You can only take one with you into quarantine

you can only take one with you into quarantine

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doom is overrated as shit and im sick of hearing about it


Nioh 2

FF7 Remake

I am waiting for Nioh 2 PC.

Animal Crossing

I take none of that zoomer shit.



>Short le spooki game
>Remake of the most overrated FF
>Ancient rooty tooty point and shooty with a new coat of paint and less satisfying skill ceiling.
Nioh 2 all day.

FF7 remake > re3 remake > doom > nioh 2


FF7R would be the better choice, but Nioh 2 will have a ton more hours so probably Nioh.

Nioh 2 is the most replayable so that

I'll be bringing all but that Final Fantasy shit actually.

Doom is the most excited I've been for a videogame in a long time so that one. Losing RE3 stings though.

Doom Eternal. Rip and tear my way back to health

Doom Eternal for sure
if I can pick only one of any game, I'd pick Bloodborne so I'd be forced to actually beat it

enjoy your 5 hour zoom eternal with no replay value

Laughs in might and magic franchise.


If 7remake is completely finished, then 7remake.
It not, then Nioh 2.

But 7remake will never be finished so who am I kidding.

i feel like i'd get the most satisfaction from doing multiple optimized playthroughs of 3make

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don't like shooters
Nioh has utter dogshit itemization and some korean mmo tier grind

gotta go with FF7 I guess if I really only have to pick from these, not sure why these four mediocre games got picked and Bannerlord didn't

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>Souls Rip off number 4532187999932
>Wan to talk shit

I'd enjoy those 5 hours of Eternal more than playing any of the other 3 for 4 times as long

>zoomer shit for edgy Dark Souls faggots
>uninspired ADD sequel for retards BUT WITH DJENT DUDE LMAO
>soulless remake cashgrab
>soulless remake cashgrab for millenial manchildren BUT WITH AN AUTOBATTLE BUTTON DUDE LMAO

Nah, thanks, I'd rather you killed yourself instead.

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Nioh 2 it is

Nioh 2
I played the first one for a year straight.

Why are you here?

>all this single player trash
Guess I'm reading books in the quarantine

No interest in Nioh or Doom, so it's a toss between R3make and FF7R. I'll probably go with FF7R as it likely as more longevity to it on virtue of being a JRPG. I know R3make will be a blast just like the previous one, but I don't see my first playthrough lasting more than 15- 20 hours.

>No interest in new games, only remakes

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>please give me attention please oh please im begging you: The Post

Probably Nioh 2; I liked the first one and from what I hear this one is the same but now you can waifufag.
I am ambivalent about DEternal.

Multiplayer games are for incels

Nioh 2

>Not choosing based Chadlos and based nuJill.

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You make it sound as if they're new IPs. They are not. Neither are they innovating. I could not give an iota of a fuck about any FPS and Nioh's combat is too slow for a DMC and Platinumfag like me. Don't see the issue.

Suck a cock, shills.

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But I already preordered 3/4

Does ff7 count the whole game or just the first episode?


At least the four games arent afraid of Corona unlike your shitty pipe dream of a game kek

fuck that low test nipshit

>People taking Final Fantasy VIIR when its unfinished

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the whole point is you're in quanatine asshole enjoy staring at the wall for months while I max out squall on disc 1

They aren't wrong, shitposter-kunt.

Nioh 2 will have that post-game endless dungeon thing and the extra difficulty modes like the first game which doubles an already lengthy playtime
A competent person could beat RE3 in a few days, and considering how short the break between RE2 and 3 was, even less if you count the DLCs that were just speedrun tutorials, you'll chew through that in fucking less than a day

Doom 2-2 could be a gamble, I don't know how long the first one was, and I'm sure FF7 despite being a fraction of the original game's story, will still have a bunch of dumb shit you can 100% to get to 60 hours or so.

Nioh 2 is definitely the best bet for sheer hours.

does nioh 2 have proper coop so i can play full story in coop?

>you can only take one
Fuck you, I'll take them all.

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Seethe harder weeb

Final Fantasy VII Remake

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A single sandbox or strategy game on the list would have invalidated all other options I guess. It’s just a matter of what fucking linear campaign driven game with no replay value will entertain you for the longest.

FF7 Remake

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>multiple weapons that fundamentally change the combat
>no replay value

>Nioh has utter dogshit itemization and some korean mmo tier grind
only idiots think this



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Ni-Oh 2 because it would last me a while.
Doom and RE3 are probably really short games you can beat on a weekend and FF7 is just Midgar with a shitton of padding.

eh? he might be exaggerating as people usually do on this site but the grind is quite something in nioh, if you want to do some minmaxing shit that is

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I have tons of anime and I rewatch shit all the time, unfortunately I just got done rewatching One Piece and that would have been the prime candidate for a month of free time, but if I finish everything else I can always play shit in my backlog. I don't need any of those, I only buy games 70-80% off anyway, and only the complete editions, so I won't be buying Nioh2 for a few years until all the DLC and shit is released and bundled for around 20-25 bucks.

>carlos looks good
>jill looks like a man

why can capcoms new engine make attractive men but all the women end up as weird goblins despite having cute face scan models

>dark souls for discord trannies and edgy weebs
>babys first fps which isn't doom anymore
>capcoms yearly cashgrab
>the most overrated piece of shit in gaming history. yet even worse.

No thanks i pass. I take a rubiks cube over that shit.
