Oh fuck oh fuck OH FUCK

>link to tweet:twitter.com/RelyonHorror/status/1238241292439650306


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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't forget that the Project Siren boss was the director of the first SH

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>pt was a beach
>the stillborn mother is called lisa
>cliff puts a pillow over her face and shoots (her eye)
>there are two silent hill projects in development
>j is on the death stranding bridge, survive credits, pt system crash screen and metal gear community twitter
>kojima said his next project is a horror game
>kojima productions posted a picture of a pencil with "pyramid" printed on it
>said "sorry for being silent"
>ito said in 2017 if he were to be involved in another silent hill game if he would either not include or kill pyramid head in the opening
>ito posted in 2020 "RIP pyramid head"
Silent Hills will soon be announced along with the real ending of MGSV.

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Neat but I have zero hope corporate interests won't fuck it up somehow. Modern market and development costs don't really allow for special interest niche games like horror, but I'd love to be wrong.

It would make sense that project siren were doing it since the director of the first SH did the Siren series and is now free because his last game Gravity Daze failed.


Oh sure, trust anything Nu-Konami does.

>Kojima is not involved.

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Nobody wants your left tit fatty

thank god


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This is probably more Sony’s doing than Konami’s. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that the Final Fantasy VII probably wouldn’t have happened without them either.

>Kojima is not involved

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>the mentally ill tripnigger is still here

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Siren is dogshit tho, for every good thing it does it does 10 wrong.

It’s kind of a no-brained, considering all the love RE has been getting lately.

Who cares

>he's not dead

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You idiots, this is not PT. This is a whole new Silent Hill game.

You haven't gone and killed yourself yet?


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At this point, if the Kojima ruse cruise actually turned out to be real, I'd fucking buy a PS4, MGS5, Death Stranding, and everything the man ever touches in the future.

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>SH will start getting remakes like RE
this truly is the best timeline

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Didn't look at the full article, huh

>A Silent Hills revival
>by the original SH team
My prostate just imploded.

Oh my fucking god.
He didn't kill himself?

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why can't nintendo ever do anything this based?

Based Sonychads winning another gen.

>New Silent Hill by the original team and an original Kojima project

Best outcome, lads. Xbros and Konami shills btfo

are we going home?

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What article? That shit dont open.

>former team silent
Nah, you have to be fucking kidding me

You realize ANYONE can adopt Caramel as a tripcode and hack his pass to continue the ruse right? its not him.

Konami is untested in the remake department. So, we will see.

We're probably living in the best vidya timeline

A shame that corona will kill us all

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Hey Caramel, good to know you're still here. Not shitposting, I actually enjoy reading your posts.

Yes lad. We're going home.

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>RE success made konami create SH and Square Soft create Parasite Eve
>REmakes make SH and PE return
oh, god, if only...

post ur feet

On relyonhorror. Though it seems to be down right now.
They talk about 2 Silent Hill games. One being the reboot, the other Silent Hills. Sony is apparently currently trying to mend things between Kojima and Konami so they can make it

did caramel kill himself or something? I haven't kept up or seen him in a long time

>literally source: my ass
when will you retards learn?

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You do realize C*r*mel is an autistic gorilla nigger that has been at it for years? I hope to god he killed himself.

For some reason I can't access to relyonhorror site but here is the article

>Our first source, who we’ve come to trust well, indicates that Keiichiro Toyama (director and writer of the original 1999 Silent Hill) and Akira Yamaoka (composer for the majority of the franchise) are also returning alongside Masahiro Ito. The trio will helm a “soft reboot” of the Silent Hill series, possibly just called Silent Hill. SIE Japan Studio, which possibly includes team members from “Project Siren,” the group behind Siren: Blood Curse for the PlayStation 3, will be behind its development in some capacity (either in full or in part). Our source states that this title has been in the works for about a year. Our second source — which has no connection to the first — was aware of Ito’s involvement in a new Silent Hill title and informed us of that information some time ago.

>The second Silent Hill title referenced in previous rumors is still being worked out at the moment, but it’s looking as if it very well could be Silent Hills, Hideo Kojima’s famously canceled title. According to our first source, Sony is working to patch up the relationship between Kojima Productions and Konami in order to resurrect the game due to the amount of buzz and continued demand for it five years after its cancellation; our second source shared this same information with us in the past. We can now report on it with some confidence in its legitimacy.

