Would you like it if Zelda became a playable character in Breath of the Wild 2?

Would you like it if Zelda became a playable character in Breath of the Wild 2?

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Yes, but there's no reason to give her the Master Sword. I say she should get her rapier from Hyrule Warriors and have a more dodge-centric fighting style.

Yeah but not as a sword user, but magic user. Maybe 3 or 4 dungeons (out of 9) would require Zelda and her magic while the rest of the game needed Link.

I would like it if she grew her fucking hair back and that Link could finally plough that woman into the next 1000 year timeline

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I would like it if you stopped being a homo.

I recognise that animation, whats this ripping off?


Looks like SAO

>He doesn't like the hottest Zelda

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the main point of her character in botw is that she is a scholar- having her fight with a sword is like george lucas thinking we want to see yoda flipping around in a lightsaber fight

Model is cute, anime fight is gay as fuck

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Lol dungeons in BOTW. That’s a crack pipe dream.

I would not.

sure, but what could she do?, stealth sections?

This choreography makes me unreasonably angry.

She looks like a dyke now. A tumblr kind of dyke at that

This is so fucking cringe to watch

She should become a fuckable character TBQHWYF.

I want to play as Link the whole game, while taking opportunities to train Zelda in swordsmanship for her own protection. At the end of the game, during the final battle with somekindaganon, Link and Zelda fight side by side against him until finally ending the fight by both stabbing somekindaganon in his two magical glowing weak spots simultaneously.

Then sex I guess

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based and redpilled

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>zelda doing melee combat
She was never trained in such. Have her use magic

Only if she is uses some sort of technomancy instead of whatever tf that video is

No, and why the fuck would she be playable? For what purpose?

>generic anime garbage
Why do people like this uncreative crap? It's just capeshit but with a different aesthetic. Why aren't people sick of Mary Sues with ridiculous powers?

No one cares about Zelda dungeons other than nostalgiafag boomers.

fuck off Yas Forumsirgin

>why do people like this

They don't, you knob

Yeah it'd be fine if she was playable, but only if they remember she's not the holder of the triforce of courage and all that implies.

>would you like it if Zelda became a playable character in her own fucking game franchise
yes, after 30yrs I would.

If people didn't enjoy this you wouldn't see these crappy jumping punches in every movie and this flipping around garbage in every action anime

Stupid people unfortunately LOVE this kind of crap

Excuse me

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People don't enjoy it. NPCs are programmed to.

that is the cringiest thing I have ever seen

No, but I would like more porn of her.

Because those powers are often
> not as ridiculous as you think
> attached to characters in shows with better choreographed and animated action sequences than what you get out of western television
> attached to characters in long-running media, allowing for growth over time that movies can't really give


> nobody likes anime but NPCs!
I guess Yas Forums was founded by NPCs then, retard.

As long as they don't make Link/Zelda some annoying AI companion you can switch between, I don't really care

Wow, it's catching on

why are they fighting in the majroa's mask woods?

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Why bother because it feels like no matter how many people cry about wanting Zelda playable in a console game, they'd never truly be satisfied with the end result. Spirit Tracks is the closest we got to her actually being an asset the entire time and she was only capable of that because she didn't even have her own body most of the game. Hyrule Warriors and Tetra aside, Zelda isn't really designed to be out in the fields getting her hands dirty, not even BoTW incarnation. Yeah she finally knows magic, but I doubt she can do much with it since the sequel doesn't seem that far ahead in the future from the first game and besides the Hyrule Castle library there's literally no one else around that can help her refine her abilities.

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> I'm part of the elite few who actually THINK about things.
> most people other than me and maybe a few friends are tasteless retards who don't actually have thoughts or opinions.
> yes, that's the only possible reason people could have opinions that differ from mine.

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I know i've seen this shit before but i can pinpoint where i fucking saw it, fuck

Nah, not really. I'd prefer it if she came along on the journey and helped out, maybe as an archer or slinging some magic at stuff.

I think it was nabbed from a couple different sources, but I might be wrong.

Yes please.

my new girlfriend has a switch so I yoinked that shit to play for a week before animal crossing comes out and she takes it back, I'm trying botw and it's pretty enjoyable, but I really am not a fan of the gyro controls, any way to turn them off?

A playable Zelda should be utilitarian.
Everything about Link's toolset is combat with a bit of traversal. In a case where both of them are present, their pairing should NOT be some lame ass RPG style Fighter&Healer; it should be a pointman and squad support.

Zelda should be an almost pure magic user. Any physical fighting ability should be extremely limited. The few gimmicks Link can do with the Slate, Zelda should be able to conjure up stuff ten times more varied. Could give her a shortbow as a light damaging option, but she should otherwise be focused on summoning objects and interfering with enemies to block them from reaching her and intercept/divide them so Link can take down groups without the two of them being swarmed.

Not really, she was an obnoxious whore who never stopped complaining about her magical erectile dysfunction, yet the game constantly tries to get me to like her and think of her as this "strong woman who's trying her hardest". Screw that, I don't give sympathy to crybaby NPCs. You know what she needed? A tire iron to the face.

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> wants to turn off something that gives actual precision
The game doesn't have aim assist, user, turn off gyro and you'll just miss a lot.

I turned it off and missed absolutely nothing. I hate any control scheme that isn't KBM. "close enough" isn't good enough.

> I hate any control scheme that isn't KBM
That's fair, but you're being buttfuck retarded if you think gyro is no worse than plain sticks.

what do you call this body type

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Pear shaped.

I know it doesn't, but I've yet to run into anything that requires super fast aiming, and in fact, when I'm trying to sneak around and get headshots, or just using abilities, the gyro makes me fling shit all around and I can never get a fucking headshot, or properly magnetize something.

i was able to beat Splatoon without gyro, from start to finish, so I really can't offer anything of praise.

Hope she has a hairy braphole.

The regular campaign is piss easy garbage designed so the retarded ten year old audience had something to do other than get their asses handed to them in low level turf war.
Even the DLC campaign, much less online play, generally expects you to use gyro.

What kind of a spaz are you? I don't really hold the controller perfectly still but when I'm playing a game with gyro it's not hard to hold still until it's time to aim.

>What kind of a spaz are you? I don't really hold the controller perfectly still but when I'm playing a game with gyro it's not hard to hold still until it's time to aim.
It's not hard to hold it still, but it's annoying. I don't like having to swing my switch around and flip it in all kinds of directions just to do basic movements. I like having a basic button setup. No gimmicks.

Imagine if a KBM setup required you to fling you mouse through the air, or tilt your keyboard in a direction just to move.

Please stop posting this cringy garbage

anime was a mistake

> just to do basic movements
The entire purpose of gyro is to do movements that pure sticks otherwise couldn't. Small adjustments and twitch aim. If you use it to do basic movements or fling it around, you're using it wrong.

Literally the only time "So I can look at a hot woman's ass" would be a viable excuse.

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