know what's up.

Never. The only interesting thing in the main story is the relationship between Apollonia and Orchid. Everything else is just another generic mindless kitchen sink fantasy with a chosen one being guided by a quirky innocent girl of immense power, all while dealing with an evil empire and then random villains afterward. Every gacha game has this exact story and every JRPG might as well have it too. No one even cares about the story in Japan. What is actually good are the side stories and fate episodes. That is the meat of what there is to enjoy.

steam page when

anyone want to play this? who knows if granblue is even gonna launch on pc, xseed could just be talking a lot of shit

You looks like an /u/fag that dropped the story after the arc 1 was done

For me, it's Bea's gf, Zeta.

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Right after the part where Drang gets kidnapped which is like 10h hours in
Feel free to skip everything until that point

>launch steam release late
>little to no advertisement like typical xsneed
>no pre-order steampage to let people even know it exists
>announce what time it will roughly be up on steam in a twitter response conversation
>no gachacode

This won't be just another discord tranny only anime fighter? I already got burned with bbtag will prob wait and see this one out.

do people actually care about the story in gacha games? i played dragalia for a while and only ever cared about the characters, that's the whole point of the game and the reason it retains players. nefaria best.

I have two gold bricks and got the free eternal. What is the absolute most lazy and straight forward way to fully uncap the eternal? I don't care about the value of gold bricks to be honest.

How are they allowed to pull this shit?

they're going to do a stream on release day with giveaways. is this supposed to be all their marketing?

>lobby shut down right before the attack

Awesome games tonight. You guys are really good.

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I bought unist instead of granblue, now what?

Sorry about that. I wish I knew how to make someone else the host.

Go play it then

I know nothing about this game but the pictures of girls in this thread have caught the attention of my penis.

Is the game itself fun?

A few of them the story is the primary draw. Granblue is one of them, honestly. Nobody plays it for the gameplay except hyperautists and massive masochists.

A couple of others would be Girls Frontline, Arknights (supposedly, it sure hasn't gotten good yet but everyone says Chapter 6 will be great), Fate/Jew.

Unless you have the patience of granite or a fat wallet, story is about the only thing actually enjoyable in mobile games. Everything else is just mindless grinding and saving up resources for half a year only to not get the drop you want and quit.

Play Wagner.

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Will it be crossplay?

Grindblue Fantasy is literally the grindiest game on the face of the earth. There are levels of grinding that shouldn't even be possible.

Cygames and Arcsys really don't give a shit about the PC version do they? They let Xseed handle everything about it, even the JP version. There are no codes. Nothing.
It's going to be a fucking abysmal port.

>Wanted to play eltnum cause melty blood
>But wagner makes my dick hard
What do?

You made the right choice.

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Play Eltnum because Melty Blood. Jerk off to Wagner pictures from twitter JP R-18 artists.

>literal who twitter shitter

>Instead of a 6 month wait for pc like their previous games it's not even a month difference now
>Somehow this means they don't care

I know you're on Yas Forums and all you do is react to twitter posts but you can at least learn how to read past the first sentence.

>not knowing who redblade is

Not long until GBVS dies on PC