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Who is Caramel and why is so important?

>Siren director

Anyone have a link to one of the (completed) remakes of PT for PC?

>favourite silent hill
>favourite character
>favourite level
>first silent hill

>Silent Hill 2
>Brookhaven Hospital
>Silent Hill 1

>that main character sperg from The Room or Maria

>Siren: Blood Curse for the PlayStation 3, will be behind its development
Lets hope not the tech part, that game ran at like 15 fps on the ps3.

I'm pretty sure gravity rush 3 will happen at some point


>No new posts
He had a chance with Siren and Siren's gameplay sucks ass, dude never topped Silent Hill.

>3's funhouse

>apartment in 4

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>silent hill 2 first apartments

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i dont like silent hill but expect the best for you anons.

lol just lmao

Are we finally going home bros?

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thanks user

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>Shattered Memories
>Uhhh James I guess
>Apartment in 2
>Shattered Memories

I honestly don't particularly like the series. I've played 1, 2, 3, Downpour and Shattered Memories and the only one I've genuinely enjoyed so far was SM. I'll eventually get around to 4 as well, though I've heard that one is really divisive.
They just aren't fun to play and the only thing the series has going for it is a good story. And only 2 of the games have a story I give a shit about (2 and SM)

It's a series I really want to like more than I do, which is why I keep playing them despite not liking most of them.


If this information is real, then are any of those games seriously supposed to be announced at E3 this year?

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If you don't believe then you don't deserve GR3, so go away

i hope your favourite game gets a good ass sequel

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I.E. Kojima we wont give you funding for another gay ass game unless you do this and play nice.

Stinkykatfaggot, go wait in the sewer where your franchise and waifu belong

I don't know why retards like that jumpscare fest that was PT, but whatever.

post them

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The fuck are you on about? Take your meds, please

based Caramel is the singular light in the abyss that is Yas Forums

good to see you again man

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>two SH games
>one is semi-team-silent with Toyama, Ito, and Yamoka
>second one is vr-shit by Kojima
Sounds like a load of bullshit to be honest, but dusk golem was right with everything about resident evil for the past couple of years

After two games and a shitty smash copy, nobody liked it. Take a hint. It wasn't the vita like Sony thought. The games a boring and trash.


what is Yamaoka doing now. Is he stil in Grasshopper studios or whatever that one hit wonder of a developer was? Has he jumped ships again?

It's hard to believe they would go through all the trouble of getting original team members when they can just make a new game with another team.
Also, sometimes it's better to let legends die, I'm having flashbacks of Shenmue 3.

Sony wins next-gen with a single game again. nice

dude it's a twitter screencap it must be true
there's even a link ffs

Why the FUCK is the DLL for SH2 missing the sh2pc.exe file? Am I stupid or something? The link in the pastebin here seems incomplete or something and I can't get this to run at all.

Attached: silent hill pc guide.png (1300x4947, 2.03M)

Although i am happy that team silent will be back to make a new silent hill, but does this mean it will be PS exclusive? I mean it's still a konami IP, when's the last time they made a game exclusive.
Then again it make sense that Sony would want to make this a PS5 launch title.
IF all of this is real of course but i think rely on horror source is legit.

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Going around the world with his live-performances, mostly

>trip faggot
>twitter screencap
>literally who source
>this thread will reach 500 replies
I wish mods would step up here jesus christ.

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well, the majority of the original team were taken by Kojima when he was doing MGS in Konami and it has became a meme that the only good games were made by team silent (even though there were a lot of shifts in that "team"). So if you want the original fans, then do what the memes tell.

does he travel alone or with Mary Elizabeth McGlynn?

>and hack his pass

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Looks like someone wants the REmake audience..

Last year in my country he was alone, but the year before that they came with McGlynn together, shit was lit

Yes yes yes

I always wanted to go when he visited my country but I hate going to Mexico city

>j is on the death stranding bridge, survive credits, pt system crash screen and metal gear community twitter
what does this even mean? J?