Imagine killing your game with a single patch lmao

imagine killing your game with a single patch lmao

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what happened?

items weigh shit now and will slow you down + make much more noise

imagine not just playing justemutarkov lol

no one cares about your bitcoin miner, shill

That's not even the worst part. They increased the minimum level to access the player market from 5 to 15 so now unless you A) pay $100+ for a higher tier edition that gives you good starting gear, B) stocked up on gear before the patch, or C) get very lucky with raids, you're restricted to the shitty russian jank gear that the NPC dealers sell you
And you can't sell anything valuable you find in a raid even if you do manage to get out

new stamina system is great.
i walked fine with kiba content and 1 full gear player in my bag.
The real pain in the ass comes from the reset of stamina and strength skills


imagine being a newfag to the game then complaining that they're updating it like they always do

t. dumb nigger that started playing in .12 after the twitch hype

So worth uninstalling now?

imagine being a fucking retarded nigger and thinking this universally hated patch is anything but a trainwreck. you're a faggot, kid. you're a reddit tier BSG cocksucking nigger, jesus fuck I'm going to stomp on your fucking neck haha. die faggot yeah I'm stomping on your neck and crushing your windpipe and killing you. you're fucking dead now, I murdered you and I'm going to jerk off on your body. you fucking dumbfuck faggot, get a fucking clue. get fucking real. you retarded nigger.

>Oh no I can't carry 17 tank batteries in my pockets anymore while running a marathon

kys e-sport bandwagon babbie

lmao youre such a dumb nigger. a truly clueless faggot, so im going to let you slide. i could destroy you, and you deserve to be destroyed, so count yourself lucky you dumbfuck faggot.

>patch is hated by the entire playerbase
>includes a straight up bug that is deleting stacks of money right out of player's stash
>Yas Forums defends it
nu-Yas Forums contrarians are so goddamn stupid, legit retards

i started when there were only customs and facto. what's your point?
you really can walk just fine with gear in your back ffs. stop whining, the new stam and weight system is not an issue
what said is true and a bigger problem.

hey faggot, your niggerbrained hyperbole doesn't make for a strong argument


>says he's been playing for a while
>thinks getting to level 15 is any sort of hurdle
exposed. you've been raped, get out

dumb niggers of Yas Forums out in droves today, i'll put you all down

Biggest issue for me is this retarded 15lvl market and shaking camera when you are exhausted.

Skill have always been ass at the least there needs to be a better way to level strength

i was level 30 after a week idiot. i remember the time when i had to lurk at fence to get a fucking factory key.
i have 80M i know how to make money i dont give a flying fuck, still it's pointless, only "gaining time" so people who play regularly take more time levling up. it was handy to gain money fast, this change is shit cause it serves nothing but slowing the start of the game and hurting new players who dont know how to get money quickly.

you talk like a fag

>run resort with only a 5k pistol
>literally no way for big bois to contest you
What the fuck were they thinking? Hatchlings were already a problem

ok retard. go eat your poopoo and watch anime

btw new update from bsg, they're balancing stuff. they will probably continue testing their changes

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>Believing BSG
>Headed by an actual conman who wrote a book on moneygrab games
ok retard

>was 30 to 60
Overweight started at 25, BSG is so incompetent they don't even know their own numbers.

>paraphrasing tweet where they say they already changed a few thing and that they'll continue
>defending the hack that is Nikita
You are seething so hard...

you're a bandwaggon nigger and I bet if yiou played before you wouldn've gone apeshit that they added healing animations you fucking twitch zoomer piece of trash

you're a dumb nigger that can't understand this conversation and I feel embarrassed for having even talked to you, something that is so subhuman that I might as well be talking to a dog

just play hunt showdown instead

youre a delusional faggot that loves russian dick. enjoy your dead game, niggerbrains. also i've been playing since 2016, and also you're gay, and ive raped you

ok retard, continue your chromosome collection, grown persons will talk to you later

Imagine not cheating

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stinky monkey go away
stinky money go and stay

the lvl15 flea market bullshit pisses me off, i finally started to figure the game out, modded my first gun, got good bullets, class 5 armor and helmet, got out of two raids alive with them, now if i lose them i'm stuck with fucking scav guns and shitty lvl1 trader guns.

guess i'm gonna have to farm the shitty trader quests and hope the next levels include decent bullets or else i'm fucked until i hit lvl15.

who thought it would be a good idea? i think they bought into the idea that their game is really hardcore and they just want to make it a fucking nightmare for new players


>hope the next levels include decent bullets
They really don't

Why even play if your cheating unless your making money of RWT?

>unless you A) pay $100+ for a higher tier edition
game gets a spike in popularity and they instantly start trying to get the money wheel rolling

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I hate both Tarkov and BSG, and I like making the sycophantic fanbase suffer


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>who thought it would be a good idea?
People that have played the game for 3 years are upset that they can't mow down level 5's. There are a lot of people that rely on lengthy grinding for juicy gear because they lack technical skill.

so i'm looking at 8 levels of getting my ass kicked by higher levels unless they somehow forget to bring anything higher than a class 2 armor or/and helmet, great, thankfully i didn't pay for this bullshit

Why is it so God Damn hard to find a cheat for this game.

wow you really cracked the case on that one detective faggot

I don't care.
t. hatchet runner

based hatchling

Did they add women?


What is this, a private server for Tarkov?

Bro just play 5 raids with absolute shit gear and ammo that needs 4-5 30rnd mags to kill an armored player bro oh wait more like 50 raids because you can't do shit to players so you'll be dying a lot and getting jack shit xp

>more slowdown, noise, and fatigue for fortniggers
>fortniggers with maxed out stats nullify it with their +50% movepeed anyway
Not good.

In other words, if you're below lvl15, good luck having fun

>that English
ESL monkey detected, probably a Russian.


this is definitely a game that will die because its developers are retarded subhumans and the playerbase is autistic faggots that are also subhumans demanding TACTICAL and REALISM

this. the game has a strong foundation but the devs have proven themselves incompetent and actual scammers

You are basically creating your own private server

it's piss easy, there's a ton of private haxx