I wanna try his haircut

What does Yas Forums think about it ?

Attached: devil-may-cry-5-vergil.jpg (1280x720, 79.18K)

That's not even really a possible haircut

I think you mean 'try his hair style'. You don't just cut your hair and end up with that shit.

Otherwise, I wouldn't do it. He can barely wear it, it would almost certainly look fucking stupid on you.

looks like Rick from rick and morty

yah nigga just put a fistful of gel in and stick your fingy into an electrical outlet lmfao

You need absolutely perfect features to pull this look off.

Not even. Vergil can't even pull it off and he looks like a clown. Even with absolute peak coif, you can't get the Vergil-level lift.

Attached: hudson.hair-CROP-slicked-back.jpg (705x895, 68.33K)

>tfw curly hair
>can't do vidya characters hair

Attached: 23489080925.jpg (600x487, 20.74K)

Dante's hair style is superior and even achievable by a normal guy
Do Carlos from RE3 remake or Miguel from Tekken

The chicken

so straighten it?

Awful advice
Just find a style that suits your facial features.

Sides shaved is great, super comfy.

Tell that to young Billy Idol. He had some crazy ass Vergil hair going on in his youth.

Do you have enough MOTIVATION?

Fades are even better if you can pull it off

do it and post a picture

Is that like Future Trunks type hair

*zoom* *zoom*

depending on how tight the curls are and how long the hair is, this isnt really possible/practical

You really need long hair to pull them off properly.
Kinda but its more of a britbong thing iirc

Yes. The future is mine, old man.

Attached: 1552984251661.jpg (480x452, 11.11K)

>zoom zoom
t. real zoomer

Looking cool Joker

Attached: C152BF81-2E39-4829-B73F-741F1231AFF3-2558-000004D1A8C445FB.jpg (750x849, 71.2K)

>You really need long hair to pull them off properly.
No? I have short curly hair that I sweep to one side with a fade on the sides and back and it looks great.

Issue with DMC5 Vergil's hair is that it looks stupid in itself. It doesn't look like a hair on someone's head, but as a very bad wig. As this user mentioned , young Idol is probably the closest real life example you can get regarding Vergil-like hair working in real life.
In short, Capcom should've went for punk-like style that Idol used to have with Vergil's own hair for 5 because that's the only way in not making it look completely stupid in realistic style.

Attached: billy_idol_greatest_hits.jpg (900x900, 317.37K)

This brings back memories.

Attached: good ol' threads.png (910x906, 529.63K)

I really wish they had went with something more like young Idol, it would've looked so much better than the shit they actually put on Vergil's head in 5.

Even the concept art looks better than 5's hair. It needs to be more wispy and less voluminous, and I honestly think his awful hair in 5 is why people think he looks so weird at times.

Attached: dmc3vs5hair.jpg (1468x690, 236.65K)



I don't think you can even get hair like this irl

My dad has that haircut and I heard my little sister's friends saying he's hot the other day from my room. School girls these day, the whole world's gone to shit.

Attached: IMG_20200309_065125.jpg (750x766, 87.97K)

>and I heard my little sister's friends saying he's hot the other day from my room
I don't see how this is a bad thing.

Or they could've went with completely another style all together. I mean, why not? They already changed his hairstyle in 3 by giving him spiky hair. Why not change it for 5 as well to fit realistic tone better? They already drastically changed Nero as it is to fit the realistic tone better. Would it be so bad if they just gave Vergil something like Rafe Adler had instead? They also had multiple good hairstyles that are still Vergil-like, but more grounded in original concepts as well. Why not use one of those?

jealous ass

My dad is all grey and shit and he still makes girls wet just by talking to them. Not like i'd understand how it works.

Attached: 1582222448095.jpg (1024x572, 111.96K)

School girls are pretty immature and naive they probably like him because he has a trench coat and looks like a bad boy

Nobody liked your trench coat in high school user.

Unpopular opinion: His hair should've been way longer in the first place. Him pulling new clothes out of his ass with haircut that is poor attempt at his hair from 3 was just such a meh. I found it even more stupid in 4's SE. Why the hell is this nigga looking the same 24/7?
I wish Capcom got the idea that they don't need to go for 1:1 look with Vergil with every single game they make. Just because Vergil might get a haircut it doesn't meant that he will stop being Vergil. Trying to recreate one and the same look for him all the time is pretty lame desu.

I didn't have a trench coat in high school

Is Nero's hair achievable natty or will I have to use product

I wanna try this haircut, what do you think?

Attached: file.png (540x394, 321.94K)

I'd need to fuck around with an iron to achieve this and I have no idea how that works.

you need product for 99% of the haircuts you see on the media

Stay away from open flames


>Bump your hair, user. Get heightened. After that, you'll settle the matter.

Attached: vergil.jpg (500x500, 49.4K)

Show Vergil to your barber and ask him, don't ask Yas Forums.

Go to bed Nero

BUMP, haha

It wasn't meant for faggot like you

makes it look like your balding at the front but the hair is thick as soon as it starts which just makes the receded hair line look even worse.

how do you into ren amamiya hair?

You’ll just look like a pathetic incel, just go ahead and do it

When did Yas Forums collectively lose the definition of incel

I don't think it's a hair cut. Isn't it just slick back?

Don't copy a fictional characters haircut, it's never going to look like it

Virgil has a son...

Attached: 1581655640800.jpg (240x240, 7.63K)

Some dyel on Yas Forums did something kinda similar looking

Attached: dio.png (1636x1384, 2.04M)

Once the tumblr/discord crowd started posting.

That was a long time ago

he honestly looks autistic with hair like that NGL

Attached: 1581466253128.jpg (1024x765, 106.3K)

any balding vidya characters?

>From cute boi to overconfident asshole
Every time

That looks awful.

Trying to emulate video game character haircuts/fashion/whatever almost never works. It's the same kind of though process that makes people buy fedoras and trench coats because they think they'll look like Cary Grant.

Attached: Hank Hill Fedora.jpg (550x831, 65.43K)