Dead, forgotten, or fucked mmos you miss

dead, forgotten, or fucked mmos you miss
what asian mmo did you play that you miss?

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Silk Road like way back in 2006. The first and last time I ever got into an mmo.

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I want a vanilla RIFT private server.

SMT Imagine

ROSE Online


Just go play on REImagine. As for what asian mmo I miss, I miss Street Gears.

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God do I miss the days of The Secret World, before its re-release. The ability wheel and build possibilities, the amazing setting and plot, and especially the community. The game fucking had a community-run internet radio that hosted shows and in-game events.

Then they had to cannibalise the game by rereleasing it, making it p2w, removing the depth from the weapon system and pushing lootboxes very heavily. Now it's a ghost town.

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Vanguard: Saga of Heroes will always have a special place in my heart, I still think it had one of the best worlds out of any MMO.

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I played Secret World, albeit much later in it's life, combat was kind of meh, but the world, lore, and quests were absolutely top notch.

>Quests involving morse code

global digimon masters online pure kino

I miss trickster online. It had so much charm

My personal favourite was when you needed to treat 3 patients and you only had their symptoms as a hint, so you had to figure out their illness and find what substance is used to treat it.

Perfect world was the highest grind ptw mmo I've ever seen. That been said, dumb younger me still loved it.

>they actually had a full set of gear that would take longer 200 years worth of grinding or around a couple hundred grand from the cash shop to get the materials to make it.

I'm sure they fixed it or put an easier way to pay for it, but at the time I played the weapons and armor weren't even translated besides their insane stats and material requirements.

Still crazy and I miss it. The only online friends I ever had.

I miss old school Lineage 2 like you wouldn't believe. I know they brought it back sorta with a classic server, but I hear its turbo fucked after NC Soft fucked with the in game money rates making it impossible to make money in game without buying in game currency from them

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never got to try them though

The EU server is ok, you just need to join a guild ASAP.

FFXIV 1.0. I still keep in touch with the people I met in that absolute blunder of a game.

Keep an eye out for Pantheon Rise of the Fallen. Also, play Shroud of th Avatar now. It's a niche spiritual successor to Ultima games and done well with heavy world building focus and RP

This looks cool, is there any part of it alive today?

Good times

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I keep wanting to download Rift again, but theres just something so sad about playing a near-death mmo. It's like seeing a loved one on life support, you've just got the memories, and you secretly wish they'd pull the plug and get it done with

Looks like wurm

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One more

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I tried to level a casual alt a year or two ago and never even made it to level cap, the last several levels have little-to-no quests and require dungeon or mob grinding which is godawful.

I have been actually, I was hesitant to put hope into at first, but honestly it's really coming along quite nicely and it seems like Brad and the others have actually been managing it much better than Vanguard. It very much seems like a spiritual successor to EQ1 and Vanguard.

There is a private server still in the works.

I hear it's pretty functional, but unless you're playing with someone else you might have a rough time, Vanguard is very much a more group oriented MMO.

Check out "playtrickster" if you want a more up-to-date version of the game, or "LifeTO" if you want it like it was early on.

It sort of is similar to Wurm, though doesn't have quite as much buildability. Housing is all non-instanced and is built at specified plots in the actual world. There's a variety of ways of travel, from horses, to boats, to flying mounts. The world was split up into 3 continents, Thestra, Qalia, and Kojan. The continents were entirely non-instanced, no loading zones, and seperated into 2sq km chunks represented by the squares, where whenever you passed between a chunk there was just a bit of a delay. It's honestly very impressive from a 2007 game, it also had a draw distance of something like 3km

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I played trickster up to where it stopped getting content updates, I had my fill.

Why is there so much grind in Korea

>I miss trickster online
>I had my fill
based bipolar poster

it was pretty great

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rohan online finally died?,I remember having a blast playing & just messing around with dual daggers then fishing for hours

>mfw flyff is a ghost town

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Playing as a necromancer in this game is unlike anything else.

Isn't Brad dead? The project is still being developed?

>mfw playing a deserted RO private server with a single friend
It's comfy town.
We're kings, setting up cool 2 classes combo parties and hunting down MVPs at our leisure, farming our own gear and shit.

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I don't know how many hours I sunk into that.

I can never remember the name and I didn't play much but instead of a character it was an airship mostly horizontal but some vertical movement.

this one never even made it towards amrecian ;_;

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SMT imagine or gekkeiju online. Though the later wasn't actually asian.
But it was fun

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>It's been almost 7 years since SMT Imagine was shut down
It was such a shitty game, but something about it felt so right.

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I still miss Tabula Rasa
I also miss Marvel Heroes

like tears in the rain

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Space Cowboy

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If this is the gme you're talking about then it plays nothing like an MMO Secret of Mana

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Aika Online despite the absolutely insane cash shop prices on things. NA shop was "literally" 5x the prices of other regions. Game was so fun but died incredibly fast. Over 95% of population left after a year and half.

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Oh fuck I didn't realize he died. It's still being developed and seems to be making good progress, they just showed off a big new area and a raid zone.

[stealth air-bombs you in one hit]

big good answer. TSW is probably top 3 mmos all time, TSWL just doesn't have the soul

it still alive via private servers but still the glow of having played it live with a full group of friends is just a distance dream now

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>be me
>rediscover robotech/macross
>start playing this game
Times were good

that is some fucking OG everquest

That's dark age of Camelot

are u sure? looks like everquest when it came out before the first graphics update

>that loading theme that was just the PC's main theme

I always thought that was pretty funny but still that was the most fun with a PS2 MMO I've ever had

>mfw getting lost & spending the entire day trekking from qeynos to freeport at lvl 1

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Where my Rakion nibbas at. I remember the busted ninja and blacksmith.

Absolutely sure, having played both from beta.

I miss the old days of FlyFF like you wouldn't believe

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Swordsman. A simple Chinese mmo with a wuxia backdrop.

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City of Heroes.

I had the name Grasshopper, was a super fast jumpy-boy scrapper with unarmed fighting.

The Villains I had were all far less interesting because the names weren't as good.

SRO and Archlord.

>Maplestory completely dead in the West
>more popular than ever in Korea

What's going on there?

Tinier Me

Concerto Gate

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Played a private Ragnarok server back in middle/highschool.

I saw a game that LOOKED like maplestory on the switch

There was 2 Moons, entertaining for a while in school.

Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning was great, and a private server still adds content and has high population, time to play