Kakarot, you are the last of the Saiyans

>Kakarot, you are the last of the Saiyans...
>except for my brother
>and some dude and his father that were exiled to a backwater planet
>and a genocidal space pirate who gets stronger by planting trees

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Dragonball would be really great if the whole thing could be redone taking retcons, and fucked up powerscaling, into account.

You are the best Kakarot.....I love you....

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fat buu scared me as a child because he just turns you into food and you cant counter it even if you're really strong

>There's only one way to save our race Kakarot...I need you to impregnate me

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What I see when I’m sucking vegeta’s dick

You could say this about any shounen. Naruto especially.


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TFS has ruined this game for me more than the dev's incompetency.

>and some big guy on a planet with a literal padlock on it.

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How so? Are they really incompetent or something?

i have come to realise that reinventing the wheel leaves us where we started. There is no point in remaking the series, just accept is trash but you still like it, and let new projects have a chance.
DB should die already.

they essentially retconned his brother due to how much everyone hated him. Vegeta wasn't aware of Broly and Turles doesn't fucking exist.

not really
most shounen don't have a concept decent enough to keep things hypothetically contained and manageable
magi could have been a lot better if author didn't fuck up powerscaling

Why dont they just use the Dragonballs to turn vegeta into a female

And they ran off into the sunset together the end

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Have you play DBZ: Gohan? Besides the boring as fetch sidequests, the majority of the Buu saga is a cutscene and if you're remotely good at RPG's or video games in general, you can literally stomp and fight coming your way by then. even that Mira fight was disappointing.

Oh I got tired of it after the Saiyaman stuff, you said they turned you off it more than the devs incompetence, so I was curious what they did.

>and some other guy who is a the orginal Sayain god

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>Kal-El, you are the last of our Kryptonian race...
>except for your cousin
>and some military dude and his posse that were exiled to a whack ass dimension
>and an entire city shrunken down by this intergalactic nerd

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*shrunken down city

Someone would have to plan their series out with a lot of detail for every fight so that characters grow at a reasonable pace. Some of the problem comes from animators as well. To animate well is to exaggerate the movement. The end of the second My Hero Academia movie looks amazing, and it completely surpasses All Might vs All For One at Kamino in scale, length, and intensity. Yet in terms of power scaling, the characters involved are significantly weaker than All Might and All For One were at their final battle, and those two were already in weakened states. The only comparable moment is how easily All Might can change the weather with his punches when it was this massive feat in the movie.

In Dragon Ball, it becomes difficult to quantify battle powers after a certain number. Applying a number does so much to both hype and diminish moments. When you say that Goku was sub-200 for most of Dragon Ball, you think that means he's weak and like an ant in comparison to when he was a Super Saiyan on Namek at 150 million. But did the battles ever change much outside of "I'm going to destroy this planet"? Was second stage Freeza at 1 million blowing up an island with a stroke of his hand more impressive than 4000 Nappa doing the same thing to a metropolitan city? It's the same stuff on the same scale but the numbers make us think one is impressive and the other is pathetic. While battle powers are an effective tool for raising hype, having a version of the story where numbers were outright removed would make power scaling seem far more believable.


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Vegito couldn't counter it though, he was just so fucking strong that he was a massive pain in the ass while also being candy.

He was still turned into candy. Granted, he was strong enough to still somehow fight but he was turned into candy nonetheless.

ty dr

>can get fucked by Kaioken x10 blue saiyan and still live
is chi chi the strongest thing in the galaxy?

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Turtles is not a saiyan though

>I am incredibly careful with my empire
>Although I will happily meet out in the open with known drug kingpins and thejr affiliates, and will even personally partake in intimidation in public

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kakka carrot cake

show him what for it means to be a real super sand lesbian


Turles isn't canon
Vegeta doesn't know about Broly
He just really fucking hates Tarble

thanks for reminding me how batshit insane the buu saga was

>Makes you wash the fryer until it's nothing but raw metal

>Oh, you spend all your time training like Goku?
>Lol sorry, you don't have the genetics to put up a fight!
>Maybe if you transformed XD
Power levels are dumb.

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>Tien and Chiaotzu train for literally 75% of DBZ
>still suck ass
>suck so bad that Goku thought to ask Roshi to join the ToP team before remembering that Tien exists

How many more DBZ games will we get that cover the Saiyan/Namek/Cell/Buu sagas?

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>Remember Squall, SeeD is an elite mercenary group! You shouldn't get attached! We're guns for hire! You went off script for the mission, I'm docking your pay!
Also Cid
>Yes we will take on private contracts based on my own personal motivations and current mood, why do you ask?
>What do you mean you didn't deviate from the plan?! I'm going to dock your pay!
>No Squall you should be a leader that rules by emotion! What do you mean you don't want to get attached!

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this will never stop being true. And it's why I prefer the Funimation dub of Super, as they try to cut back on Goku being a 55 IQ jerkass

Wagies BTFO


Most people kinda agree that the arc that relied very heavily on them was the apex of the series. Even when the numbers went away they still served a purpose

> not being a vorefag

which is the superior pairing: GokuxVegeta or SonicxShadow?

Most people are apparently dip shits, I guess.

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Tell me about Cumber. Why does he wear the mask?

No, whatever the fuck Broly's armor is made of probably is, that shit took hits from Blue Gogeta without even getting scratched.

nice headcanon. goku never even kissed chichi.

Broly was shirtless at the end, but he still kept Ba's ear. Whatever Vampa monsters are made of can withstand seemingly everything.

It's true! He is..... Super Sand Lesbian...

Broly's armor came off when he used his swole form, and Gogeta didn't go blue until after Broly busted that form out

>and the saiyans on another universe that can reach SSJ3 with a tingly feeling in their back

wasnt he like that in DB tho?

So when people die, they go to the underworld of the planet they died on right? What happens if they die in space or said planet is destroyed after they die?

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Space hell

I want to _______ young Bulma
I want to _______ old Bulma

Not gonna lie thought Goku and Bulma being endgame was a thing